[FIX] mail_thread subclasses: message_new() should copy the author_id if one was...
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / crm / crm_phonecall_view.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
6     <!-- Phonecall Categories Form View  -->
7     <record id="crm_phonecall_categ_action" model="ir.actions.act_window">
8         <field name="name">Phonecall Categories</field>
9         <field name="res_model">crm.case.categ</field>
10         <field name="view_type">form</field>
11         <field name="view_id" ref="crm.crm_case_categ_tree-view"/>
12         <field name="domain">[('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.phonecall')]</field>
13         <field name="context" eval="{'object_id': ref('model_crm_phonecall')}"/>
14         <field name="help" type="html">
15           <p class="oe_view_nocontent_create">
16             Click to add a new category.
17           </p><p>
18             Create specific phone call categories to better define the type of
19             calls tracked in the system.
20           </p>
21         </field>
22     </record>
24     <menuitem action="crm_phonecall_categ_action" name="Categories"
25         id="menu_crm_case_phonecall-act" parent="menu_crm_config_phonecall" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
27     <!-- Phonecalls Tree View -->
28     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_phone_tree_view">
29         <field name="name">CRM - Phone Calls Tree</field>
30         <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
31         <field name="arch" type="xml">
32             <tree colors="gray:state in ('cancel','done');blue:state in ('pending',)" string="Phone Calls">
33                 <field name="date"/>
34                 <field name="name"/>
35                 <field name="partner_id"/>
36                 <button string="Meeting"
37                     states="open,pending"
38                     name="action_make_meeting"
39                     icon="gtk-redo"
40                     type="object"/>
41                 <button string="Convert to Opportunity"
42                     type="object"
43                     name="action_button_convert2opportunity"
44                     states="open,pending"
45                     icon="gtk-index"
46                     attrs="{'invisible':[('opportunity_id','!=',False)]}"/>
47                 <field name="partner_phone"/>
48                 <field name="user_id"/>
49                 <field name="categ_id" invisible="1"/>
50                 <field name="create_date" invisible="1"/>
51                 <field name="opportunity_id" invisible="1"/>
52                 <field name="state"/>
53                 <button name="case_open" string="Confirm" type="object"
54                         states="draft,pending" icon="gtk-go-forward"/>
55                 <button name="case_close" string="Held" type="object"
56                         states="open,pending" icon="gtk-jump-to"/>
57                 <button name="case_cancel" string="Cancel" type="object"
58                         states="draft,open,pending" icon="gtk-cancel"/>
59                 <button name="case_reset" string="Reset to Todo" type="object"
60                         states="cancel" icon="gtk-convert"/>
61             </tree>
62         </field>
63     </record>
65     <!-- Phonecalls Form View -->
66     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_phone_form_view">
67         <field name="name">CRM - Phone Call Form</field>
68         <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
69         <field name="arch" type="xml">
70             <form string="Phone Call" version="7.0">
71                 <header>
72                     <button name="case_close" string="Call Done" type="object" class="oe_highlight"
73                             states="open,pending"/>
74                     <button name="case_reset" string="Reset to Todo" type="object"
75                             states="cancel"/>
76                     <button name="case_cancel" string="Cancel" type="object"
77                             states="draft,open,pending"/>
78                     <field name="state" widget="statusbar" nolabel="1" statusbar_visible="open,done"/>
79                 </header>
80                 <sheet string="Phone Call">
81                     <div class="oe_right">
82                         <button string="Convert to Opportunity"
83                             type="object"
84                             name="action_button_convert2opportunity"
85                             attrs="{'invisible':[ '|', ('opportunity_id','!=',False), ('state', 'not in', ('open', 'done'))]}"/>
86                         <button string="Schedule Other Call"
87                                 name="%(phonecall_to_phonecall_act)d"
88                                 type="action"/>
89                         <button string="Schedule a Meeting" name="action_make_meeting" type="object"/>
90                     </div>
91                     <div class="oe_title">
92                         <div class="oe_edit_only">
93                             <label for="name"/>
94                         </div>
95                         <h1><field name="name" required="1"/></h1>
96                         <div class="oe_edit_only">
97                             <label for="partner_phone" string="Phone"/>
98                         </div>
99                         <h2><field name="partner_phone"/></h2>
100                     </div>
102                     <group col="4">
103                         <field name="date"/>
104                         <field name="user_id"/>
105                         <field name="duration" widget="float_time"/>
106                         <field name="section_id" colspan="1" widget="selection"/>
107                         <field name="partner_id" on_change="onchange_partner_id(partner_id)"/>
108                         <field name="email_from" invisible="1"/> <!--not needed because of the chatter, thus invisible, but must be in the view as it's returned by onchange_partner_id()-->
109                         <field name="categ_id" widget="selection"
110                             domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.phonecall')]"/>
111                         <field name="partner_mobile"/>
112                         <field name="priority"/>
113                         <field name="opportunity_id" on_change="on_change_opportunity(opportunity_id)"/>
114                     </group>
115                     <field name="description" placeholder="Description..."/>
116                 </sheet>
117                 <div class="oe_chatter">
118                     <field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers"/>
119                     <field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread"/>
120                 </div>
121             </form>
122         </field>
123     </record>
125     <!--Logged Phonecalls Tree View -->
126     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_inbound_phone_tree_view">
127         <field name="name">CRM - Logged Phone Calls Tree</field>
128         <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
129         <field name="arch" type="xml">
130             <tree string="Phone Calls" editable="top">
131                 <field name="date"/>
132                 <field name="name"/>
133                 <field name="partner_id"
134                     on_change="onchange_partner_id(partner_id)"/>
135                 <field name="partner_phone"
136                     invisible="1"/>
137                 <field name="user_id"/>
138                 <field name="categ_id" widget="selection"
139                     domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.phonecall')]"
140                     invisible="1"/>
141                 <field name="state" invisible="1"/>
142                 <field name="create_date" invisible="1"/>
143                 <field name="opportunity_id" invisible="1" on_change="on_change_opportunity(opportunity_id)"/>
144                 <button string="Schedule Other Call"
145                     icon="terp-call-start"
146                     name="%(phonecall_to_phonecall_act)d"
147                     type="action"/>
148                 <button string="Meeting"
149                      icon="gtk-redo"
150                      name="action_make_meeting" type="object"/>
151                 <button string="Convert to Opportunity"
152                     name="action_button_convert2opportunity"
153                     states="open,pending"
154                     icon="gtk-index"
155                     type="action" attrs="{'invisible':[('opportunity_id','!=',False)]}"/>
156             </tree>
157         </field>
158     </record>
160     <!-- Phonecalls Calendar View -->
161     <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_phone_calendar_view">
162         <field name="name">CRM - Phone Calls Calendar</field>
163         <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
164         <field name="priority" eval="2"/>
165         <field name="arch" type="xml">
166             <calendar string="Phone Calls" date_start="date" color="user_id" date_delay="duration">
167                 <field name="name"/>
168                 <field name="partner_id"/>
169             </calendar>
170         </field>
171     </record>
173     <!-- Phonecalls Search View  -->
174     <record id="view_crm_case_phonecalls_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
175         <field name="name">CRM - Phone Calls Search</field>
176         <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
177         <field name="arch" type="xml">
178             <search string="Search Phonecalls">
179                <field name="name" string="Phonecalls"/>
180                <field name="date"/>
181                <separator/>
182                <filter icon="terp-gtk-go-back-rtl" string="To Do" name="current" domain="[('state','=','open')]"/>
183                <separator/>
184                <filter string="Unassigned Phonecalls" icon="terp-personal-" domain="[('user_id','=',False)]" help="Unassigned Phonecalls"/>
185                <separator/>
186                <filter string="Phone Calls Assigned to Me or My Team(s)" icon="terp-personal+" domain="['|', ('section_id.user_id','=',uid), ('user_id', '=', uid)]"
187                        help="Phone Calls Assigned to the current user or with a team having the current user as team leader"/>
188                <field name="partner_id"/>
189                <field name="user_id"/>
190                <field name="section_id" string="Sales Team"/>
191                <group expand="0" string="Group By...">
192                    <filter string="Partner" icon="terp-partner" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'partner_id'}"/>
193                    <filter string="Responsible" icon="terp-personal" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'user_id'}"/>
194                    <filter string="Creation" icon="terp-go-month" help="Creation Date" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'create_date'}"/>
195                    <filter string="Date" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date'}" help="Date of Call"/>
196                </group>
197            </search>
198         </field>
199     </record>
201     </data>
202 </openerp>