.TH openerp_server 1 .SH NAME openerp_server \- Server for OpenERP .SH SYNOPSIS .B openerp_server.py [options] .SH DESCRIPTION OpenERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management software package. It is developed to meet changing needs. The main functional features are: CRM and SRM, analytic and financial accounting, double-entry stock management, sales and purchases management, tasks automation, a help desk, marketing campaigns, and vertical modules for very specific businesses. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and a NET-RPC and XML-RPC interface. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Print this help message and exit. .TP .B \-\-version Print the program's version number and exit. .TP .B \-c \fIFILE\fB, \-\-config=\fIFILE\fB Specify an alternate config file. By default, openerp server uses ~/.openerp_serverrc .TP .B \-s, \-\-save Save the configuration to ~/.openerp_serverrc. By default, the options given on the command line are not saved. .TP .B \-p \fIPORT\fB, \-\-port=\fIPORT\fB Specify the TCP port the server should use. By default, the server uses the port 8069. .TP .B \-\-interface=\fIINTERFACE\fB Specify the network interface the server should be bound to. You probably want to set it to the IP address of the computer. By default, the server is bound to 'localhost' and thus can only accept connections from clients on the same computer. .TP .B \-d \fIDATABASE\fB, --database=\fIDATABASE\fB Specify the database name (default terp). .TP .B \-i \fIMODULE\fB, \-\-init=\fIMODULE\fB Initialize a module (use "all" for all modules). \fBWarning:\fR this will erase the data concerning that module! .TP .B \-u \fIMODULE\fB, \-\-update=\fIMODULE\fB Update a module (use "all" for all modules). .TP .B \-\-price_accuracy=\fIPRICE_ACCURACY\fB Specify the price accuracy. .TP .B \-v, \-\-verbose Enable verbose mode. .SH INTERNATIONALISATION OPTIONS Use these options to translate OpenERP in another language. See the i18n section of the user manual. Option '-l' is mandatory. .TP .B \-l \fILANGUAGE\fB, --language=\fILANGUAGE\fB Specify the language of the translation file. Use this option in combination with --i18n-export or --i18n-import. .TP .B \-\-i18n-export=\fIFILEPATH\fB Export all sentences to be translated to \fIFILEPATH\fR. .TP .B \-\-i18n-import=\fIFILEPATH\fB Import the CSV file at \fIFILEPATH\fR. It should contain the translations for the language specified with the \fI-l\fR option. .SH FILES ~/.openerp_serverrc .SH AUTHORS OpenERP is a product of \fBTiny.be\fR (\fIhttp://www.tiny.be\fR) .SH SEE ALSO openerp_serverrc(5) openerp(1) .br \fIhttp://www.openerp.com\fR : OpenERP functional description