[IMP] website editor: better rendering of the popover when failure write raise by...
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / website / static / src / js / website.tour.banner.js
1 (function () {
2     'use strict';
4     var website = openerp.website;
6     var render = website.tour.render;
8     website.EditorBannerTour = website.EditorTour.extend({
9         id: 'banner-tutorial',
10         name: "Insert a banner",
11         startPath: '/page/website.homepage',
12         init: function (editor) {
13             var self = this;
14             var $body = $(document.body);
15             self.steps = [
16                 {
17                     stepId: 'welcome',
18                     orphan: true,
19                     backdrop: true,
20                     title: "Welcome to your website!",
21                     content: "This tutorial will guide you to build your home page. We will start by adding a banner.",
22                     template: render('website.tour_popover', { next: "Start Tutorial", end: "Skip It" }),
23                 },
24                 {
25                     stepId: 'edit-page',
26                     element: 'button[data-action=edit]',
27                     placement: 'bottom',
28                     title: "Edit this page",
29                     content: "Every page of your website can be modified through the <i>Edit</i> button.",
30                     template: render('website.tour_popover'),
31                     onShow: function () {
32                         editor.on('tour:editor_bar_loaded', editor, function () {
33                             self.movetoStep('add-block');
34                         });
35                     },
36                 },
37                 {
38                     stepId: 'add-block',
39                     element: 'button[data-action=snippet]',
40                     placement: 'bottom',
41                     title: "Insert building blocks",
42                     content: "To add content in a page, you can insert building blocks.",
43                     template: render('website.tour_popover'),
44                     onShow: function () {
45                         $('button[data-action=snippet]').click(function () {
46                             self.movetoStep('drag-banner');
47                         });
48                     }
49                 },
50                 {
51                     stepId: 'drag-banner',
52                     element: '#website-top-navbar [data-snippet-id=carousel].ui-draggable',
53                     placement: 'bottom',
54                     title: "Drag & Drop a Banner",
55                     content: "Drag the Banner block and drop it in your page.",
56                     template: render('website.tour_popover'),
57                     onShow: function () {
58                         function beginDrag () {
59                             $('.popover.tour').remove();
60                             function goToNextStep () {
61                                 $('#oe_snippets').hide();
62                                 self.movetoStep('edit-title');
63                                 $body.off('mouseup', goToNextStep);
64                             }
65                             $body.off('mousedown', beginDrag);
66                             $body.on('mouseup', goToNextStep);
67                         }
69                         $body.on('mousedown', beginDrag);
70                     },
71                 },
72                 {
73                     stepId: 'edit-title',
74                     element: '#wrap [data-snippet-id=carousel]:first .carousel-caption',
75                     placement: 'top',
76                     title: "Customize banner's text",
77                     content: "Click in the text and start editing it. Click continue once it's done.",
78                     template: render('website.tour_popover', { next: "Continue" }),
79                     onHide: function () {
80                         var $banner = $("#wrap [data-snippet-id=carousel]:first");
81                         if ($banner.length) {
82                             $banner.click();
83                         }
84                     },
85                 },
86                 {
87                     stepId: 'customize-banner',
88                     element: '.oe_overlay_options .oe_options',
89                     placement: 'left',
90                     title: "Customize the banner",
91                     content: "You can customize characteristic of any blocks through the Customize menu. For instance, change the background of the banner.",
92                     template: render('website.tour_popover', { next: "Continue" }),
93                     onShow: function () {
94                         $('.dropdown-menu [name=carousel-background]').click(function () {
95                             self.movetoStep('save-changes');
96                         });
97                     },
98                 },
99                 {
100                     stepId: 'save-changes',
101                     element: 'button[data-action=save]',
102                     placement: 'right',
103                     reflex: true,
104                     title: "Save your modifications",
105                     content: "Once you click on save, your website page is updated.",
106                     template: render('website.tour_popover'),
107                     onHide: function () {
108                         self.saveStep('part-2');
109                     },
110                 },
111                 {
112                     stepId: 'part-2',
113                     orphan: true,
114                     title: "Congratulation!",
115                     content: "Your homepage have been updated. Now, we suggest you to insert others building blocks like texts and images to structure your page.",
116                     template: render('website.tour_popover', { next: "Continue" }),
117                 },
118                 {
119                     stepId: 'show-tutorials',
120                     element: '#help-menu-button',
121                     placement: 'left',
122                     reflex: true,
123                     title: "Help is always available",
124                     content: "You can always click here if you want more helps or continue to build and get more tips about your website contents like page menu, ...",
125                     template: render('website.tour_popover', { end: "Close" }),
126                 }
127             ];
128             return this._super();
129         },
130         startOfPart2: function () {
131             var currentStepIndex = this.currentStepIndex();
132             var secondPartIndex = this.indexOfStep('part-2');
133             var showTutorialsIndex = this.indexOfStep('show-tutorials');
134             return (currentStepIndex === secondPartIndex || currentStepIndex === showTutorialsIndex) && !this.tour.ended();
135         },
136         continueTour: function () {
137             return this.startOfPart2() || this._super();
138         },
139     });
141     website.EditorBar.include({
142         start: function () {
143             this.registerTour(new website.EditorBannerTour(this));
144             return this._super();
145         },
146     });
148 }());