- For test the procurement process, First I have to apply a minimum stock rule on product - I create minimum stock rule for product. - !record {model: stock.warehouse.orderpoint, id: stock_warehouse_orderpoint_op0}: company_id: base.main_company location_id: stock.stock_location_stock logic: max name: OP/00008 product_id: product.product_product_cpu2 product_max_qty: 15.0 product_min_qty: 5.0 product_uom: product.product_uom_kgm qty_multiple: 1 warehouse_id: stock.warehouse0 - Check product quantity and update it, if needed for apply a minimum stock rule. - !python {model: product.product}: | product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product.product_product_cpu2')) if product.virtual_available < 5.0: change_qty = self.pool.get('stock.change.product.qty') id = change_qty.create(cr, uid, {'location_id' : ref('stock.stock_location_stock'), 'new_quantity': 4, 'product_id': product.id}) change_qty.change_product_qty(cr, uid, [id], {'active_model':'product.product', 'active_id': product.id, 'active_ids':[product.id]}) assert product.qty_available == 4,"Product quantity is not updated." assert product.virtual_available < 5.0,'Virtual stock have more quantities.' - I run the scheduler. - !python {model: procurement.order}: | self.run_scheduler(cr, uid) - I check that procurement order is based on minimum stock rule. - !python {model: procurement.order}: | proc_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('product_id','=', ref('product.product_product_cpu2'))]) assert proc_ids, 'No Procurement created.' proc_order = self.browse(cr, uid, proc_ids)[0] assert proc_order.product_qty == 11.0,"Procurement product quantity is not corresponded." - I check product quantity. - !python {model: product.product}: | product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product.product_product_cpu2')) assert product.virtual_available == 15.0,"After run the scheduler product's virtual stock is not updated." - For test the Procurement Request wizard, Again I have to update product quantity. - !python {model: product.product}: | mk_procure = self.pool.get('make.procurement') procur_order = self.pool.get('procurement.order') product = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('product.product_product_cpu2')) context.update({'active_model': 'product.product','active_id':ref('product.product_product_cpu2')}) values = {'warehouse_id': ref('base.main_company'), 'uom_id': ref('product.product_uom_unit'), 'qty': 5} id = mk_procure.create(cr, uid, values, context) procurement = mk_procure.make_procurement(cr, uid, [id], context) assert product.virtual_available == 20.0, 'Virtual stock should be updated' proc_id = procurement.get('res_id') for procurement in procur_order.browse(cr, uid, [proc_id]): if procurement.state == 'confirmed': assert procurement.state == 'confirmed',"Procurement state should be 'Confirmed'." assert procurement.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_cpu2'),"Product is not correspond." assert procurement.product_qty == 5,"Product Quantity is not correspond." assert procurement.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_unit'),"Product's UOM is not correspond." context.update({'proc': proc_id}) - I run the scheduler. - !python {model: procurement.order}: | self.run_scheduler(cr, uid) - I check the current state of procurement. - !python {model: procurement.order}: | proc_id = context.get('proc') proc = self.browse(cr, uid, [proc_id])[0] assert proc.state == 'ready' or 'exception',"Procurement should be in Ready or Exception state" #- # I compute minimum stock. # [Note. Commented out because it spawns a thread that may query the db after tests have been reverted.] #- # !python {model: procurement.orderpoint.compute}: | # proc_id = context.get('proc') # context.update({'active_model': 'procurement.order', 'active_id': proc_id}) # id = self.create(cr, uid, {'automatic': True}, context) # self.procure_calculation(cr, uid, [id], context)