- I test the 'Payment Advice' in order to check the hr_payroll in OpenERP - I create a new employee “Richie” - !record {model: hr.employee, id: hr_employee_richie0}: address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_1 address_id: base.res_partner_address_9 birthday: '1984-05-01' children: 0.0 contract_ids: - advantages_gross: 0.0 advantages_net: 0.0 date_end: !eval "'%s-%s-%s' %(datetime.now().year+1,datetime.now().month,datetime.now().day)" date_start: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') name: reference wage: 5000.0 wage_type_id: hr_contract.hr_contract_monthly_gross type_id: hr_contract.hr_contract_type_emp country_id: base.in department_id: hr.dep_it gender: male marital: hr.hr_employee_marital_status_single name: Richie vehicle_distance: 0.0 - I create a new payment advice record - !record {model: hr.payroll.advice, id: hr_payroll_advice_advice0}: line_ids: - amount: 5500.0 bysal: 5000.0 employee_id: 'hr_employee_richie0' flag: C name: Axis Bank name: advice1 - I confirmed the sheet by click on "Confirm Sheet" button. - !python {model: hr.payroll.advice}: | self.confirm_sheet(cr, uid, [ref("hr_payroll_advice_advice0")], {"lang": "en_US", "active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("hr_payroll.hr_menu_payment_advice")], "tz": False, "active_id": ref("hr_payroll.hr_menu_payment_advice")}) - I check that a state is "Confirm" - !python {model: hr.payroll.advice}: | from tools.translate import _ advice_id=self.browse(cr, uid, ref("hr_payroll_advice_advice0")) assert(advice_id.state == 'confirm'), _('State not changed!') - Print Payroll Advice - !python {model: hr.payroll.advice}: | import netsvc, tools, os (data, format) = netsvc.LocalService('report.payroll.advice').create(cr, uid, [ref('hr_payroll_advice_advice0')], {}, {}) if tools.config['test_report_directory']: file(os.path.join(tools.config['test_report_directory'], 'hr_payroll-payroll-advice.'+format), 'wb+').write(data)