- In order to check international character functionality - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_plain_ftp(timeout=1.0) - I create in the server a folder called 'Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος' - !record {model: document.directory, id: dir_itests }: name: 'Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος' parent_id: document.dir_root - And then I create another folder, under it, through FTP - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | cr.commit() from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος') ftp.mkd("Φάκελλος από κάτω") - I check that this folder exists at the server - !assert {model: document.directory, id: , search: "[('name','=','Φάκελλος από κάτω')]" }: - parent_id != False - I login with FTP and check that 'Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος' is there - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/Φάκελλος από κάτω') - I create a file named 'Δοκιμή' into that folder - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/Φάκελλος από κάτω') fdata = StringIO('κείμενο με utf-8') ftp.storbinary('STOR Δοκιμή.txt', fdata) - I remove the 'Δοκιμή.txt' file - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/Φάκελλος από κάτω') ftp.delete('Δοκιμή.txt') - I rename 'Φάκελλος από κάτω' into 'άλλος' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος') ftp.rename("Φάκελλος από κάτω", "άλλος") - I place a file 'file Φ3' in 'άλλος' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/άλλος') fdata = StringIO('κι άλλο κείμενο') ftp.storbinary('STOR file Φ3.txt', fdata) - I rename the file into file+range(1..200) (large filename) - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/άλλος') vuvuzela = 'b'+''.join('z' * 200)+'!' ftp.rename("file Φ3.txt", vuvuzela) - I delete the file with the large name - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/άλλος') vuvuzela = 'b'+''.join('z' * 200)+'!' ftp.delete(vuvuzela) - I delete the testing folders - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.rmd('Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος/άλλος') ftp.rmd('Δοκιμαστικός Φάκελλος')