@charset "utf-8" /* * THIS CSS FILE IS FOR WEBSITE THEMING CUSTOMIZATION ONLY * * css for editor buttons, openerp widget included in the website and other * stuff must go to the editor.css * */ /* ----- GENERIC LAYOUTING HELPERS ---- */ /* Theming pagination inside navbar */ .navbar-inner > .pagination margin: 6px 0 ul position: relative top: 2px border: solid 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05) border-radius: 8px /* ---- HOMEPAGE THEME CUSTOMIZATION ---- */ .subheader letter-spacing: 3px font-weight: 300 .dark background: rgb(239, 248, 248) padding: 64px h5 font-weight: bold #myCarousel .item min-height: 300px color: white .thumbnail background: white .navbar .nav > li a float: none padding: 15px 15px 15px color: #ffffff text-decoration: none text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #2c3e50