- In order to test recurrent meetings in OpenERP, I create meetings with different recurrency using different test cases. - I create a recurrent meeting with daily recurrency and fixed amount of time. - !record {model: crm.meeting, id: crm_meeting_testmeeting0}: count: 5 date: '2011-04-13 11:04:00' date_deadline: '2011-04-13 12:04:00' day: 0.0 duration: 1.0 name: Test Meeting recurrency: true recurrent_uid: 0.0 rrule_type: daily sequence: 0.0 - I search for all the recurrent meetings. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', [ref('crm_meeting_testmeeting0')]),('date','>=','2011-03-13'), ('date_deadline', '<=', '2011-05-13')], context={'virtual_id': True}) assert len(meeting_ids) == 5, 'Recurrent daily meetings are not created !' - Now I create a weekly meeting till a particular end date. - !record {model: crm.meeting, id: crm_meeting_reviewcodewithprogrammer0}: date: '2011-04-18 11:47:00' date_deadline: '2011-04-18 12:47:00' day: 0.0 duration: 1.0 end_date: '2011-04-30' end_type: end_date fr: true mo: true th: true tu: true we: true name: Review code with programmer recurrency: true recurrent_uid: 0.0 rrule_type: weekly sequence: 0.0 - I search for all the recurrent weekly meetings. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', [ref('crm_meeting_reviewcodewithprogrammer0')]),('date','>=','2011-03-13'), ('date_deadline', '<=', '2011-05-13')], context={'virtual_id': True}) assert len(meeting_ids) == 10, 'Recurrent weekly meetings are not created !' - I want to schedule a meeting every month for Sprint review. - !record {model: crm.meeting, id: crm_meeting_sprintreview0}: count: 12 date: '2011-04-01 12:01:00' date_deadline: '2011-04-01 13:01:00' day: 1 duration: 1.0 name: Sprint Review recurrency: true recurrent_uid: 0.0 rrule_type: monthly sequence: 0.0 - I search for all the recurrent monthly meetings. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', [ref('crm_meeting_sprintreview0')]),('date','>=','2011-03-01'), ('date_deadline', '<=', '2012-05-13')], context={'virtual_id': True}) assert len(meeting_ids) == 12, 'Recurrent monthly meetings are not created !' - I change name of my monthly Sprint Review meeting. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | from base_calendar import base_calendar base_cal_id = base_calendar.real_id2base_calendar_id(ref('crm_meeting_sprintreview0'), '2011-09-01 13:01:00') self.write(cr, uid, [base_cal_id], {'name': 'Sprint Review for google modules', 'edit_all': True}) - I check whether all the records are edited or not. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', [ref('crm_meeting_sprintreview0')]),('date','>=','2011-03-01'), ('date_deadline', '<=', '2012-05-13')], context={'virtual_id': True}) meetings = self.browse(cr, uid, meeting_ids, context) for meeting in meetings: assert meeting.name == 'Sprint Review for google modules', 'Name not changed for id: %s' %meeting.id - I change description of my weekly meeting Review code with programmer. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | from base_calendar import base_calendar base_cal_id = base_calendar.real_id2base_calendar_id(ref('crm_meeting_reviewcodewithprogrammer0'), '2011-04-25 12:47:00') self.write(cr, uid, [base_cal_id], {'description': 'Review code of the module: sync_google_calendar.'}) - I check whether the record is edited perfectly or not. - !python {model: crm.meeting}: | meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('recurrent_uid', '=', ref('crm_meeting_reviewcodewithprogrammer0')), ('recurrent_id','=','2011-04-25 12:47:00')], context) assert meeting_ids, 'Meeting is not edited !'