# Mongolian translation for openobject-addons # Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012 # This file is distributed under the same license as the openobject-addons package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: openobject-addons\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-08 00:37+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-11 03:11+0000\n" "Last-Translator: gobi \n" "Language-Team: Mongolian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-10-30 05:17+0000\n" "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16206)\n" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:project_timesheet.action_project_timesheet_bill_task msgid "" "You will find here all works made on tasks that you can invoice.\n" "In order to invoice the time spent on a project, you must define the\n" "pricelist and the field 'Invoice Task Work' on the tab 'Billing' of\n" "the project form." msgstr "" "Нэхэмжилж болох даалгаврууд дээр хийсэн ажлыг та энд харна.\n" "Даалгавар дээр зарцууслан хугацааг нэхэмжлэхийн тулд үнийн хүснэгтийг " "тодорхойлох ёстой бөгөөд төслийн формын 'Төлбөр, тооцоо' хавтас дээр " "нэхэмжлэх даалгавруудыг тохируулах ёстой." #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:55 #, python-format msgid "No employee defined for user \"%s\". You must create one." msgstr "" "\"%s\" хэрэглэгчид ажилчин тодохойлогдоогүй байна. Тодорхойлох хэрэгтэй." #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:63 #, python-format msgid "" "No journal defined on the related employee.\n" "Fill in the timesheet tab of the employee form." msgstr "" "Холбогдох ажилтанд журнал тодорхойлогдоогүй байна.\n" "Ажилтны формын цагийн хуудас хавтасыг бөглө." #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,name:project_timesheet.process_node_timesheettask0 msgid "Timesheet task" msgstr "Цагийн хуудсын даалгавар" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Group by year of date" msgstr "Жилийн өдрөөр бүлэглэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Task Hours in current month" msgstr "Энэ сар дахь даалгаврын цаг" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:project.task:0 msgid "Error ! Task end-date must be greater then task start-date" msgstr "" "Алдаа ! Даалгаврын дуусах хугацаа нь эхлэх хугацаанаасаа хойно байх ёстой" #. module: project_timesheet #: field:project.task.work,hr_analytic_timesheet_id:0 msgid "Related Timeline Id" msgstr "Холбогдох Цагийн Шугамын ID" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Tasks by User" msgstr "Даалгавар Хэрэглэгчээр" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_project_task_work msgid "Project Task Work" msgstr "Төслийн Даалгаврын Ажил" #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:231 #, python-format msgid "" "You cannot delete a partner which is assigned to project, we suggest you to " "uncheck the active box!" msgstr "" "Та төсөлд оноогдсон харилцагчийг устгах боломжгүй, тиймээс идэвхтэй " "тэмдэглэгээг арилгахыг зөвлөе!" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Group By..." msgstr "Бүлэглэх..." #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,note:project_timesheet.process_node_triggerinvoice0 msgid "Trigger invoices from sale order lines" msgstr "Борлуулалтын захиалгын мөрөөс нэхэмжлэх үүсгэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "October" msgstr "10-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Timesheet/Task hours Report Per Month" msgstr "Цагийн хуудас/Даалгавар цагийн тайлан сарын хэмжээнд" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:project.project:0 msgid "Billable" msgstr "Нэхэмжлэх боломжтой" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:project_timesheet.action_account_analytic_overdue msgid "" "You will find here the contracts related to your customer projects in order " "to track the invoicing progress." msgstr "" "Энд захиалагчийн төсөлтэй холбогдсон гэрээнүүдийг харах болно. Энэ нь " "нэхэмжлэх явцыг зөвх хянахад туслана." #. module: project_timesheet #: view:account.analytic.line:0 msgid "Analytic account/project" msgstr "Шинжилгээний данс/төсөл" #. module: project_timesheet #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,task_hrs:0 msgid "Task Hours" msgstr "Даалгаврын цагууд" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,year:0 msgid "Year" msgstr "Он" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:project.project:0 msgid "Error! project start-date must be lower then project end-date." msgstr "Алдаа! төслийн эхлэх огноо дуусах огноогоос бага байх ёстой." #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:project_timesheet.action_account_analytic_overdue msgid "Customer Projects" msgstr "Захиалагчийн төслууд" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_account_analytic_line msgid "Analytic Line" msgstr "Шинжилгээний мөр" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "August" msgstr "8-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,name:project_timesheet.process_transition_taskinvoice0 msgid "Task invoice" msgstr "Даалгаврын нэхэмжлэл" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,name:project_timesheet.process_node_taskwork0 msgid "Task Work" msgstr "Даалгаврын ажил" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "May" msgstr "5-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:project.task:0 msgid "Error ! You cannot create recursive tasks." msgstr "Алдаа ! Та рекурсив цэс үүсгэж болохгүй!" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_project_working_hours msgid "Timesheet Lines" msgstr "Цагийн хуудсын мөрүүд" #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:231 #, python-format msgid "Invalid action !" msgstr "Алдаатай үйлдэл !" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:project.project:0 msgid "Billable Project" msgstr "Нэхэмжлэх боломжтой Төсөл" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_invoicing_contracts msgid "Contracts to Renew" msgstr "Шинэчлэх Гэрээнүүд" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_hr_timesheet_sign_in msgid "Sign in / Sign out by project" msgstr "Орох/Гарах үйлдлийг төслөөр харах" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Group by month of date" msgstr "Огнооны сараар бүлэглэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_project_task msgid "Task" msgstr "Даалгавар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_project_billing_line msgid "Invoice Tasks Work" msgstr "Даалгаврын Ажлыг Нэхэмжлэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,user_id:0 msgid "User" msgstr "Хэрэглэгч" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:project.project:0 msgid "Error! You cannot assign escalation to the same project!" msgstr "Алдаа! Ижил төсөлд томруулалтыг олгох боломжгүй." #. module: project_timesheet #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,name:0 msgid "Date" msgstr "Огноо" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "July" msgstr "7-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,note:project_timesheet.process_node_timesheettask0 msgid "Complete Your Timesheet." msgstr "Цагийн Хуудсаа Гүйцээ" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Task Hours in current year" msgstr "Энэ жилийн даалгаврын цаг" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:project.project:0 msgid "Customer" msgstr "Захиалагч" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,note:project_timesheet.process_node_taskwork0 msgid "Work on task" msgstr "Даалгавар дахь ажил" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "February" msgstr "2-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:project_timesheet.action_project_timesheet_bill_task msgid "Bill Tasks Works" msgstr "Даалгаврын ажлуудын тооцоо" #. module: project_timesheet #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,timesheet_hrs:0 msgid "Timesheet Hours" msgstr "Цагийн хуудас дахь цагууд" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,name:project_timesheet.process_transition_taskencoding0 msgid "Task encoding" msgstr "Даалгаврыг шивнэ үү" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,note:project_timesheet.process_transition_filltimesheet0 msgid "Task summary is comes into the timesheet line" msgstr "Даалгаврын товчоо нь цагийн хуудсын мөр рүү очдог." #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "January" msgstr "1-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.node,name:project_timesheet.process_node_triggerinvoice0 msgid "Trigger Invoice" msgstr "Нэхэмжлэлийг Үүсгэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "November" msgstr "11-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Task hours of last month" msgstr "Өнгөрсөн сарын ажлын цагууд" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "March" msgstr "3-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_project_project msgid "Project" msgstr "Төсөл" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "April" msgstr "4-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:project.project:0 msgid "Invoicing Data" msgstr "Нэхэмжлэх өгөгдөл" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,note:project_timesheet.process_transition_taskencoding0 msgid "Encode how much time u spent on your task" msgstr "Өөрийн даалгавар дээр хичнээн цаг зарцуулснаа оруулна уу" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_res_partner msgid "Partner" msgstr "Харилцагч" #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:247 #, python-format msgid "Invalid Analytic Account !" msgstr "Буруу Шинжилгээний Данс !" #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:59 #, python-format msgid "" "No product defined on the related employee.\n" "Fill in the timesheet tab of the employee form." msgstr "" "Холбогдох ажилтан дээр бараа тодорхойлогдоогүй байна.\n" "Ажилтны формын цагийн хуудас хавтас дээр бөглөнө үү." #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:54 #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:58 #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:62 #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:69 #, python-format msgid "Bad Configuration !" msgstr "Буруу Тохиргоо !" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_project_billing msgid "Invoicing" msgstr "Нэхэмжлэл" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:res.partner:0 msgid "Error ! You cannot create recursive associated members." msgstr "Алдаа ! Рекурсив холбогдсон гишүүдийг үүсгэх боломжгүй." #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:247 #, python-format msgid "" "You cannot select a Analytic Account which is in Close or Cancelled state" msgstr "" "Хаагдсан эсвэл Цуцлагдсан төлөвтэй Шинжилгээний Дансыг сонгох боломжгүй" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid " Month-1 " msgstr " Сар-1 " #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "September" msgstr "9-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "December" msgstr "12-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,note:project_timesheet.process_transition_taskinvoice0 msgid "After task is completed, Create its invoice." msgstr "Даалгавар дуусмагц харгалзах нэхэмжлэл үүсгэнэ." #. module: project_timesheet #: selection:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "June" msgstr "6-р сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.model,name:project_timesheet.model_report_timesheet_task_user msgid "report.timesheet.task.user" msgstr "report.timesheet.task.user" #. module: project_timesheet #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 #: field:report.timesheet.task.user,month:0 msgid "Month" msgstr "Сар" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_act_project_management_timesheet_sheet_form msgid "My Timesheet" msgstr "Өөрийн цагийн хуудас" #. module: project_timesheet #: constraint:account.analytic.line:0 msgid "You can not create analytic line on view account." msgstr "Харагдац төрлийн данс дээр шинжилгээний мөрийг үүсгэх боломжгүй." #. module: project_timesheet #: view:project.project:0 msgid "Invoice Task Work" msgstr "Даалгаврын Ажлыг Нэхэмжлэх" #. module: project_timesheet #: code:addons/project_timesheet/project_timesheet.py:70 #, python-format msgid "" "No product and product category property account defined on the related " "employee.\n" "Fill in the timesheet tab of the employee form." msgstr "" "Холбогдох ажилтан дээр бараа болон барааны ангилалын үзүүлэлтийн данс " "тодорхойлогдоогүй байна.\n" "Ажилтны формын цагийн хуудас хавтсыг бөглөнө үү." #. module: project_timesheet #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:project_timesheet.action_report_timesheet_task_user #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:project_timesheet.menu_timesheet_task_user #: view:report.timesheet.task.user:0 msgid "Task Hours Per Month" msgstr "Даалгаврын цагууд сарын хэмжээнд" #. module: project_timesheet #: model:process.transition,name:project_timesheet.process_transition_filltimesheet0 msgid "Fill Timesheet" msgstr "Цагийн хуудсыг бөглөх"