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0.2)) margin: 0 auto h1.text-muted, h2.text-muted, h3.text-muted margin-top: 10px /* ----- BOOTSTRAP HACK FOR HEADER NAV BAR ----- */ .navbar.navbar-static-top margin-bottom: 0 ul.nav > li.divider margin-top: 15px padding-top: 20px border-right: 1px solid grey /* ----- BOOTSTRAP HACK FOR STICKY FOOTER ----- */ html,body, #wrapwrap +box-sizing(border-box) height: 100% #wrapwrap display: table width: 100% header, main, footer display: table-row footer height: 100% background: rgb(239, 248, 248) background: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.1) #footer_container padding-top: 24px padding-bottom: 12px /* ----- BOOTSTRAP FIX ----- */ .col-md-12 float: left width: 100% .row min-height: 32px /* ---- HACK FOR COVERING UP CK EDITOR BOGUS P INSERTION --- */ .oe_structure.oe_editable.oe_empty:empty, .oe_editable[data-oe-type=html]:empty, .oe_structure.oe_editable.oe_empty > .oe_drop_zone.oe_insert:only-child, [data-oe-type=html] > .oe_drop_zone.oe_insert:only-child background-image: 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.oe_drop_zone.oe_insert:only-child:before, [data-oe-type=html] > .oe_drop_zone.oe_insert:only-child:before content: 'Drag Building Blocks Here' .css_editable_display display: none /* ---- HACK FOR COVERING UP CK EDITOR BOGUS P INSERTION --- */ .navbar .nav > li > p margin-bottom: 0px // .navbar .nav > li a // text-shadow: none // .nav > li a // display: block /* ---- HOMEPAGE THEME CUSTOMIZATION ---- */ .nav-hierarchy padding-left: 16px #themes-list .well padding: 0 0 20px 0 /* -- Hack for removing double scrollbar from mobile preview -- */ div#mobile-preview.modal overflow: hidden overflow-y: hidden ul.nav-stacked > li > a padding: 2px 15px #customize-menu .dropdown-header text-transform: uppercase /* ---- PUBLISH ---- */ .css_published .btn-danger, .css_publish display: none .css_unpublished .btn-success, .css_unpublish display: none [data-publish='off'] +opacity(0.5) /* ---- END of PUBLISH ---- */ @include selection background: rgba(150, 150, 220, 0.3) .logo-img width: 220px 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