[IMP] Certification Template
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / website_certification / views / website_certification_templates.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2 <openerp>
3 <data>
4     <template id="certified_partners" name="Certified People">
5     <t t-call="website.layout">
6         <div id="wrap">
7             <div class="oe_structure"/>
8             <div class="container">
9                 <h1>Odoo Certified Experts</h1>
10                 <div class="row">
11                     <div class="col-md-8">
12                         <div class="well well-sm">Filter by Certification:
13                             <a href="/certifications"><span class="badge">All</span></a>
14                             <t t-foreach="types" t-as="t">
15                                 <a t-att-href="'/certifications/%s' % slug(t)"><span class="badge" t-field="t.name" /></a>
16                             </t>
17                         </div>
18                         <div class="table-responsive">
19                             <table class="table table-striped">
20                                 <thead><tr>
21                                     <th>Name</th>
22                                     <th>Date</th>
23                                     <th>Type</th>
24                                     <th>Score</th>
25                                 </tr></thead>
26                                 <tbody>
27                                     <tr t-foreach="certifications" t-as="c">
28                                         <td><span t-field="c.partner_id"/></td>
29                                         <td><span t-field="c.certification_date"/></td>
30                                         <td><span t-field="c.type_id.name"/></td>
31                                         <td><t t-if="c.certification_hidden_score == False"><span t-field="c.certification_score"/></t></td>
32                                     </tr>
33                                 </tbody>
34                             </table>
35                         </div>
36                     </div><div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-1">
37                         <div class="panel panel-default">
38                             <div class="panel-heading">
39                                 <h3 class="panel-title">Odoo Certifications</h3>
40                             </div>
41                             <div class="panel-body">
42                                 <p>
43                                     The Odoo certification program allows companies
44                                     to identify certified professionals and get
45                                     the guarantee that their contractors are
46                                     qualified to offer Odoo services.
47                                 </p>
48                                 <a href="/page/contactus" class="btn btn-primary">Get Certified</a>
49                             </div>
50                         </div>
51                         <div class="panel panel-default mt16">
52                             <div class="panel-heading">
53                                 <h3 class="panel-title">Sample Examination</h3>
54                             </div>
55                             <div class="panel-body">
56                                 <p>
57                                     Before trying the certification, you can
58                                     assess your skills with the sample test.
59                                 </p>
60                                 <a href="/page/contactus" class="btn btn-primary">Try The Test</a>
61                             </div>
62                         </div>
63                     </div>
64                 </div>
65             </div>
66             <div class="oe_structure"/>
67         </div>
68     </t>
69 </template>
70 </data>
71 </openerp>