Updated zf2 submodule and module manager option key
[zf2.biz/galerie.git] / modules /
2011-10-12 Matthew Weier O... Use addRoutes() instead of manually creating routes...
2011-10-10 Evan CouryMore verbose import alias
2011-10-10 Evan CouryUpdate zf2 submoudle and Di configuration
2011-10-07 Evan CouryUpdate for new Zend\Di and Zend\Code stuff
2011-10-02 Evan CouryMore verybose name for module manager options in config...
2011-10-01 Evan CouryUpdate to use new view convenience API
2011-09-30 Evan CouryAdd .gitignore to ignore user-added modules
2011-09-30 Evan CourySmall view tweaks, gitignore update, and error phtml...
2011-09-30 Evan CouryInitial skeleton in place with ZF2 submodule pointed...