.. _stage_status: Stage and Status ================ .. versionchanged:: 8.0 saas-2 state/stage cleaning Stage +++++ This revision removed the concept of state on hr.applicant objects. The ``state`` field has been totally removed and replaced by stages, using ``stage_id``. The following models are impacted: - ``hr.applicant`` now use only stages. However a convention still exists about 'New' stage. An applicant is consdered as ``new`` when it has the following properties: - ``stage_id and stage_id.sequence = 1`` - ``hr.recruitment.stage`` do not have any ``state`` field anymore. - ``hr.recruitment.report`` do not have any ``state`` field anymore. By default a newly created applicant be in a new stage. It means that it will fetch the stage having ``sequence = 1``. Stage mangement is done using the kanban view or the clikable statusbar. It is not done using buttons anymore. Employee creation is still feasible directly from a link button in the form view. Stage analysis ++++++++++++++ Stage analysis can be performed using the newly introduced ``date_last_stage_update`` datetime field. This field is updated everytime ``stage_id`` is updated. ``hr.recruitment.report`` model also uses the ``date_last_stage_update`` field. This allows to group and analyse the time spend in the various stages. Open / Assignation date +++++++++++++++++++++++ The ``date_open`` field meaning has been updated. It is now set when the ``user_id`` (responsible) is set. It is therefore the assignation date. Subtypes ++++++++ The following subtypes are triggered on ``hr.applicant``: - ``mt_applicant_new``: new applicants. Condition: ``obj.stage_id and obj.stage_id.sequence == 1`` - ``mt_applicant_stage_changed``: stage changed. Condition: ``obj.stage_id and obj.stage_id.sequence != 1`` The following subtype is trigerred on ``hr.job``: - ``mt_job_new_applicant``: new applicant in the job.