- In Order to test process of Issue in OpenERP, Custmer send the issue by email. - !python {model: mail.thread}: | import addons request_file = open(addons.get_module_resource('project_issue','test', 'issue.eml'),'rb') request_message = request_file.read() self.message_process(cr, uid, 'project.issue', request_message) - After getting the mail, I check details of new issue of that customer. - !python {model: project.issue}: | issue_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('email_from', '=', 'Robert Adersen ')]) assert issue_ids and len(issue_ids), "issue is not created after getting request" issue = self.browse(cr, uid, issue_ids[0], context=context) assert not issue.partner_id, "Customer should be a new" assert issue.name == "Error in the account module", "Subject does not match"