- In order to test hr module in OpenERP, I will create new Employee , Department and Job Position. - I create "R&D Department" in Department form. - !record {model: hr.department, id: hr_department_rd0}: manager_id: base.user_root name: 'R & D' - Now, I create a new employee “Mark Johnson”, and select department as "R&D Department". - !record {model: hr.employee, id: hr_employee_mark}: address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_1 company_id: base.main_company gender: male marital: hr.hr_employee_marital_status_single name: Mark Johnson user_id: base.user_root department_id: 'hr_department_rd0' - In order to check the wizard “Employee Hierarchy” , I will create new employee “Phil Graves ” and select "Mark Johnson" as Manager. - !record {model: hr.employee, id: hr_employee_phil}: address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_3000 company_id: base.main_company gender: male name: Phil Graves user_id: base.user_demo parent_id: 'hr_employee_mark' - I will open up form view of “Mark Johnson” and test the wizard “Employee Hierarchy” so it display the employee hierarchy starting from “Mark Johnson”. - I will create new Job Position. I will check successfull creation of new Job Position by adding the information. - !record {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}: department_id: 'hr_department_rd0' description: 'Position of Junior Application Engineer' expected_employees: 5 name: 'JAE' - I check that Employee form is in "Open" state. - !assert {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}: - state == 'open' - I create Employee for job position. - !record {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}: employee_ids: - address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_1 name: Manuel Lehba department_id: 'hr_department_rd0' gender: male parent_id: 'hr_employee_mark' - I check that "Number of Employees" field have some value. - !assert {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}: - no_of_employee != False