- In order to test the wiki in OpenERP, I create a new wiki group on Select Display Method Tree - !record {model: wiki.groups, id: wiki_groups_wikigrouptest0}: method: tree name: Wiki Group Test notes: I can Generate New Group for Select Display method = Tree. - Now I will create new wikipage and assign Group test to this page - !record {model: wiki.wiki, id: wiki_wiki_openerpwikiediting0}: group_id: wiki.wiki_groups_wikigrouptest0 name: OpenERP Wiki Test section: '1.1' text_area: '=The Open ERP wiki= The Open ERP wiki allows you to manage your enterprise contents using wiki restructured texts. This module provides a collaborative way to manage internal FAQs, quality manuals, technical references, etc. ' - I create Index on this current page by clicking on "Create Index" wizard - !python {model: wiki.make.index}: | self.wiki_do_index(cr, uid, [1], {"active_model": "wiki.wiki", "active_ids": [ref("wiki_wiki_openerpwikiediting0")], "tz": False, "active_id": ref("wiki_wiki_openerpwikiediting0"), }) - Now I will update the wikipage with other text - !record {model: wiki.wiki, id: wiki_wiki_openerpwikiediting0}: text_area: '=The Open ERP wiki= The Open ERP wiki allows you to manage your enterprise contents using wiki restructured texts. This module provides a collaborative way to manage internal FAQs, quality manuals, technical references, etc. Wiki text can easily be edited ' - I check the page history for the current page by clicking on "Page History".After that find difference between history. - !python {model: wizard.wiki.history.show_diff}: | hist_obj = model.pool.get('wiki.wiki.history') ids = hist_obj.search(cr, uid, [('wiki_id', '=', ref("wiki_wiki_openerpwikiediting0"))]) model.get_diff(cr, uid, {'active_ids': ids[:] }) - I create a new wiki group on the Given Home Page - !record {model: wiki.groups, id: wiki_groups_wikigroupediting0}: name: Wiki Group Editing home: wiki.wiki_wiki_quickstart0 - I Open the page for click on "Open Wiki Page" button. - !python {model: wiki.groups}: | self.open_wiki_page(cr, uid, [ref("wiki_groups_wikigroupediting0")], context) - In order to create a menu I will create wizard data - !record {model: wiki.groups, id: wiki.wiki_groups_wikiformatting0}: home: wiki.wiki_wiki_main - I create a Menu by clicking on "create menu" button. - !record {model: wiki.create.menu, id: wiki_create_menu_0}: menu_name: Wiki Test menu menu_parent_id: base.menu_base_partner - I fill in the form and create the menu - !python {model: wiki.create.menu}: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, []) self.wiki_menu_create(cr, uid, ids, context)