- | I start test Fund Raising which contain information about Donation or charity given by user. - | I start by creating new Funds entry for donation for books to poor school children with cost 500000.00 and category as "Learning And Education" I make payment by Cheque so I make sure that the mode on fund is selected as cheque. - !record {model: crm.fundraising, id: crm_fundraising_donationforbookstopoorschoolchildren0}: categ_id: crm_fundraising.categ_fund2 email_from: info@balmerinc.be name: Donation for books to poor school children partner_address_id: base.res_partner_address_1 partner_id: base.res_partner_9 planned_cost: 500000.0 section_id: crm.section_sales_department type_id: crm_fundraising.type_fund2 - | I check that the Funds is in 'draft' state. - !assert {model: crm.fundraising, id: crm_fundraising_donationforbookstopoorschoolchildren0}: - state == 'draft' - | I open Funds by click on "Open" button. - !python {model: crm.fundraising}: | self.case_open(cr, uid, [ref('crm_fundraising_donationforbookstopoorschoolchildren0')]) - | I can close Funds by click on "Done" button. - !python {model: crm.fundraising}: | self.case_close(cr, uid, [ref('crm_fundraising_donationforbookstopoorschoolchildren0')])