[FIX] res.partner.category: the relation table name was manually chosen, which breaks...
[odoo/odoo.git] / openerp / addons / base / module / wizard / base_export_language_view.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
5         <record id="wizard_lang_export" model="ir.ui.view">
6             <field name="name">Export Translations</field>
7             <field name="model">base.language.export</field>
8             <field name="type">form</field>
9             <field name="arch" type="xml">
10                 <form string="Export Translations">
11                     <group col="8">
12                         <group colspan="3">
13                             <field name="config_logo" widget="image" width="220" height="130" nolabel="1" colspan="1"/>
14                             <newline/>
15                             <label colspan="4" width="220" string="OpenERP translations (core, modules, clients) are managed through Launchpad.net, our open source project management facility. We use their online interface to synchronize all translations efforts."/>
16                             <label colspan="4" width="220" string="To improve or expand the official translations, you should use directly Lauchpad's web interface (Rosetta). If you need to perform mass translation, Launchpad also allows uploading full .po files at once"/>
17                             <label colspan="4" width="220"/>
18                             <label colspan="4" width="220" string="To browse official translations, you can start with these links:"/>
19                             <label colspan="4" width="220" string="https://help.launchpad.net/Translations"/>
20                             <label colspan="4" width="220" string="https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject"/>
21                         </group>
22                         <separator orientation="vertical" rowspan="15"/>
23                         <group colspan="4">
24                             <group colspan="4" states="choose">
25                                 <separator colspan="4" string="Export Translation"/>
26                                 <field name="lang"/>
27                                 <field name="format" required="1"/>
28                                 <field height="200" name="modules" nolabel="1" colspan="4"/>
29                                 <field invisible="1" name="state"/>
30                             </group>
31                             <group colspan="4" states="get">
32                                 <separator string="Export done" colspan="4"/>
33                                 <field name="name" invisible="1" colspan="4"/>
34                                 <field name="data" nolabel="1" readonly="1" filename="name" colspan="4"/>
35                                 <field height="80" name="advice" nolabel="1" colspan="4"/>
36                             </group>
37                         </group>
38                         <group colspan="8" col="8" states="choose">
39                             <separator string="" colspan="8"/>
40                             <label colspan="6" width="220"/>
41                             <button icon="gtk-cancel" name="act_cancel" special="cancel" string="_Close" type="object"/>
42                             <button icon="gtk-ok" name="act_getfile" string="_Export" type="object"/>
43                         </group>
44                         <group colspan="8" col="8" states="get">
45                             <separator string="" colspan="8"/>
46                             <label colspan="7" width="220"/>
47                             <button icon="gtk-close" name="act_destroy" special="cancel" string="_Close" type="object"/>
48                         </group>
49                     </group>
50                 </form>
51             </field>
52         </record>
54         <record id="action_wizard_lang_export" model="ir.actions.act_window">
55             <field name="name">Export Translation</field>
56             <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
57             <field name="res_model">base.language.export</field>
58             <field name="view_type">form</field>
59             <field name="view_mode">form</field>
60             <field name="target">new</field>
61         </record>
62         <menuitem action="action_wizard_lang_export" id="menu_wizard_lang_export" parent="menu_translation_export"/>
63     </data>
64 </openerp>