[FIX] website_blog: tour
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / website_blog / static / src / js / website.tour.blog.js
1 (function () {
2     'use strict';
4     var website = openerp.website;
6     website.EditorBar.include({
7         start: function () {
8             this.registerTour(new website.BlogTour(this));
9             return this._super();
10         },
11     });
13     website.BlogTour = website.Tour.extend({
14         id: 'blog',
15         name: "Create a blog post",
16         init: function (editor) {
17             var self = this;
18             self.steps = [
19                 {
20                     stepId:    'welcome-blog',
21                     title:     "New Blog Post",
22                     content:   "Let's go through the first steps to write beautiful blog posts.",
23                     template:  self.popover({ next: "Start Tutorial", end: "Skip" }),
24                     backdrop:  true,
25                 },
26                 {
27                     stepId:    'content-menu',
28                     element:   '#content-menu-button',
29                     placement: 'left',
30                     title:     "Add Content",
31                     content:   "Create new pages, blogs, menu items and products through the <em>'Content'</em> menu.",
32                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
33                     trigger:   'click',
34                 },
35                 {
36                     stepId:    'new-post-entry',
37                     element:   'a[data-action=new_blog_post]',
38                     placement: 'left',
39                     title:     "New Blog Post",
40                     content:   "Select this menu item to create a new blog post.",
41                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
42                     trigger: {
43                         modal: {
44                             stopOnClose: true,
45                             afterSubmit: 'post-page',
46                         },
47                     },
48                 },
49                 {
50                     stepId:    'choose-category',
51                     element:   '.modal select',
52                     placement: 'right',
53                     title:     "Which Blog?",
54                     content:   "Blog posts are organized in multiple categories (news, job offers, events, etc). Select <em>News</em> and click <em>Continue</em>.",
55                     trigger: {
56                         id: 'change',
57                     },
58                 },
59                 {
60                     stepId:    'continue-category',
61                     element:   '.modal button.btn-primary',
62                     placement: 'right',
63                     title:     "Create Blog Post",
64                     content:   "Click <em>Continue</em> to create the blog post.",
65                     trigger: {
66                         url:   /blogpost\/[0-9]+\/.*/,
67                     },
68                 },
69                 {
70                     stepId:    'post-page',
71                     title:     "Blog Post Created",
72                     content:   "This is your new blog post. We will edit your pages inline. What You See Is What You Get. No need for a complex backend.",
73                     template:  self.popover({ next: "Continue" }),
74                 },
75                 {
76                     stepId:    'post-title',
77                     element:   'h1[data-oe-expression="blog_post.name"]',
78                     placement: 'top',
79                     title:     "Create a Title",
80                     content:   "Click on this area and set a catchy title.",
81                     template:  self.popover({ next: "OK" }),
82                 },
83                 {
84                     stepId:    'add-image-text',
85                     element:   'button[data-action=snippet]',
86                     placement: 'bottom',
87                     title:     "Layout Your Blog Post",
88                     content:   "Use well designed building blocks to structure the content of your blog. Click 'Insert Blocks' to add new content.",
89                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
90                     trigger:   'click',
91                 },
92                 {
93                     stepId:    'drag-image-text',
94                     snippet:   'image-text',
95                     placement: 'bottom',
96                     title:     "Drag & Drop a Block",
97                     content:   "Drag the <em>'Image-Text'</em> block and drop it in your page.",
98                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
99                     trigger:   'drag',
100                 },
101                 {
102                     stepId:    'add-text-block',
103                     element:   'button[data-action=snippet]',
104                     placement: 'bottom',
105                     title:     "Add Another Block",
106                     content:   "Let's add another block to your post.",
107                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
108                     trigger:   'click',
109                 },
110                 {
111                     stepId:    'drag-text-block',
112                     snippet:   'text-block',
113                     placement: 'bottom',
114                     title:     "Drag & Drop a block",
115                     content:   "Drag the <em>'Text Block'</em> block and drop it below the image block.",
116                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
117                     trigger:   'drag',
118                 },
119                 {
120                     stepId:    'activate-text-block-title',
121                     element:   '#wrap [data-snippet-id=text-block] .text-center[data-snippet-id=colmd]',
122                     placement: 'top',
123                     title:     "Edit an Area",
124                     content:   "Select any area of the page to modify it. Click on this subtitle.",
125                     trigger: {
126                         id: 'snippet-activated',
127                     }
128                 },
129                 {
130                     stepId:    'remove-text-block-title',
131                     element:   '.oe_active .oe_snippet_remove',
132                     placement: 'top',
133                     title:     "Delete the Title",
134                     content:   "From this toolbar you can move, duplicate or delete the selected zone. Click on the garbage can image to delete the title.",
135                     trigger:   'click',
136                 },
137                 {
138                     stepId:    'save-changes',
139                     element:   'button[data-action=save]',
140                     placement: 'right',
141                     title:     "Save Your Blog",
142                     content:   "Click the <em>Save</em> button to record changes on the page.",
143                     template:  self.popover({ fixed: true }),
144                     trigger:   'reload',
145                 },
146                 {
147                     stepId:    'publish-post',
148                     element:   'button.btn-danger.js_publish_btn',
149                     placement: 'top',
150                     title:     "Publish Your Post",
151                     content:   "Your blog post is not yet published. You can update this draft version and publish it once you are ready.",
152                     trigger:   'click',
153                     delay:     5000,
154                 },
155                 {
156                     stepId:    'end-tutorial',
157                     title:     "Thanks!",
158                     content:   "This tutorial is finished. To discover more features, improve the content of this page and try the <em>Promote</em> button in the top right menu.",
159                     template:  self.popover({ end: "Close Tutorial" }),
160                     backdrop:  true,
161                 },
162             ];
163             return this._super();
164         },
165         trigger: function () {
166             return (this.resume() && this.testUrl(/^\/blogpost\/[0-9]+\//)) || this._super();
167         },
168     });
170 }());