- Only stock manager can change the price and update stock of products, so let's check data with giving the access rights of manager - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_manager' - I update the price of the 15” LCD Monitor. - !python {model: stock.change.standard.price}: | context.update({'active_model':'product.product', 'active_id': ref('product_product_6'), 'active_ids':[ref('product_product_6')]}) - !record {model: stock.change.standard.price, id: change_price}: new_price: 1500 - !python {model: stock.change.standard.price}: | self.change_price(cr, uid, [ref('change_price')], context=context) - I check price of 15” LCD Monitor after update price. - !python {model: product.product}: | product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product_product_6'), context=context) assert product.standard_price == 1500, "Price is not updated." - I update the current stock of the 15” LCD Monitor with 10 unit in stock location shop1 in lot0. - !record {model: stock.change.product.qty, id: change_qty}: location_id: location_monitor_small new_quantity: 10 product_id: product_product_6 prodlot_id: lot_monitor_1 - !python {model: stock.change.product.qty}: | self.change_product_qty(cr, uid, [ref('change_qty')], context=context) - I check available stock of 15” LCD Monitor after update stock. - !python {model: product.product}: | product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product_product_6'), context=context) assert product.qty_available == 10, "Stock is not updated." - Stock user can merge inventory, so let's check data with giving the access rights of user. - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_user' - I merge inventory. - !python {model: stock.inventory.merge }: | context.update({'active_model': 'stock.inventory', 'active_id': ref('stock_inventory_0'), 'active_ids': [ref('stock_inventory_0')]}) - !record {model: stock.inventory.merge, id: merge_inventory}: - !python {model: stock.inventory.merge }: | self.do_merge(cr, uid, [ref('merge_inventory')], context=context) - Only stock manager cancelled inventory, so let's check data with giving the access rights of manager - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_manager' - I cancel inventory. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | self.action_cancel_inventory(cr, uid, [ref('stock_inventory_0')]) - stock user can reset inventory, so let's check data with giving the access rights of user - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_user' - I reset to draft inventory. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | self.action_cancel_draft(cr, uid, [ref('stock_inventory_0')]) - I confirm physical inventory of 15” LCD Monitor which are came in different lots. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref('stock_inventory_0')], context=context) - I check move details after confirmed physical inventory. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | inventory = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('stock_inventory_0'), context=context) assert len(inventory.move_ids) == len(inventory.inventory_line_id), "moves are not correspond." for move_line in inventory.move_ids: for line in inventory.inventory_line_id: if move_line.product_id.id == line.product_id.id and move_line.prodlot_id.id == line.prod_lot_id.id: location_id = line.product_id.property_stock_inventory.id assert move_line.product_qty == line.product_qty, "Qty is not correspond." assert move_line.product_uom.id == line.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond." assert move_line.date == inventory.date, "Date is not correspond." assert move_line.location_id.id == location_id, "Source location is not correspond." assert move_line.location_dest_id.id == line.location_id.id, "Destination location is not correspond." assert move_line.state == 'confirmed', "Move is not confirmed." - I split inventory line. - !python {model: stock.inventory.line.split}: | context.update({'active_model': 'stock.inventory.line', 'active_id': ref('stock_inventory_line_3'), 'active_ids': [ref('stock_inventory_line_3')]}) - !record {model: stock.inventory.line.split, id: split_inventory_lot0}: use_exist: True line_exist_ids: - quantity: 6 prodlot_id: lot_monitor_0 - quantity: 4 prodlot_id: lot_monitor_0 - !python {model: stock.inventory.line.split }: | self.split_lot(cr, uid, [ref('split_inventory_lot0')], context=context) - I fill inventory line. - !python {model: stock.fill.inventory}: | context.update({'active_model': 'stock.inventory', 'active_id': ref('stock_inventory_0'), 'active_ids': [ref('stock_inventory_0')]}) - !record {model: stock.fill.inventory, id: fill_inventory}: location_id: location_monitor recursive: True - !python {model: stock.fill.inventory }: | self.fill_inventory(cr, uid, [ref('fill_inventory')], context=context) - Now I check vitual stock of 15” LCD Monitor after confirmed physical inventory. - !python {model: product.product}: | product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product_product_6'), context=context) assert product.virtual_available == 100, "Vitual stock is not updated." - Only stock manager can close physical inventory, so let's check data with giving the access rights of manager - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_manager' - I close physical inventory of 15” LCD Monitor. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | self.action_done(cr, uid, [ref('stock_inventory_0')], context=context) - Stock user can check closed move and real stock, so let's check data with giving the access rights of user - !context uid: 'res_users_stock_user' - I check closed move and real stock of 15” LCD Monitor after closed physical inventory. - !python {model: stock.inventory}: | inventory = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('stock_inventory_0'), context=context) assert inventory.state == 'done', "inventory is not closed." for move_line in inventory.move_ids: assert move_line.state == 'done', "Move is not closed." product = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, ref('product_product_6'), context=context) product.qty_available == 100, "Real stock is not updated." - I check stock in lot. - !python {model: stock.production.lot}: | lot = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('lot_monitor_0'), context=context) assert lot.stock_available == 50, "Stock in lot is not correspond."