- In order to test the invoice numbering, I create a sequence for out invoices. - !record {model: ir.sequence, id: seq_out_invoice_test}: name: Account Invoice Out for the demonstration Fiscal Year # XXX indicate the name of the fiscal year code: account.invoice.out_invoice padding: 3 prefix: FY- suffix: -TEST number_next: 42 - I link the new sequence to the demo sequence and the demo fiscal years. - !record {model: account.sequence.fiscalyear, id: seq_out_invoice_test_fy}: sequence_id: seq_out_invoice_test sequence_main_id: seq_out_invoice fiscalyear_id: data_fiscalyear - I create a draft customer invoice in a period of the demo fiscal year - !record {model: account.invoice, id: invoice_seq_test}: account_id: account.a_recv address_contact_id: base.res_partner_address_zen company_id: base.main_company currency_id: base.EUR invoice_line: - account_id: account.a_sale name: '[PC3] Medium PC' price_unit: 900.0 quantity: 10.0 product_id: product.product_product_pc3 uos_id: product.product_uom_unit journal_id: account.sales_journal partner_id: base.res_partner_3 reference_type: none period_id: period_1 - I create the invoice, as I clicked on the "Create" button - !workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_open, ref: invoice_seq_test} - I check that the invoice state is "Open" - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice_seq_test}: - state == 'open' - I check that the invoice got the right number using our sequence # This used to fail because of bug #602188 - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: invoice_seq_test}: - number == 'FY-042-TEST'