Source: openerp Section: net Priority: optional Maintainer: OpenERP SA Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), python, rsync Standards-Version: 3.9.1 Homepage: Vcs-Bzr: Package: openerp Section: net Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, adduser, python, postgresql-client, python-dateutil, python-decorator, python-docutils, python-feedparser, python-gdata, python-imaging, python-jinja2, python-ldap, python-libxslt1, python-lxml, python-mako, python-mock, python-openid, python-passlib, python-psutil, python-psycopg2, python-pybabel, python-pychart, python-pydot, python-pyparsing, python-pypdf, python-reportlab, python-requests, python-simplejson, python-tz, python-unittest2, python-vatnumber, python-vobject, python-webdav, python-werkzeug, python-xlwt, python-yaml, python-zsi Conflicts: tinyerp-server, openerp-server, openerp-web Replaces: tinyerp-server, openerp-server, openerp-web Recommends: antiword, graphviz, ghostscript, postgresql, python-gevent, poppler-utils Description: OpenERP Enterprise Resource Management OpenERP, previously known as TinyERP, is a complete ERP and CRM. The main features are accounting (analytic and financial), stock management, sales and purchases management, tasks automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS, etc. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and an XML-RPC interface.