fixes some more demo data issues
[odoo/odoo.git] / debian / control
1 Source: openerp
2 Section: net
3 Priority: optional
4 Maintainer: OpenERP SA <>
5 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), python, rsync
6 Standards-Version: 3.9.1
7 Homepage:
8 Vcs-Bzr:
10 Package: openerp
11 Section: net
12 Architecture: all
13 Depends:
14  ${misc:Depends},
15  adduser,
16  python,
17  postgresql-client,
18  python-dateutil,
19  python-feedparser,
20  python-gdata,
21  python-ldap,
22  python-libxslt1,
23  python-lxml,
24  python-mako,
25  python-openid,
26  python-psycopg2,
27  python-pybabel,
28  python-pychart,
29  python-pydot,
30  python-pyparsing,
31  python-reportlab,
32  python-simplejson,
33  python-tz,
34  python-vatnumber,
35  python-vobject,
36  python-webdav,
37  python-werkzeug,
38  python-yaml,
39  python-zsi
40 Conflicts: tinyerp-server, openerp-server, openerp-web
41 Replaces: tinyerp-server, openerp-server, openerp-web
42 Recommends:
43  graphviz, ghostscript, postgresql, python-imaging, python-matplotlib
44 Description: OpenERP Enterprise Resource Management
45  OpenERP, previously known as TinyERP, is a complete ERP and CRM. The main
46  features are accounting (analytic and financial), stock management, sales and
47  purchases management, tasks automation, marketing campaigns, help desk, POS,
48  etc. Technical features include a distributed server, flexible workflows, an
49  object database, a dynamic GUI, customizable reports, and NET-RPC and XML-RPC
50  interfaces.