adapter = $adapter; // Utilisation du patron de conception Prototype // pour la création des objets ResultSet $this->resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet(); $this->resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype( new GalerieInfo() ); // Initialisation de l'outil de création de requête $this->sql = new Sql($this->adapter, $this->getTable()); } public function getTable() { return 'gallery'; // Table centrale de la requête } public function select($where = null, $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null) { $select = $this->sql->select() ->columns(array('id', 'name', 'description')) ->join('user', 'gallery.id_user =', array( 'username' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("user.firstname || ' ' || user.lastname") )) ->join('photo', ' = photo.id_gallery', array( 'nb' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('count(') )) ->group(array( 'user.lastname', 'user.firstname', '' )) ->order(array( 'user.lastname', 'user.firstname', '' )); if ($where) { $select->where($where); } if ($order) { $select->order($order); } if ($limit) { $select->limit($limit); } if ($offset) { $select->offset($offset); } // prepare and execute $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); // build result set $resultSet = clone $this->resultSetPrototype; $resultSet->initialize($result); return $resultSet; } public function insert($set) { throw new \Exception('insert is not allowed'); } public function update($set, $where = null) { throw new \Exception('update is not allowed'); } public function delete($where) { throw new \Exception('delete is not allowed'); } public function all() { return $this->select(); } public function one($id) { if ($id === null) { $row = null; } else { $row = $this->select(array('' => (int) $id))->current(); } if (!$row) { throw new \Exception("cannot get row {id: {$id}} in table 'galerie'"); } return $row; } public function any($id) { if ($id === null) { $row = null; } else { $row = $this->select(array('' => (int) $id))->current(); } return $row; } public function all_by_user($id_user) { return $this->select(array('gallery.id_user' => (int) $id_user)); } public function count_all() { $select = $this->sql->select()->columns(array( 'nb' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('count(') )); // prepare and execute $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute()->current(); return $result['nb']; } public function getPartial($start, $length, $tri, $senstri, $filtre) { $where = new Where; $where->like('', "%{$filtre}%"); $where->or; $where->like('gallery.description', "%{$filtre}%"); return $this->select($where, "{$tri} {$senstri}", $length, $start); } }