[[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]] Date Period JRNL Partner Ref Move Entry Label Counterpart Debit Credit Balance Currency [[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Date Period JRNL Partner Ref Move Entry Label Counterpart Debit Credit Balance [[ repeatIn(objects, 'a') ]] General Ledger [[ data['model']=='account.account' and 'Company' or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ data['model']=='ir.ui.menu' and 'Chart of Account' or removeParentNode('para') ]] Fiscal Year Journals Display Account Filter By [[ get_filter(data)!='No Filter' and get_filter(data) ]] Entries Sorted By Target Moves [[ get_account(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_fiscalyear(data) or '' ]] [[', '.join([ lt or '' for lt in get_journal(data) ]) ]] [[ (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_all' and 'All') or (data['form']['display_account']=='bal_movement' and 'With movements') or 'With balance is not equal to 0']] [[ get_filter(data)=='No Filter' and get_filter(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_filter(data)=='Date' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Start Date End Date [[ get_filter(data)=='Date' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ formatLang(get_start_date(data),date=True) ]] [[ formatLang(get_end_date(data),date=True) ]] [[ get_filter(data)=='Periods' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Start Period End Period [[ get_filter(data)=='Periods' or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ get_start_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_end_period(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ get_sortby(data) ]] [[ get_target_move(data) ]] [[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]] Date Period JRNL Partner Ref Move Entry Label Counterpart Debit Credit Balance Currency
[[ repeatIn(get_children_accounts(a), 'o') ]] [[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]] [[ '..'*(o.level-1) ]][[ o.code ]] [[ o.name ]] [[ formatLang(sum_debit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(sum_credit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(sum_balance_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ o.currency_id and formatLang(sum_currency_amount_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) + o.currency_id.symbol or '' ]]
[[ repeatIn(lines(o), 'line') ]] [[data['form']['amount_currency'] == True or removeParentNode('blockTable')]] [[ formatLang(line['ldate'],date=True) ]] [[ line['period_code'] ]] [[ line['lcode'] ]] [[ strip_name(line['partner_name'],20) ]] [[ strip_name(line['lref'],17) ]] [[ line['move'] ]] [[ strip_name(line['lname'],22) ]] [[ strip_name(line['line_corresp'],18) ]] [[ formatLang(line['debit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(line['credit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(line['progress'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]] [[ (line.has_key('currency_id') and line['currency_id']==None or line['amount_currency']==None) and removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ formatLang(line['amount_currency'])]] [[ line['currency_code'] or '']]
[[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Date Period JRNL Partner Ref Move Entry Label Counterpart Debit Credit Balance
[[ repeatIn(get_children_accounts(a), 'o') ]] [[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ '..'*(o.level-1) ]][[ o.code ]] [[ o.name ]] [[ formatLang(sum_debit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(sum_credit_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(sum_balance_account(o), digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]
[[ repeatIn(lines(o), 'line') ]] [[ data['form']['amount_currency'] == False or removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] [[ formatLang(line['ldate'],date=True) ]] [[ line['period_code'] ]] [[ line['lcode'] ]] [[ strip_name(line['partner_name'],24) ]] [[ strip_name(line['lref'],21) ]] [[ line['move'] ]] [[ strip_name(line['lname'],28) ]] [[ strip_name(line['line_corresp'],23) ]] [[ formatLang(line['debit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(line['credit'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ formatLang(line['progress'], digits=get_digits(dp='Account')) ]] [[ company.currency_id.symbol ]]