- | Tax Scenario: In order to check that the accounting entries and tax engine works efficiently with all kind of price accuracies we run this test scenario. - Given the price accuracy for the account module is configured with two digits - !record {model: decimal.precision, id: product.decimal_account}: digits: 2 - And we have a tax defined - !record {model: account.tax, id: tax196}: name: Tax 19.6% amount: &tax 0.196 - And we define an invoice with one invoice line with a tax of *tax - !record {model: account.invoice, id: invoice1}: &invoice name: Precision Test type: out_invoice partner_id: base.res_partner_2 address_invoice_id: base.res_partner_address_1 account_id: account.a_recv date_invoice: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') invoice_line: - product_id: product.product_product_pc1 quantity: &qty 11.11 account_id: account.a_sale uos_id: product.product_uom_unit price_unit: &price 12.34 name: test invoice_line_tax_id: - tax196 - When I press on the CREATE button on the invoice to open it. - !python {model: account.invoice}: | self.action_move_create(cr, uid, [ref("invoice1")]) - Then I should see an account entry linked to this invoice. - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice1}: test: - bool(move_id) - # This is not working, find a way to do that in YAML, *qty is not # interpreted because it's not a node. And this account entry must have a credit equals to 163.97€ which is equal to *qty x *price x (1 + *tax) - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice1}: test: - abs(sum(x.credit for x in move_id.line_id) - 163.97) < 0.000001 - And this account entry must have a credit equals to the debit - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice1}: test: - abs(sum(x.credit - x.debit for x in move_id.line_id)) < 0.000001 - Then, I change the precision of numbers to 3 digits. - !record {model: decimal.precision, id: product.decimal_account}: digits: 3 - And I create another invoice with the same content. - !record {model: account.invoice, id: invoice2}: *invoice - When I press on the CREATE button on the invoice to open it. - !python {model: account.invoice}: | self.action_move_create(cr, uid, [ref("invoice2")]) - Then this account entry must have a credit equals to the debit - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice2}: test: - abs(sum(x.credit - x.debit for x in move_id.line_id)) < 0.000001 - And this account entry must have a credit equals to 163.968€ which is equal to *qty x *price x (1 + *tax) - !python {model: account.invoice}: | xid = "invoice2" invoice = self.browse(cr, uid, ref(xid)) sum_of_credits = sum(x.credit for x in invoice.move_id.line_id) log("The sum of credits for %s is %f", xid, sum_of_credits) expected_value = 163.968 assert (sum_of_credits - expected_value) < 0.000001, "Wrong sum of credits: %f <> %f" % (sum_of_credits, expected_value)