[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]] [[o.user_id.company_id.name]] [[ address and address.street ]], [[ address and address.zip ]] [[ address and address.city ]] [[ address and address.country_id.name ]] Tel : [[ address and address.phone ]] E-mail : [[ address and address.email ]] Shop : [[ o.shop_id.name ]] Date : [[ o.date_order ]] N° : [[ o.name ]] Description Qty Price [[ repeatIn(o.lines,'line') ]] [[ line.product_id.name ]] [[o.state=='cancel' and o.statement_ids and '-' or '']][['%.f' % line.qty ]] [[o.state=='cancel' and o.statement_ids and '-' or '']][[ '%.2f' % net(line.id) ]] [[company.currency_id.symbol]] [[ line and line.discount == 0.0 and removeParentNode('font') ]] ([[ '%.2f' % line.discount ]]%) [[company.currency_id.symbol]] Taxes : [[o.state=='cancel' and o.statement_ids and '-' or '']][['%.2f' % o.amount_tax]] [[company.currency_id.symbol]] Total : [[o.state=='cancel' and o.statement_ids and '-' or '']][['%.2f' % o.amount_total]] [[company.currency_id.symbol]] Payment Mode Amount [[ repeatIn(get_journal_amt(o),'d') ]] [[ d['name'] ]] [[ '%.2f' %(d['amt'] or 0) ]] [[company.currency_id.symbol]]