2007-03-12 cedKERNEL: clean the code
2007-03-12 cedUSERS_LDAP: use ldap sync function
2007-03-10 pinkyBugfixes
2007-03-10 pinkyBugfixes
2007-03-09 cedPURCHASE: fix workflow for purchase with manual invoice...
2007-03-09 cedSTOCK: fix split lot production
2007-03-09 cedHR_TIMESHEET,ACCOUNT: increase size to 256 for analytic...
2007-03-09 cedSTOCK: fix to assigned picking with product consumable...
2007-03-09 cedKERNEL,BASE: fix migration for res_partner_bank and...
2007-03-08 cedKERNEL: fix for compatibility with python2.3
2007-03-08 cedKERNEL; USERS_LDAP: fix for compatibility with python2.3
2007-03-08 cedKERNEL; USERS_LDAP: fix for compatibility with python2.3
2007-03-07 cedUSERS_LDAP: fix when module not installed
2007-03-07 pinkyBetter view for expenses
2007-03-07 pinkyBetter HR Menu
2007-03-07 pinkyAvailabilities
2007-03-07 pinkyContracts availabilities
2007-03-07 pinkyModifs
2007-03-07 pinkyNew module
2007-03-07 pinkyMulti company
2007-03-07 cedUSERS_LDAP,KERNEL: small fix for login and add new...
2007-03-07 cedUSERS_LDAP,KERNEL: small fix for login and add new...
2007-03-07 pinkyModifs timesheet
2007-03-06 pinkyModifs
2007-03-06 pinkyHR modif
2007-03-06 pinkyTimesheet improved
2007-03-06 pinkyTimesheet
2007-03-05 pinkyAdded timesheet improved
2007-03-01 bchbvr adherent number is padded to 27 digits in place...
2007-03-01 bchBVR bugfix :\n before : the bvr adherent number where...
2007-03-01 cedHR_TIMESHEET_PROJECT: use the wright product
2007-02-28 cedKERNEL,CLIENT: add right-click for translate label
2007-02-28 cedPRODUCT: remove intrastat field
2007-02-28 cedACCOUNT: use invoice date for analytic line
2007-02-28 cedHR_EXPENSE: add sequence to lines
2007-02-26 cedACCOUNT,PURCHASE,SALE: move project_id to line.account_...
2007-02-26 cedACCOUNT,PURCHASE,SALE: move project_id to line.account_...
2007-02-26 cedSALE,ACCOUNT,PURCHASE: fix notes in report to wrap...
2007-02-26 cedSALE,ACCOUNT,PURCHASE: fix notes in report to wrap...
2007-02-26 cedACCOUNT: add active field to account analytic view...
2007-02-26 cedACCOUNT: use property_account_tax on on_change_product
2007-02-26 pinkyVery small modifs
2007-02-23 cedKERNEL: add store option to fields function
2007-02-23 cedKERNEL: add store option to fields function
2007-02-23 cedACCOUNT: fix tax compute by journal type
2007-02-23 cedL10N_CH: fix bank_type
2007-02-23 cedACCOUNT: fix call to account.tax.compute
2007-02-23 cedKERNEL: fix where calc for list index out of range...
2007-02-22 cedKERNEL: allow directory for import csv
2007-02-22 cedKERNEL: Fix deleted property and many2one
2007-02-22 cedBASE: prevent recursion in company
2007-02-21 cedMRP: Use company currency for Product Cost Structure
2007-02-21 cedKERNEL: update relate fields
2007-02-21 cedACCOUNT: fix bad commit
2007-02-21 cedSALE: fix workflow error when create invoice from wizard
2007-02-21 cedL10N_CH: add patch bvr regexp for C2C
2007-02-21 cedBASE: improve workflow print
2007-02-20 cedACCOUNT_TAX_INCLUDE: fix right amount in account move...
2007-02-20 cedPRODUCT_EXTENDED: don't use seller price for bom price
2007-02-20 cedREPORT: fix rml translation, translate before eval
2007-02-20 pinkyUID==1 -> acces a tout
2007-02-20 pinkyBugfix
2007-02-20 cedKERNEL: fix property and many2one -> return None if...
2007-02-20 cedHR_TIMESHEET: add general_account to view because it...
2007-02-19 cedPRODUCT_EXTENDED: improve product view
2007-02-19 cedACCOUNT: pay only invoice if not in state draft
2007-02-19 cedBASE: improve copy of res.partner
2007-02-15 cedSTOCK: use tax from sale for invoice
2007-02-15 cedSTOCK-DELIVERY: add wizard invoice_onshipping from...
2007-02-15 cedSALE: Fix cancel invoice and recreate invoice, now...
2007-02-15 cedHR_TIMESHEET: add rounding on report
2007-02-15 cedSUBSCRIPTION: add required to model
2007-02-15 cedACCOUNT: fix debit_get and use better name for value...
2007-02-14 pinkyBugfix: toggle activities in projects. Reactivation...
2007-02-14 pinkyBugfix
2007-02-14 pinkyDefault value with accent charachters fixed
2007-02-14 pinkyDefault value with accent charachters fixed
2007-02-13 cedKERNEL: use 0 instead of False for fix on _fnct_read...
2007-02-13 cedHR_EXPENSE: add domain to analytic_account
2007-02-13 cedMRP: fix dbname in _procure_confirm
2007-02-13 pinkyBugfix invoice from picking
2007-02-11 cedBASE: fix typo in ir_cron
2007-02-09 cedSALE: fix uos for tax_amount
2007-02-09 bchHR: Sign-in Sign-out : bugfix , the user is now not...
2007-02-09 cedBASE: prevent exception in ir_cron
2007-02-08 pinkyRemoved not used fields in the partner search window:
2007-02-08 cedL10N_CH: fix terp for c2c
2007-02-08 cedACCOUNT: add ref to analytic line, HR_TIMESHEET_INVOICE...
2007-02-07 cedfix typo
2007-02-07 cedKERNEL: fix migration and add id to some menuitem
2007-02-07 cedKERNEL: fix migration and add id to some menuitem
2007-02-07 modifsBugfix
2007-02-07 modifsModifs
2007-02-07 pinkyModifs
2007-02-07 cedREPORT: add replace tag for custom header
2007-02-06 pinkyPurchase:
2007-02-06 pinkyPurchase:
2007-02-06 bchBug correct when a delete property is referenced
2007-02-06 cedINVOICE: fix invoice number for analytic
2007-02-05 cedAdd invoice number to analytic line