List View ========= Editable list view ------------------ List view edition is an extension to the base listview providing the capability of inline record edition by delegating to an embedded form view. .. todo:: cleanup options and settings for editability configuration. Right now there are: ``defaults.editable`` ``null``, ``"top"`` or ``"bottom"``, generally broken and useless ``context.set_editable`` forces ``options.editable`` to ``"bottom"`` ``view.arch.attrs.editable`` same as ``defaults.editable``, but applied separately (after reloading the view), if absent delegates to ``options.editable`` which may have been set previously. ``options.read_only`` worthless shit added by niv in the listview directly (wtf?) .. note:: can probably be replaced by cancelling ``edit:before`` and :js:func:`~openerp.web.ListView.set_editable` which ultimately behaves weird-as-fuck-ly. The editable list view module adds a number of methods to the list view, on top of implementing the :js:class:`EditorDelegate` protocol: Interaction Methods +++++++++++++++++++ .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.ensureSaved Attempts to resolve the pending edition, if any, by saving the edited row's current state. :returns: delegate resolving to all editions having been saved, or rejected if a pending edition could not be saved (e.g. validation failure) .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.startEdition([record]) Starts editing the provided record inline, through an overlay form view of editable fields in the record. If no record is provided, creates a new one according to the editability configuration of the list view. This method resolves any pending edition when invoked, before starting a new edition. :type record: :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Record` :returns: delegate to the form used for the edition .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.saveEdition Resolves the pending edition. :returns: delegate to the save being completed, resolves to an object with two attributes ``created`` (flag indicating whether the saved record was just created or was updated) and ``record`` the reloaded record having been edited. .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.cancelEdition Cancels pending edition, cleans up the list view in case of creation (removes the empty record being created). Utility Methods +++++++++++++++ .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.getCellsFor(row) Extracts the cells from a listview row, and puts them in a {fieldname: cell} mapping for analysis and manipulation. :param jQuery row: :rtype: Object .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.withEvent(event_name, event, action[, args][, trigger_params]) Executes ``action`` in the context of the view's editor, bracketing it with cancellable event signals. :param String event_name: base name for the bracketing event, will be postfixed by ``:before`` and ``:after`` before being called (respectively before and after ``action`` is executed) :param Object event: object passed to the ``:before`` event handlers. :param Function action: function called with the view's editor as its ``this``. May return a deferred. :param Array args: arguments passed to ``action`` :param Array trigger_params: arguments passed to the ``:after`` event handler alongside the results of ``action`` Behavioral Customizations +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. js:function:: openerp.web.ListView.handleOnWrite(record) Implements the handling of the ``onwrite`` listview attribute: calls the RPC methods specified by ``@onwrite``, and if that method returns an array of ids loads or reloads the records corresponding to those ids. :param record: record being written having triggered the ``onwrite`` callback :type record: openerp.web.list.Record :returns: deferred to all reloadings being done Events ++++++ For simpler interactions by/with external users of the listview, the view provides a number of dedicated events to its lifecycle. .. note:: if an event is defined as *cancellable*, it means its first parameter is an object on which the ``cancel`` attribute can be set. If the ``cancel`` attribute is set, the view will abort its current behavior as soon as possible, and rollback any state modification. ``edit:before`` *cancellable* Invoked before the list view starts editing a record. Provided with an event object with a single property ``record``, holding the attributes of the record being edited (``record`` is empty *but not null* for a new record) ``edit:after`` Invoked after the list view has gone into an edition state, provided with the attributes of the record being edited (see ``edit:before``) as first parameter and the form used for the edition as second parameter. ``save:before`` *cancellable* Invoked right before saving a pending edition, provided with an event object holding the listview's editor (``editor``) and the edition form (``form``) ``save:after`` Invoked after a save has been completed ``cancel:before`` *cancellable* Invoked before cancelling a pending edition, provided with the same information as ``save:before``. ``cancel:after`` Invoked after a pending edition has been cancelled. Editor ------ The list-edition modules does not generally interact with the embedded formview, delegating instead to its :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Editor`. .. js:class:: openerp.web.list.Editor(parent[, options]) The editor object provides a more convenient interface to form views, and simplifies the usage of form views for semi-arbitrary edition of stuff. However, the editor does *not* task itself with being internally consistent at this point: calling e.g. :js:func:`~openerp.web.list.Editor.edit` multiple times in a row without saving or cancelling each edit is undefined. :param parent: :type parent: :js:class:`~openerp.web.Widget` :param EditorOptions options: .. js:function:: openerp.web.list.Editor.isEditing Indicates whether the editor is currently in the process of providing edition for a field. :rtype: Boolean .. js:function:: openerp.web.list.Editor.edit(record, configureField) Loads the provided record into the internal form view and displays the form view. Will also attempt to focus the first visible field of the form view. :param Object record: record to load into the form view (key:value mapping similar to the result of a ``read``) :param configureField: function called with each field of the form view right after the form is displayed, lets whoever called this method do some last-minute configuration of form fields. :type configureField: Function :returns: jQuery delegate to the form object .. js:function:: Attempts to save the internal form, then hide it :returns: delegate to the record under edition (with ``id`` added for a creation). The record is not updated from when it was passed in, aside from the ``id`` attribute. .. js:function:: openerp.web.list.Editor.cancel Attemps to cancel the edition of the internal form, then hide the form :returns: delegate to the record under edition .. js:class:: EditorOptions .. js:attribute:: EditorOptions.formView Form view (sub)-class to instantiate and delegate edition to. By default, :js:class:`~openerp.web.FormView` .. js:attribute:: EditorOptions.delegate Object used to get various bits of information about how to display stuff. By default, uses the editor's parent widget. See :js:class:`EditorDelegate` for the methods and attributes to provide. .. js:class:: EditorDelegate Informal protocol defining the methods and attributes expected of the :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Editor`'s delegate. .. js:attribute:: EditorDelegate.dataset The dataset passed to the form view to synchronize the form view and the outer widget. .. js:function:: EditorDelegate.editionView(editor) Called by the :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Editor` object to get a form view (JSON) to pass along to the form view it created. The result should be a valid form view, see :doc:`Form Notes ` for various peculiarities of the form view format. :param editor: editor object asking for the view :type editor: :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Editor` :returns: form view :rtype: Object .. js:function:: EditorDelegate.isPrependOnCreate By default, the :js:class:`~openerp.web.list.Editor` will append the ids of newly created records to the :js:attr:`EditorDelegate.dataset`. If this method returns ``true``, it will prepend these ids instead. :returns: whether new records should be prepended to the dataset (instead of appended) :rtype: Boolean Changes from 6.1 ---------------- * The editable listview behavior has been rewritten pretty much from scratch, any code touching on editability will have to be modified * The overloading of :js:class:`~openerp.web.ListView.Groups` and :js:class:`~openerp.web.ListView.List` for editability has been drastically simplified, and most of the behavior has been moved to the list view itself. Only :js:function:`~openerp.web.ListView.List.edit_record` remains from the methods previously added, and only :js:function:`~openerp.web.ListView.List.row_clicked` and :js:function:`~openerp.web.ListView.List.init` are still overridden.