[MERGE] Merge with trunk upto revision no 1218.
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / web_dashboard / static / src / xml / web_dashboard.xml
1 <template>
2 <t t-name="DashBoard">
3     <div class="oe-dashboard-links">
4         <button type="button" class="button oe-dashboard-link-reset" t-att-style="view.fields_view.custom_view_id ? null : 'display: none'">
5             <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_GOTO_FIRST.png" width="16" height="16"/>
6             <span>Reset</span>
7         </button>
8         <button type="button" class="button oe-dashboard-link-undo" t-att-style="view.fields_view.custom_view_id ? null : 'display: none'">
9             <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-undo.png" width="16" height="16"/>
10             <span>Undo</span>
11         </button>
12         <button type="button" class="button oe-dashboard-link-add_widget">
13             <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_ADD.png" width="16" height="16"/>
14             <span>Add Widget</span>
15         </button>
16         <button type="button" class="button oe-dashboard-link-change_layout">
17             <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-edit.png" width="16" height="16"/>
18             <span>Change layout</span>
19         </button>
20     </div>
21     <table t-att-data-layout="node.attrs.style" t-attf-class="oe-dashboard oe-dashboard-layout_#{node.attrs.style}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
22     <tr>
23         <td t-foreach="node.children" t-as="column" t-if="column.tag == 'column'"
24              t-att-id="view.element_id + '_column_' + column_index" t-attf-class="oe-dashboard-column index_#{column_index}">
26             <t t-foreach="column.children" t-as="action" t-if="action.tag == 'action'" t-call="DashBoard.action"/>
27         </td>
28     </tr>
29     </table>
30 </t>
31 <t t-name="DashBoard.action">
32     <div t-att-data-id="action.attrs.name" class="oe-dashboard-action">
33         <h2 class="oe-dashboard-action-header oe_view_title">
34             <input class="oe-dashboard-action-input" type="text" name="title" value="" style="display: none"/>
35             <t t-esc="action.attrs.string"/>
36             <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'></span>
37             <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick oe-dashboard-fold' t-if="!action.attrs.fold"></span>
38             <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick oe-dashboard-fold' t-if="action.attrs.fold"></span>
39         </h2>
40         <div t-att-id="view.element_id + '_action_' + action.attrs.name" class="oe-dashboard-action-content" t-att-style="action.attrs.fold ? 'display: none' : null"></div>
41     </div>
42 </t>
43 <t t-name="DashBoard.layouts">
44     <div class="oe-dashboard-layout-selector">
45         <p>
46             <strong>Choose dashboard layout</strong>
47         </p>
48         <ul>
49             <li t-foreach="'1 1-1 1-1-1 1-2 2-1'.split(' ')" t-as="layout" t-att-data-layout="layout">
50                 <img t-attf-src="/web_dashboard/static/src/img/layout_#{layout}.png"/>
51                 <img t-if="layout == current_layout"
52                     src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-apply.png" width="16" height="16" class="oe-selected-layout"/>
53             </li>
54         </ul>
55     </div>
56 </t>
57 <t t-name="DashBoard.xml">
58     <form t-att-string="form_title">
59         <board t-att-style="style">
60             <column t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">
61                 <action t-foreach="column" t-as="action" t-att="action"/>
62             </column>
63         </board>
64     </form>
65 </t>
66 <div t-name="ConfigOverview" class="oe-dashboard-config-overview"/>
67 <t t-name="ConfigOverview.content">
68     <div class="oe-config-progress">
69         <h6 class="oe-config-progress-title">
70             progress: <t t-esc="Math.round(completion)"/>%
71         </h6>
72         <div class="oe-config-progress-bar" t-att-data-completion="completion"/>
73     </div>
74     <dl>
75         <t t-foreach="groups" t-as="category">
76             <dt><t t-esc="category"/></dt>
77             <dd><ul>
78                 <li t-foreach="category_value" t-as="todo"
79                     t-att-class="todo.done ? 'oe-done' : undefined"
80                     t-att-data-id="todo.id"
81                     t-att-title="!todo.done ? 'Execute task \'' + todo.name + '\'' : undefined">
82                     <input type="checkbox" t-att-value="todo.id"
83                        t-att-title="!todo.done ? 'Mark this task as done' : undefined"
84                        t-att-checked="todo.done ? 'checked' : undefined"/>
85                     <t t-esc="todo.name"/>
86                 </li>
87             </ul></dd>
88         </t>
90     </dl>
91 </t>
92 <div t-name="ApplicationTiles" class="oe-dashboard-home-tiles"/>
93 <table t-name="ApplicationTiles.content" width="100%">
94     <tr t-foreach="rows" t-as="row">
95         <td t-foreach="row" t-as="application" width="33.3%">
96             <div class="oe-dashboard-home-tile"
97                  t-att-data-menuid="application.id">
98                 <div class="oe-dashboard-home-tile-icon">
99                     <img t-if="application.web_icon_data"
100                         t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,' + application.web_icon_data"
101                     /><img t-if="application.web_icon_hover_data" class="hover"
102                         t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,' + application.web_icon_hover_data"/>
103                 </div>
104                 <span><t t-esc="application.name"/></span>
105             </div>
106         </td>
107     </tr>
108 </table>
109 <div t-name="HomeWidget" class="oe-dashboard-home-widget"/>
110 <t t-name="HomeWidget.content">
111     <h3><t t-esc="widget.title"/></h3>
112     <iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" t-att-src="url"/>
113 </t>
114 <div t-name="StaticHome" class="oe-static-home">
115     <h1>Welcome to your new OpenERP instance.</h1>
116     <div class="oe-static-home-banner">
117         <li>Remember to bookmark this page.</li>
118         <li>Remember your login: <i><t t-esc="session.login"/></i></li>
119         <li>Choose the first OpenERP Application you want to install..</li>
120     </div>
121     <div class="oe-static-home-tiles">
122         <table width="100%">
123             <tr t-foreach="rows" t-as="row">
124                 <td t-foreach="row" t-as="application" width="25%">
125                     <table class="oe-static-home-tile">
126                         <tr>
127                             <td>
128                                 <div class="oe-static-home-tile-logo">
129                                     <img t-att-src="'/web_dashboard/static/src/img/installer_' + application.module + '.png'"/>
130                                 </div>
131                             </td>
132                             <td>
133                                 <div class="oe-static-home-tile-text">
134                                     <h2><t t-esc="application.name"/></h2>
135                                     <p><t t-esc="application.help"/></p>
136                                     <button type="button" t-att-value="application.module"> Install</button>
137                                 </div>
138                             </td>
139                         </tr>
140                     </table>
141                 </td>
142             </tr>
143         </table>
144     </div>
145 </div>
146 </template>