- In order to test the document_ftp functionality - I open the 8021 port and see for ftp presence there - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_plain_ftp(timeout=2.0) assert ftp.sock and (ftp.lastresp == '220'), ftp.lastresp ftp.close() - I read the list of databases at port 8021 and confirm our db is there - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_login(cr, uid, self) assert cr.dbname in ftp.nlst("/") ftp.close() - I try to locate the default "Documents" folder in the db. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_login(cr, uid, self) ftp.cwd('Documents') ftp.close() - I create a "test.txt" file at the server (directly). The file should have the "abcd" content - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') fdata = StringIO('abcd') ftp.storbinary('STOR test.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I look for the "test.txt" file at the server - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') assert ftp.nlst("test.txt") == ['test.txt'] ftp.close() - I check that the content of "test.txt" is "abcd" - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') gotdata = te.get_ftp_fulldata(ftp, "test.txt") ftp.close() assert gotdata == 'abcd', 'Data: %r' % gotdata - I append the string 'defgh' to "test.txt" - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') fdata = StringIO('defgh') ftp.storbinary('APPE test.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I check that the content of "text.txt" is 'abcddefgh' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') gotdata = te.get_ftp_fulldata(ftp, "test.txt") ftp.close() assert gotdata == 'abcddefgh', 'Data: %r' % gotdata - I try to cd into an non-existing folder 'Not-This' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te import ftplib ftp = te.get_ftp_login(cr, uid, self) try: ftp.cwd('/Not-This') assert False, "We should't be able to change here" except ftplib.error_perm: pass except OSError, err: ftp.close() assert err.errno == 2, err.errno ftp.close() - I create a "test2.txt" file through FTP. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') fdata = StringIO('abcd') ftp.storbinary('STOR test2.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I look for the "test2.txt" file at the server - !python {model: ir.attachment }: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'test2.txt')]) assert ids - I delete the "test2.txt" file using FTP. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.delete('test2.txt') ftp.close() - I check at the server that test2.txt is deleted - !python {model: ir.attachment }: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'test2.txt')]) assert not ids - I create a test2.txt file again. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') fdata = StringIO('abcd') ftp.storbinary('STOR test2.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I delete the test2.txt from the server (RPC). - !delete { model: ir.attachment, id:, search: "[('name','=','test2.txt')]" } - I also commit, because ftp would run in a different transaction. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | cr.commit() - I check through FTP that test2.txt does not appear. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te import ftplib ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') try: nlst_result = ftp.nlst("test2.txt") except ftplib.error_perm: # 550 error: 'path not exists' nlst_result = [] assert "test2.txt" not in nlst_result, "Files: %r" % nlst_result ftp.close() - I create a "test-name.txt" file - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') fdata = StringIO('abcd') ftp.storbinary('STOR test-name.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I rename the "test-name.txt" file through ftp. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.rename("test-name.txt", "test-renamed.txt") ftp.close() - I check that test-name.txt has been renamed. - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from ftplib import error_perm ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') try: res = ftp.nlst("test-name.txt") assert res == [], "File has not been renamed!" except error_perm, e: pass assert ftp.nlst("test-renamed.txt") == ['test-renamed.txt'] ftp.close() - I create a new folder 'Test-Folder2' through FTP - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.mkd("Test-Folder2") ftp.close() - I create a file 'test3.txt' at the 'Test-Folder2' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2') fdata = StringIO('abcd') ftp.storbinary('STOR test3.txt', fdata) ftp.close() - I try to retrieve test3.txt - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2') assert ftp.nlst("test3.txt") == ['test3.txt'], "File test3.txt is not there!" ftp.close() - I create a new folder, 'Test-Folder3', through FTP I try to move test3.txt to 'Test-Folder3' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.mkd("Test-Folder3") ftp.close() # TODO move - I remove the 'Test-Folder3' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.rmd("Test-Folder3") ftp.close() - I check that test3.txt is removed. - I create 200 files through FTP - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2') fdata = StringIO('abcd') # TODO speed for i in range(0, 200): fdata.seek(0) ftp.storbinary('STOR test-name%s.txt' %i, fdata) ftp.close() - I list the 200 files, check speed - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2') # TODO speed assert len(ftp.nlst()) >= 200, "We haven't managed to store 200 files!" - I read the 200 files, check speed # TODO - I move the 200 files to 'Test-Folder2' # TODO - I delete the 200 files - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents/Test-Folder2') # TODO speed ftp.delete('test3.txt') for i in range(0, 200): ftp.delete('test-name%s.txt' %i) ftp.close() - I delete the "test.txt" and "test-renamed.txt" file - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te from cStringIO import StringIO ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') # TODO speed ftp.delete('test.txt') ftp.delete('test-renamed.txt') ftp.close() - I remove the 'Test-Folder2' - !python {model: ir.attachment}: | from document_ftp import test_easyftp as te ftp = te.get_ftp_folder(cr, uid, self, 'Documents') ftp.rmd("Test-Folder2") ftp.close()