[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]] [[ setLang(o.partner_id.lang) ]] [[ (o.partner_id and o.partner_id.title and o.partner_id.title.name) or '' ]] [[ (o.partner_id and o.partner_id.name) or '' ]] [[ display_address(o.address_invoice_id) ]] Tel. : [[ (o.address_invoice_id and o.address_invoice_id.phone) or removeParentNode('para') ]] Fax : [[ (o.address_invoice_id and o.address_invoice_id.fax) or removeParentNode('para') ]] VAT : [[ (o.partner_id and o.partner_id.vat) or removeParentNode('para') ]] Invoice [[ ((o.type == 'out_invoice' and (o.state == 'open' or o.state == 'paid')) or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] [[ o.number ]] PRO-FORMA [[ ((o.type == 'out_invoice' and o.state == 'proforma2') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Draft Invoice [[ ((o.type == 'out_invoice' and o.state == 'draft') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Cancelled Invoice [[ ((o.type == 'out_invoice' and o.state == 'cancel') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] [[ o.number ]] Refund [[ (o.type=='out_refund' or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] [[ o.number ]] Supplier Refund [[ (o.type=='in_refund' or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] [[ o.number ]] Supplier Invoice [[ (o.type=='in_invoice' or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] [[ o.number ]] Description Invoice Date Origin Customer Code [[ o.name ]] [[ formatLang(o.date_invoice,date=True) ]] [[ o.name or '' ]] [[ (o.address_invoice_id and o.address_invoice_id.partner_id and o.address_invoice_id.partner_id.ref) or ' ' ]] Description / Taxes Quantity Unit Price Disc. (%) Price
[[ repeatIn(invoice_lines(o), 'a') ]] [[ a['type']=='text' and removeParentNode('blockTable')]] [[ ((a['type']=='title' or a['type']=='subtotal') and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'}))) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['name'] ]] [[ a['type']=='article' and ('/ (' + a['tax_types'] + ')' ) ]] [[ (a['type']=='subtotal' and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'}))) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['quantity'] ]] [[ a['uos'] ]] [[ (a['type']=='subtotal' and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'}))) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['price_unit'] ]] [[ (a['type']=='subtotal' and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'}))) or removeParentNode('font') ]][[ a['discount'] ]] [[ (a['type']=='subtotal' and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'}))) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ a['price_subtotal'] ]] [[ a['currency'] ]] Note: [[ (a['note'] and format(a['note'])) or removeParentNode('tr') ]] [[ a['type']=='text' and format(a['name']) or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ a['type']=='text' and '' ]] [[ a['type']!='break' and removeParentNode('pageBreak')]] Description / Taxes [[ a['type']!='break' and removeParentNode('blockTable')]] Quantity Unit Price Disc. (%) Price
Net Total: [[ formatLang(o.amount_untaxed, dp='Account') ]] [[ o.currency_id.symbol ]] Taxes: [[ formatLang(o.amount_tax, dp='Account') ]] [[ o.currency_id.symbol ]] Total: [[ formatLang(o.amount_total, dp='Account') ]] [[ o.currency_id.symbol ]] Tax [[ o.tax_line==[] and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Base Amount
[[ repeatIn(o.tax_line,'t') ]] [[ t.name ]] [[ formatLang(t.base, dp='Account') ]] [[ o.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ (t.tax_code_id and t.tax_code_id.notprintable) and removeParentNode('blockTable') or '' ]] [[ formatLang(t.amount, dp='Account') ]] [[ o.currency_id.symbol ]]
[[ format(o.comment or removeParentNode('blockTable')) ]] [[ o.payment_term and o.payment_term.name ]] : [[ (o.payment_term and o.payment_term.note and format(o.payment_term.note)) or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]]