[[repeatIn(objects,'o')]] Production Order N° : [[ o.name ]] Source Document Product Quantity [[ o.origin ]] [[ o.product_id.code ]] [[ o.product_id.name ]] [[formatLang(o.product_qty) ]] [[ o.product_uom.name ]] Scheduled Date Printing date Partner Ref SO Number
[[ formatLang(o.date_planned, date_time = True) ]] [[ formatLang(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),date = True) ]] [[ ('sale_ref' in o._columns.keys() and o.sale_ref) or '' ]] [[ ('sale_name' in o._columns.keys() and o.sale_name) or '' ]]
Work Orders [[ o.workcenter_lines ==[] and removeParentNode('para')]] Sequence Name [[ o.workcenter_lines ==[] and removeParentNode('blockTable')]] WorkCenter No. Of Cycles No. Of Hours
[[ repeatIn(o.workcenter_lines,'line2') ]] [[ line2.sequence ]] [[ line2.name ]] [[ line2.workcenter_id.name ]] [[ formatLang(line2.cycle) ]] [[ formatLang(line2.hour) ]]
Bill Of Material Product Quantity Source Location Destination Location
Products to Consume [[ o.move_lines ==[] and removeParentNode('section')]]
[[ repeatIn(o.move_lines,'line') ]] [[ line.product_id.code ]] [[ line.product_id.name ]] [[ formatLang( line.product_qty) ]] [[ line.product_uom.name]] [[ line.location_id.name ]] [[ line.location_dest_id.name ]]
Consumed Products [[ o.move_lines2 ==[] and removeParentNode('section')]]
[[ repeatIn(o.move_lines2,'line2') ]] [[ line2.product_id.code ]] [[ line2.product_id.name ]] [[ formatLang( line2.product_qty) ]] [[ line2.product_uom.name]] [[ line2.location_id.name ]] [[ line2.location_dest_id.name ]]