- In order to test change currency wizard I create an invoice with currency "EUR" and change it to "USD" using the wizard - !record {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_currency}: account_id: account.a_recv address_contact_id: base.res_partner_address_3000 address_invoice_id: base.res_partner_address_3000 company_id: base.main_company currency_id: base.EUR invoice_line: - account_id: account.a_sale name: '[PC1] Basic PC' price_unit: 450.0 quantity: 1.0 product_id: product.product_product_pc1 uos_id: product.product_uom_unit journal_id: account.sales_journal partner_id: base.res_partner_desertic_hispafuentes reference_type: none - I check that Initially customer invoice is in the draft state - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_currency, string: Customer Invoice is in Draft state}: - state == 'draft' - Now I select USD as new currency - !record {model: account.change.currency, id: account_change_currency_0}: currency_id: base.USD - I clicked on Change Currency button to change the currency - !python {model: account.change.currency}: | self.view_init(cr, uid, [ref("account_change_currency_0")], {"lang": 'en_US', "active_model": "account.invoice", "tz": False, "record_id": 4, "active_ids": [ref("account_invoice_currency")], "type": "out_invoice", "active_id": ref("account_invoice_currency"), }) self.change_currency(cr, uid, [ref("account_change_currency_0")], {"lang": 'en_US', "active_model": "account.invoice", "tz": False, "record_id": 4, "active_ids": [ref("account_invoice_currency")], "type": "out_invoice", "active_id": ref("account_invoice_currency"), }) - I change the state of invoice to proforma2 by clicking PRO-FORMA button - !workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_proforma2, ref: account_invoice_currency} - I check that now customer invoice is in the "proforma2" state - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_currency}: - state == 'proforma2' - I can't change the currency of invoice when it is not in draft state so I change the state to cancel - !workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_cancel, ref: account_invoice_currency} - I change the state to "Draft" - !python {model: account.invoice}: | self.action_cancel_draft(cr, uid, [ref("account_invoice_currency")], {"lang": 'en_US', "tz": False, "active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("account.menu_action_invoice_tree1")], "type": "out_invoice", "active_id": ref("account.menu_action_invoice_tree1"), }) - I change the currency. - !record {model: account.change.currency, id: account_change_currency_0}: currency_id: base.USD - I clicked on Change Currency button to change the currency - !python {model: account.change.currency}: | self.change_currency(cr, uid, [ref("account_change_currency_0")], {"lang": 'en_US', "active_model": "account.invoice", "tz": False, "record_id": 4, "active_ids": [ref("account_invoice_currency")], "type": "out_invoice", "active_id": ref("account_invoice_currency"), }) - I check that the currency is changed successfully - !assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_currency, string: Currency changed from EUR to USD}: - currency_id.id == ref("base.USD")