[IMP]: Improvement in preview report function
[odoo/odoo.git] / openerp / addons / base / base_update.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
4         <!--
5     ======================
6     Languages
7     ======================
8     -->
9         <menuitem id="next_id_2" name="User Interface" parent="base.menu_custom" groups="base.group_extended"/>
11         <!--
12     ======================
13     Groups
14     ======================
15     -->
16         <record id="view_groups_form" model="ir.ui.view">
17             <field name="name">res.groups.form</field>
18             <field name="model">res.groups</field>
19             <field name="type">form</field>
20             <field name="arch" type="xml">
21                 <form string="Groups">
22                     <field name="name" select="1"/>
23                     <notebook colspan="4">
24                         <page string="Users">
25                             <field colspan="4" name="users" nolabel="1"/>
26                         </page>
27                         <page string="Menus">
28                             <field colspan="4" name="menu_access" nolabel="1"/>
29                         </page>
30                         <page string="Access Rights">
31                             <field colspan="4" name="model_access" nolabel="1">
32                                 <tree string="Access Rules" editable="top">
33                                     <field name="model_id"/>
34                                     <field name="perm_read"/>
35                                     <field name="perm_write"/>
36                                     <field name="perm_create"/>
37                                     <field name="perm_unlink"/>
38                                     <field name="name"/>
39                                 </tree>
40                                 <form string="Access Controls">
41                                     <field colspan="4" name="name" select="1"/>
42                                     <field name="model_id" select="1"/>
43                                     <newline/>
44                                     <field name="perm_read"/>
45                                     <field name="perm_write"/>
46                                     <field name="perm_create"/>
47                                     <field name="perm_unlink"/>
48                                 </form>
49                             </field>
50                         </page>
51                         <page string="Rules">
52                             <field colspan="4" name="rule_groups" nolabel="1">
53                                 <tree string="Rules">
54                                     <field name="name"/>
55                                     <field name="model_id"/>
56                                     <field name="global"/>
57                                 </tree>
58                             </field>
59                         </page><page string="Notes">
60                             <field colspan="4" name="comment" nolabel="1"/>
61                         </page>
62                     </notebook>
63                 </form>
64             </field>
65         </record>
67         <!--
68     ======================
69     Users
70     ======================
71     -->
73         <record id="view_users_form_simple_modif" model="ir.ui.view">
74             <field name="name">res.users.form.modif</field>
75             <field name="model">res.users</field>
76             <field name="type">form</field>
77             <field eval="18" name="priority"/>
78             <field name="arch" type="xml">
79                 <form string="Users">
80                     <notebook colspan="4">
81                         <page string="Current Activity">
82                             <field name="company_id" widget="selection" readonly="0"
83                                     groups="base.group_multi_company"
84                                     on_change="on_change_company_id(company_id)" />
85                             <field name="view" readonly="0"/>
86                             <label string="" colspan="2"/>
87                             <separator string="Default Filters" colspan="4"/>
88                             <newline/>
89                         </page>
90                          <page string="Preferences">
91                             <field name="context_lang" completion="1" readonly="0"/>
92                             <field name="context_tz" completion="1" readonly="0"/>
93                             <field name="menu_tips" colspan="2" readonly="0"/>
94                             <separator string="Email &amp; Signature" colspan="4"/>
95                             <group colspan="4"><field name="user_email" widget="email" readonly="0"/></group>
96                             <field colspan="4" name="signature" readonly="0" nolabel="1"/>
97                           </page>
98                     </notebook>
99                 </form>
100             </field>
101         </record>
103         <record id="view_users_form" model="ir.ui.view">
104             <field name="name">res.users.form</field>
105             <field name="model">res.users</field>
106             <field name="type">form</field>
107             <field name="arch" type="xml">
108                 <form string="Users">
109                     <field name="name" select="1"/>
110                     <field name="active"/>
111                     <field name="login" select="1"/>
112                     <field name="new_password" password="True"/>
113                     <newline/>
114                     <notebook colspan="4">
115                         <page string="User">
116                             <group colspan="1" col="2">
117                                 <separator string="Contact" colspan="2"/>
118                                 <field name="company_id" required="1"
119                                     context="{'user_preference': 0}"
120                                     groups="base.group_multi_company"
121                                     />
122                                 <field name="address_id"/>
123                                 <field name="user_email" widget="email"/>
124                             </group>
125                             <group colspan="1" col="2" groups="base.group_extended">
126                                 <separator string="Action" colspan="2"/>
127                                 <field name="action_id"/>
128                                 <field domain="[('usage','=','menu')]" name="menu_id" required="True"/>
129                             </group>
130                             <group colspan="1" col="2">
131                                 <separator string="Preferences" colspan="2"/>
132                                 <field name="context_lang"/>
133                                 <field name="context_tz"/>
134                                 <group colspan="2" col="4">
135                                      <field name="view" readonly="0"/>
136                                      <field name="menu_tips" colspan="2"/>
137                                 </group>
138                             </group>
139                             <newline/>
140                             <group colspan="2" col="2">
141                                 <separator string="Signature" colspan="2"/>
142                                 <field colspan="2" name="signature" nolabel="1"/>
143                             </group>
144                             <group colspan="2" col="2" expand="1">
145                                 <separator string="Groups" colspan="2"/>
146                                 <field colspan="2" nolabel="1" name="groups_id"/>
147                             </group>
148                         </page>
149                         <page string="Companies" groups="base.group_multi_company">
150                             <field colspan="4" nolabel="1" name="company_ids" select="1"/>
151                         </page>
152                     </notebook>
153                 </form>
154             </field>
155         </record>
156         <record id="view_users_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
157             <field name="name">res.users.tree</field>
158             <field name="model">res.users</field>
159             <field name="type">tree</field>
160             <field name="arch" type="xml">
161                 <tree string="Users">
162                     <field name="name"/>
163                     <field name="login"/>
164                     <field name="context_lang"/>
165                     <field name="date"/>
166                 </tree>
167             </field>
168         </record>
170         <record id="view_users_search" model="ir.ui.view">
171             <field name="name">res.users.search</field>
172             <field name="model">res.users</field>
173             <field name="type">search</field>
174             <field name="arch" type="xml">
175                 <search string="Users">
176                     <field name="name"/>
177                     <field name="login"/>
178                     <field name="address_id" string="Address"/>
179                     <field name="company_ids" string="Company" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
180                 </search>
181             </field>
182         </record>
184         <!--
185     ======================
186     Company
187     ======================
188     -->
189         <record id="view_company_form" model="ir.ui.view">
190             <field name="name">res.company.form</field>
191             <field name="model">res.company</field>
192             <field name="type">form</field>
193             <field name="arch" type="xml">
194                 <form string="Company">
195                     <group colspan="4" col="6">
196                         <field colspan="4" name="name" select="1"/>
197                         <field name="partner_id" readonly="1" select="1" required="0"/>
198                         <field name="parent_id" select="1" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
199                     </group>
200                     <notebook colspan="4">
201                         <page string="General Information">
202                             <field name="rml_header1" colspan="4"/>
203                             <field name="rml_footer1" colspan="4"/>
204                             <field name="rml_footer2" colspan="4"/>
205                             <field name="currency_id" colspan="2"/>
206                         </page>
207                         <page string="Header/Footer" groups="base.group_extended">
208                             <field colspan="4" name="rml_header" nolabel="1"/>
209                         </page>
210                         <page string="Internal Header/Footer" groups="base.group_extended">
211                             <separator string="Portrait" colspan="2"/>
212                             <separator string="Landscape" colspan="2"/>
213                             <field colspan="2" name="rml_header2" nolabel="1"/>
214                             <field colspan="2" name="rml_header3" nolabel="1"/>
215                         </page>
216                         <page string="Configuration">
217                         </page>
218                     </notebook>
219                 </form>
220             </field>
221         </record>
222         <record id="view_company_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
223             <field name="name">res.company.tree</field>
224             <field name="model">res.company</field>
225             <field name="type">tree</field>
226             <field name="field_parent">child_ids</field>
227             <field name="arch" type="xml">
228                 <tree string="Companies">
229                     <field name="name"/>
230                     <field name="partner_id"/>
231                 </tree>
232             </field>
233         </record>
235         <record id="view_users_configuration_form" model="ir.ui.view">
236             <field name="name">res.config.users.confirm.form</field>
237             <field name="model">res.config.users</field>
238             <field name="type">form</field>
239             <field name="inherit_id" ref="res_config_view_base"/>
240             <field name="arch" type="xml">
241               <data>
242                 <form position="attributes">
243                   <attribute name="string">Create User</attribute>
244                 </form>
245                 <xpath expr='//separator[@string="title"]' position='attributes'>
246                     <attribute name='string'>New User</attribute>
247               </xpath>
248                 <xpath expr="//label[@string='description']"
249                      position="attributes">
250                 <attribute name="string">Create additional users and assign them groups that will allow them to have access to selected functionalities within the system. Click on 'Done' if you do not wish to add more users at this stage, you can always do this later.</attribute>
251               </xpath>
252               <xpath expr='//separator[@string="vsep"]' position='attributes'>
253                         <attribute name='string'></attribute>
254                     </xpath>
255                 <group string="res_config_contents" position="replace">
256                   <field name="name"/>
257                   <field name="email"/>
258                   <field name="login"/>
259                   <field name="password" password="True"/>
260                   <field name="context_lang"/>
261                   <field name="context_tz"/>
263                   <separator string="Group" colspan="4"/>
264                   <label  align="0.0" colspan="4" string="Groups are used to define access rights on objects and the visibility of screens and menus"/>
265                   <field colspan="4" nolabel="1" name="groups_id"/>
266                 </group>
268                 <xpath expr='//button[@name="action_next"]'
269                        position='attributes'>
270                   <attribute name="name">action_add</attribute>
271                   <attribute name='string'>Add User</attribute>
272                   <attribute name='icon'>gtk-add</attribute>
273                 </xpath>
275                 <xpath expr='//button[@name="action_skip"]'
276                        position='attributes'>
277                   <!-- if this one is performed first, it transforms
278                        the action_skip into action_next, and the
279                        transformation of action_next to action_add,
280                        since it uses first-match, transforms the same
281                        button. And we end up with [add] [next] instead
282                        of [next] [add]
284                        Would probably be simpler to just replace both
285                        by nothing and create a pair of brand new
286                        buttons... but we'd have to handle the groups
287                        around the buttons... oh well...
288                   -->
289                   <attribute name="name">action_next</attribute>
290                   <attribute name='string'>Done</attribute>
291                   <attribute name='icon'>gtk-go-forward</attribute>
292                 </xpath>
293               </data>
294             </field>
295         </record>
297         <record id="action_config_user_form" model="ir.actions.act_window">
298             <field name="name">Create Users</field>
299             <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
300             <field name="res_model">res.config.users</field>
301             <field name="view_type">form</field>
302             <field name="view_mode">form</field>
303             <field name="view_id" ref="view_users_configuration_form"/>
304             <field name="target">new</field>
305         </record>
307         <record id="view_confirm_simple_view_form" model="ir.ui.view">
308             <field name="name">Configure Your Interface</field>
309             <field name="model">res.config.view</field>
310             <field name="type">form</field>
311             <field name="inherit_id" ref="res_config_view_base"/>
312             <field name="arch" type="xml">
313               <data>
314                 <form position="attributes">
315                   <attribute name="string">Configure Your Interface</attribute>
316                 </form>
317                 <xpath expr="//label[@string='description']"
318                      position="attributes">
319                 <attribute name="string">If you use OpenERP for the first time we strongly advise you to select the simplified interface, which has less features but is easier. You can always switch later from the user preferences.</attribute>
320               </xpath>
321               <xpath expr='//separator[@string="title"]' position='attributes'>
322                     <attribute name='string'>Configure Your Interface</attribute>
323               </xpath>
324               <xpath expr='//separator[@string="vsep"]' position='attributes'>
325                     <attribute name='string'></attribute>
326                     <attribute name='rowspan'>12</attribute>
327               </xpath>
328                <group string="res_config_contents" position="replace">
329                       <group colspan="4">
330                           <field colspan="4" name="view" nolabel="1"/>
331                     </group>
332                 </group>
333                 <xpath expr='//button[@name="action_skip"]' position='replace'/>
334               </data>
335             </field>
336         </record>
338         <record id="action_config_simple_view_form" model="ir.actions.act_window">
339             <field name="name">Configure Your Interface</field>
340             <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
341             <field name="res_model">res.config.view</field>
342             <field name="view_type">form</field>
343             <field name="view_id" ref="view_confirm_simple_view_form"/>
344             <field name="view_mode">form</field>
345             <field name="target">new</field>
346         </record>
348         <record id="config_wizard_step_user" model="ir.actions.todo">
349             <field name="action_id" ref="action_config_user_form"/>
350             <field name="sequence">10</field>
351             <field name="type">normal</field>
352             <field name="state">done</field>
353         </record>
354         <record id="config_wizard_simple_view" model="ir.actions.todo">
355             <field name="action_id" ref="action_config_simple_view_form"/>
356             <field name="type">special</field>
357             <field name="sequence">1</field>
358             <field name="state">skip</field>
359         </record>
361     </data>
362 </openerp>