[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / web / static / src / xml / base.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- vim:fdl=1:
3 -->
4 <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
5 <t t-name="Notification">
6     <div class="oe_notification" t-translation="off">
7         <div id="oe_notification_default">
8             <a class="ui-notify-cross ui-notify-close" href="#">x</a>
9             <h1>#{title}</h1>
10             <p>#{text}</p>
11         </div>
12         <div id="oe_notification_alert" class="ui-state-error">
13             <a class="ui-notify-cross ui-notify-close" href="#">x</a>
14             <span style="float:left; margin:2px 5px 0 0;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>
15             <h1>#{title}</h1>
16             <p>#{text}</p>
17         </div>
18     </div>
19 </t>
20 <t t-name="WebClient">
21     <div class="oe_webclient">
22         <div class="oe_topbar">
23             <div class="oe_menu_placeholder"/>
24             <div class="oe_user_menu_placeholder"/>
25             <div class="oe_systray"/>
26         </div>
28         <div class="oe_main">
29             <div class="oe_leftbarbg"/>
30             <div class="oe_leftbar">
31                 <a href="#" class="oe_logo"><img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/logo.png"'/></a>
32                 <div class="oe_secondary_menus_container"/>
33                 <div class="oe_footer">
34                     Powered by <a href="http://www.openerp.com"><span>Open</span>ERP</a>
35                 </div>
36             </div>
37             <div class="oe_application"/>
38         </div>
40     </div>
41 </t>
42 <t t-name="Loading">
43     <div id="oe_loading">
44         <div class="loading">
45         Loading...
46         </div>
47     </div>
48 </t>
49 <t t-name="Database.CreateDB">
50     <form name="create_db_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST">
51         <table width="100%">
52             <tr>
53                 <td class="option_string">
54                     CREATE DATABASE
55                 </td>
56             </tr>
57         </table>
58         <table align="center" class="db_option_table">
59             <tr>
60                 <td><label for="super_admin_pwd">Master password:</label></td>
61                 <td><input type="password" name="super_admin_pwd" class="required" value="admin"/></td>
62             </tr>
63             <tr>
64                 <td><label for="db_name">New database name:</label></td>
65                 <td><input type="text" name="db_name"
66                            class="required" matches="^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$"/></td>
67             </tr>
68             <tr>
69                 <td><label for="demo_data">Load Demonstration data:</label></td>
70                 <td><input type="checkbox" name="demo_data"/></td>
71             </tr>
72             <tr>
73                 <td><label for="db_lang">Default language:</label></td>
74                 <td>
75                     <select name="db_lang" t-if="lang_list">
76                         <t t-foreach="lang_list" t-as="lang">
77                             <option t-att-value="lang[0]" t-att-selected="lang[0] === 'en_US' ? 'selected' : undefined"><t t-esc="lang[1]"/></option>
78                         </t>
79                     </select>
80                 </td>
81             </tr>
82             <tr>
83                 <td><label for="create_admin_pwd">Admin password:</label></td>
84                 <td><input type="password" name="create_admin_pwd" class="required"/></td>
85             </tr>
86             <tr>
87                 <td><label for="create_confirm_pwd">Confirm password:</label></td>
88                 <td><input type="password" name="create_confirm_pwd" class="required"
89                            equalTo="input[name=create_admin_pwd]"/></td>
90             </tr>
91             <tr>
92                 <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Create</button></td>
93             </tr>
94         </table>
95     </form>
96 </t>
97 <t t-name="DropDB">
98     <form name="drop_db_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST">
99         <table width="100%">
100             <tr>
101                 <td class="option_string">
102                     DROP DATABASE
103                 </td>
104             </tr>
105         </table>
106         <table align="center" class="db_option_table">
107             <tr>
108                 <td><label for="drop_db">Database:</label></td>
109                 <td>
110                     <select t-if="db_list" name="drop_db" autofocus="autofocus">
111                         <t t-foreach="db_list" t-as="db">
112                             <option t-att-value="db"><t t-esc="db"/></option>
113                         </t>
114                     </select>
115                     <input t-if="!db_list" name="drop_db" class="required"
116                            type="text" autofocus="autofocus"/>
117                 </td>
118             </tr>
119             <tr>
120                 <td><label for="drop_password">Master Password:</label></td>
121                 <td><input type="password" name="drop_pwd" class="required"/></td>
122             </tr>
123             <tr>
124                 <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Drop</button></td>
125             </tr>
126         </table>
127     </form>
128 </t>
129 <t t-name="BackupDB">
130     <form name="backup_db_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST" target="backup-target"
131           action="/web/database/backup">
132         <input type="hidden" name="token"/>
133         <table width="100%">
134             <tr>
135                 <td class="option_string">
136                     BACKUP DATABASE
137                 </td>
138             </tr>
139         </table>
140         <table align="center" class="db_option_table">
141             <tr>
142                 <td><label for="backup_db">Database:</label></td>
143                 <td>
144                     <select t-if="db_list" name="backup_db" autofocus="autofocus">
145                         <t t-foreach="db_list" t-as="db">
146                             <option t-att-value="db"><t t-esc="db"/></option>
147                         </t>
148                     </select>
149                     <input t-if="!db_list" name="backup_db" class="required"
150                            type="text" autofocus="autofocus"/>
151                 </td>
152             </tr>
153             <tr>
154                 <td><label for="backup_pwd">Master Password:</label></td>
155                 <td><input type="password" name="backup_pwd" class="required"/></td>
156             </tr>
157             <tr>
158                 <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Backup</button></td>
159             </tr>
160         </table>
161     </form>
162 </t>
163 <t t-name="RestoreDB">
164     <form name="restore_db_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST">
165         <table width="100%">
166             <tr>
167                 <td class="option_string">
168                     RESTORE DATABASE
169                 </td>
170             </tr>
171         </table>
172         <table align="center" class="db_option_table">
173             <tr>
174                 <td><label for="restore_db">File:</label></td>
175                 <td><input type="file" name="db_file" class="required"
176                          autofocus="autofocus"/></td>
177             </tr>
178             <tr>
179                 <td><label for="restore_pwd">Master Password:</label></td>
180                 <td><input type="password" name="restore_pwd" class="required"/></td>
181             </tr>
182         <tr>
183                 <td><label for="new_db">New database name:</label></td>
184                 <td><input type="text" name="new_db" class="required"/></td>
185             </tr>
186         <tr>
187             <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Restore</button></td>
188             </tr>
189         </table>
190     </form>
191 </t>
192 <t t-name="Change_DB_Pwd">
193     <form name="change_pwd_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST">
194         <table width="100%">
195             <tr>
196                 <td class="option_string">
197                     CHANGE MASTER PASSWORD
198                 </td>
199             </tr>
200         </table>
201         <table align="center" class="db_option_table">
202             <tr>
203                 <td><label for="old_pwd">Master password:</label></td>
204                 <td><input type="password" name="old_pwd" class="required"
205                            minlength="1" autofocus="autofocus"/></td>
206             </tr>
207             <tr>
208             <td><label for="new_pwd">New master password:</label></td>
209             <td><input type="password" name="new_pwd" class="required"
210                        minlength="1"/></td>
211             </tr>
212             <tr>
213                 <td><label for="confirm_pwd">Confirm new master password:</label></td>
214                 <td><input type="password" name="confirm_pwd" class="required"
215                            equalTo="input[name=new_pwd]" minlength="1"/></td>
216             </tr>
217             <tr>
218                 <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Change Password</button></td>
219             </tr>
220         </table>
221     </form>
222 </t>
224 <t t-name="CrashManagerWarning">
225     <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="oe-dialog-warning">
226     <tr>
227         <td><img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/warning.png"' class="oe-dialog-icon"/></td>
228         <td>
229             <p>
230                 <t t-js="d">
231                     var message = d.message ? d.message : d.error.data.fault_code;
232                     d.html_error = context.engine.tools.html_escape(message)
233                         .replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
234                 </t>
235                 <t t-raw="html_error"/>
236             </p>
237         </td>
238     </tr>
239     </table>
240 </t>
241 <t t-name="CrashManagerError">
242     <t t-if="!session.openerp_entreprise">
243         <span>Your version of OpenERP is unsupported. Support &amp; maintenance services are available here: <a href="http://www.openerp.com/support-or-publisher-warranty-contract" target="_blank">OpenERP Entreprise</a>.</span>
244     </t>
245     <t t-if="session.openerp_entreprise">
246         <div class="oe_error_send">
247             <div>
248                 <div class="oe_centeralign"><b>OpenERP Enterprise Contract.</b></div>
249                 <div><br/>Your report will be sent to the OpenERP Enterprise team.<br/></div><br/>
250                 <div>
251                     <label>Summary:</label><br/>
252                     <input id="issuename" type="text" class="oe_fielddiv"/>
253                 </div><br/><br/>
254                 <div>
255                     <label>Description:</label><br/>
256                     <textarea id="explanation" rows="6"></textarea>
257                 </div><br/><br/>
258                 <div>
259                     <label>What you did:</label><br/>
260                     <textarea id="remark" rows="6" ></textarea>
261                 </div>
262             </div>
263         </div><br/>
264     </t>
265     <div class="oe_error_detail">
266         <pre><t t-esc="error.message"/></pre>
267         <hr/>
268         <pre><t t-esc="error.data.debug"/></pre>
269     </div>
270 </t>
272 <t t-name="Login_dblist">
273     <select name="db">
274         <t t-foreach="db_list" t-as="db">
275             <t t-if="selected_db === db">
276                 <option t-att-value="db" selected="true">
277                     <t t-esc="db"/></option>
278             </t>
279             <t t-if="selected_db !== db">
280                 <option t-att-value="db"><t t-esc="db"/></option>
281             </t>
282         </t>
283     </select>
284 </t>
286 <t t-name="Login">
287   <div class="login">
288     <div class="bottom"> </div>
289     <div class="login_error_message">Invalid username or password</div>
290     <div class="pane">
291       <div id="logo"><img src='/web/static/src/img/logo2.png'/></div>
292       <form action="" method="post">
293         <div class="dbpane" >
294           Database:
295           <input name="db" t-att-value="widget.selected_db || ''"/>
296         </div>
297         <ul>
298           <li>Username</li>
299           <li><input type="text" name="login" t-att-value="widget.selected_login || ''" autofocus="autofocus"/></li>
300           <li>Password</li>
301           <li><input type="password" name="password" t-att-value="widget.selected_password || ''"/></li>
302           <li><button name="submit">Log in</button></li>
303         </ul>
304       </form>
305       <div class="footer">
306         <a href="#" id="oe-db-config">Manage Databases</a> |
307         <a href="http://www.openerp.com">Powered by <span class="openerp">OpenERP</span></a>
308       </div>
309     </div>
310   </div>
311 </t>
312 <t t-name="DatabaseManager">
313     <div class="oe-database-manager">
314         <div class="database">
315             <a class="company_logo_link" href="/?">
316                 <div class="company_logo"></div>
317             </a>
318             <ul class="db_options">
319                 <li id="db-create">Create</li>
320                 <li id="db-drop">Drop</li>
321                 <li id="db-backup">Backup</li>
322                 <li id="db-restore">Restore</li>
323                 <li id="db-change-password">Password</li>
324                 <li id="back-to-login">Back to Login</li>
325             </ul>
326         </div>
327         <div id="oe_db_options" class="oe_db_options"></div>
328     </div>
329 </t>
331 <t t-name="Menu">
332     <ul class="oe_menu" t-if="widget.data">
333         <li t-foreach="widget.data.data.children" t-as="menu">
334             <t t-call="Menu.secondary.link"/>
335         </li>
336     </ul>
337 </t>
338 <t t-name="Menu.secondary">
339     <div t-foreach="widget.data.data.children" t-as="menu" style="display: none" class="oe_secondary_menu" t-att-data-menu-parent="menu.id">
340         <t t-foreach="menu.children" t-as="menu">
341             <div class="oe_secondary_menu_section">
342                 <t t-esc="menu.name"/>
343                 <!--
344                     Shall the section be still clickable ?
345                     <t t-call="Menu.secondary.link"/>
346                 -->
347             </div>
348             <t t-call="Menu.secondary.submenu"/>
349         </t>
350     </div>
351 </t>
352 <t t-name="Menu.secondary.submenu">
353     <ul t-if="menu.children.length" class="oe_secondary_submenu">
354         <li t-foreach="menu.children" t-as="menu">
355             <t t-call="Menu.secondary.link"/>
356             <!--<span class="oe_menu_label">8</span>-->
357             <t t-call="Menu.secondary.submenu"/>
358         </li>
359     </ul>
360 </t>
361 <t t-name="Menu.secondary.link">
362     <a href="#"
363         t-att-class="menu.children.length ? 'oe_menu_toggler' : 'oe_menu_leaf'"
364         t-att-data-menu="menu.id"
365         t-att-data-action-model="menu.action ? menu.action.split(',')[0] : ''"
366         t-att-data-action-id="menu.action ? menu.action.split(',')[1] : ''">
367         <t t-esc="menu.name"/>
368     </a>
369 </t>
371 <t t-name="UserMenu">
372     <ul class="oe_user_menu oe_topbar_item">
373         <li class="oe_dropdown">
374             <a href="#" class="oe_dropdown_toggle">
375                 <img class="oe_topbar_avatar" t-att-data-default-src="_s + '/web/static/src/img/topbar-avatar.png'"/>
376                 <span class="oe_topbar_name"/>
377             </a>
378             <ul class="oe_dropdown_options">
379                 <!--<li><a href="#" data-menu="profile">Profile</a></li>-->
380                 <li><a href="#" data-menu="settings">Settings</a></li>
381                 <li><a href="#" data-menu="logout">Log out</a></li>
382                 <li><hr/></li>
383                 <li><a href="#" data-menu="about">About OpenERP</a></li>
384                 <li><hr/></li>
385             </ul>
386         </li>
387     </ul>
388 </t>
389 <t t-name="UserMenu.shortcut">
390     <li t-foreach="shortcuts" t-as="shortcut">
391         <a href="#" data-menu="shortcut" t-att-data-id="shortcut.res_id" t-att-data-shortcut-id="shortcut.id">
392             <t t-esc="shortcut.name"/>
393         </a>
394     </li>
395 </t>
397 <t t-name="ViewManager">
398     <table class="view-manager-main-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
399     <tbody>
400     <tr>
401         <td class="view-manager-main-content">
402             <div class="oe-view-manager-header">
403                 <h2 class="oe_view_title" t-if="self.flags.display_title !== false">
404                     <span class="oe_view_title_text"><t t-esc="self.display_title()"/></span>
405                 </h2>
406                 <div class="oe_vm_switch">
407                     <t t-if="views.length != 1" t-foreach="views" t-as="view">
409                         <button type="button" t-attf-class="oe_vm_switch_#{view.view_type}" t-att-data-view-type="view.view_type" t-att-title="view.label || view.view_type">
410                             <span><t t-esc="view.label || view.view_type"/></span>
411                         </button>
412                     </t>
413                 </div>
414             </div>
415             <div t-attf-id="#{prefix}_search" t-opentag="true"/>
416             <t t-foreach="views" t-as="view">
417                 <div t-attf-id="#{prefix}_view_#{view.view_type}"/>
418             </t>
419         </td>
420         <td class="view-manager-main-sidebar" height="100%">
421             <t t-foreach="views" t-as="view">
422                 <div t-attf-id="#{prefix}_sidebar_#{view.view_type}" class="sidebar-main-div closed-sidebar" style="display: none"/>
423             </t>
424         </td>
425     </tr>
426     </tbody>
427     </table>
428 </t>
430 <t t-extend="ViewManager" t-name="ViewManagerAction">
431     <t t-jquery=".view-manager-main-table tbody" t-operation="prepend">
432         <tr>
433             <td class="oe_view_manager_menu_tips" colspan="2">
434                 <blockquote t-if="self.action.help and !self.flags.low_profile
435                                  and !(self.action.id in self.session.hidden_menutips)">
436                     <p><t t-esc="self.action.help"/></p>
437                     <div>
438                         <button type="button" name="hide">Hide this tip</button>
439                         <button type="button" name="disable">Disable all tips</button>
440                     </div>
441                 </blockquote>
442             </td>
443         </tr>
444     </t>
445     <t t-jquery="h2.oe_view_title" t-operation="prepend">
446         <a t-if="self.flags.display_title !== false" class="oe-shortcut-toggle" title="Add / Remove Shortcut..."
447             href="javascript: void(0)"> </a>
448     </t>
449     <t t-jquery="h2.oe_view_title" t-operation="after">
450         <select t-if="self.session.debug" class="oe_debug_view"/>
451     </t>
452     <t t-jquery=".oe-view-manager-header" t-operation="after">
453         <div class="oe-view-manager-logs oe-folded">
454             <ul></ul>
455             <a class="oe-more-logs" href="#">More…</a>
456             <a class="oe-remove-everything ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"/>
457         </div>
458     </t>
459 </t>
460 <t t-name="ViewManagerDebug">
461     <option value="">Debug View#<t t-esc="view.fields_view.view_id"/></option>
462     <option t-if="_.indexOf(['form', 'page'], view_manager.active_view) gt -1" value="perm_read" data-views="form,page">View Log (perm_read)</option>
463     <option value="fields">View Fields</option>
464     <option value="fvg">Fields View Get</option>
465     <t t-if="view_manager.session.uid === 1">
466         <option value="manage_views">Manage Views</option>
467         <option value="edit" data-model="ir.ui.view" t-att-data-id="view.fields_view.view_id">Edit <t t-esc="_.str.capitalize(view.fields_view.type)"/>View</option>
468         <option t-if="view_manager.searchview" value="edit" data-model="ir.ui.view" t-att-data-id="view_manager.searchview.view_id">Edit SearchView</option>
469         <option t-if="view_manager.action" value="edit" t-att-data-model="view_manager.action.type" t-att-data-id="view_manager.action.id">Edit Action</option>
470         <option value="edit_workflow">Edit Workflow</option>
471     </t>
472 </t>
473 <t t-name="ViewManagerDebugViewLog">
474     <div class="oe_debug_view_log">
475         <label>ID:</label>
476         <span><t t-esc="perm.id"/></span>
478         <label>XML ID:</label>
479         <span><t t-esc="perm.xmlid"/></span>
481         <label>Creation User:</label>
482         <span><t t-esc="format(perm.create_uid, { 'type' : 'many2one' }, '/')"/></span>
484         <label>Creation Date:</label>
485         <span><t t-esc="format(perm.create_date, { 'type' : 'datetime' }, '/')"/></span>
487         <label>Latest Modification by:</label>
488         <span><t t-esc="format(perm.write_uid, { 'type' : 'many2one' }, '/')"/></span>
490         <label>Latest Modification Date:</label>
491         <span><t t-esc="format(perm.write_date, { 'type' : 'datetime' }, '/')"/></span>
492     </div>
493 </t>
494 <t t-extend="ViewManager" t-name="One2Many.viewmanager">
495     <t t-jquery="span.oe_view_title_text" t-operation="replace"/>
497     <t t-jquery=".oe-view-manager-header">
498         this.attr('t-if', 'views.length != 1');
499     </t>
500 </t>
502 <t t-name="Sidebar">
503     <a class="toggle-sidebar"></a>
504     <div class="sidebar-content">
505         <div class="sidebar-actions">
506         </div>
507     </div>
508 </t>
509 <t t-name="Sidebar.section">
510     <div t-att-id="section_id" t-att-class="classname">
511         <h2><t t-esc="name"/></h2>
512     </div>
513 </t>
514 <t t-name="Sidebar.section.items">
515     <li t-foreach="items" t-as="item" t-att-class="item.classname">
516         <a class="oe_sidebar_action_a" t-att-id="item.element_id" t-att-title="item.title" href="#">
517             <t t-esc="item.label"/>
518         </a>
519     </li>
520 </t>
522 <t t-name="TranslateDialog">
523     <table t-if="widget.view.translatable_fields" class="oe_frame oe_forms oe_translation_form" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
524     <tr>
525         <td class="oe_form_separator" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap">
526             <div class="separator horizontal">Field</div>
527         </td>
528         <th t-foreach="widget.languages" align="left">
529             <div class="separator horizontal"><t t-esc="name"/></div>
530         </th>
531     </tr>
532     <tr t-foreach="widget.view.translatable_fields" t-as="field" t-att-data-field="field.name">
533         <td class="oe_form_frame_cell" width="1%" nowrap="nowrap">
534             <label class="oe_label"><t t-esc="field.string"/>:</label>
535         </td>
536         <td t-foreach="widget.languages" t-as="lg" class="oe_form_frame_cell">
537             <input t-if="field.type == 'char'" type="text" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" value="" data-value="" class="oe_trad_field" style="width: 100%"/>
538             <textarea t-if="field.type == 'text'" t-attf-name="#{lg.code}-#{field.name}" data-value="" class="oe_trad_field" style="width: 100%"></textarea>
539         </td>
540     </tr>
541     </table>
542 </t>
543 <t t-name="TreeView">
544     <select t-if="toolbar" style="width: 30%">
545     </select>
546     <table class="oe-treeview-table">
547         <thead>
548             <tr>
549                 <th t-foreach="fields_view" t-as="field"
550                     t-if="!field.attrs.modifiers.tree_invisible"
551                     class="treeview-header">
552                     <t t-esc="fields[field.attrs.name].string" />
553                 </th>
554             </tr>
555         </thead>
556         <tbody>
557         </tbody>
558     </table>
559 </t>
560 <tr t-name="TreeView.rows"
561         t-foreach="records" t-as="record"
562         t-att-id="'treerow_' + record.id"
563         t-att-data-id="record.id" t-att-data-level="level + 1">
564     <t t-set="children" t-value="record[children_field]"/>
565     <t t-set="class" t-value="children and children.length ? 'treeview-tr' : 'treeview-td'"/>
566     <t t-set="rank" t-value="'oe-treeview-first'"/>
567     <t t-set="style" t-value="'background-position: ' + 19*level + 'px; padding-left: ' + 19*level + 'px;'"/>
569     <td t-foreach="fields_view" t-as="field"
570         t-if="!field.attrs.modifiers.tree_invisible"
571         t-att-data-id="record.id"
572         t-att-style="color_for(record) + style "
573         t-attf-class="#{class} #{rank} #{(fields[field.attrs.name].type === 'float') or (fields[field.attrs.name].type === 'integer') ? 'oe-number' : ''}">
575         <span t-if="!field.attrs.modifiers.invisible" >
576             <t t-esc="render(record[field.attrs.name], fields[field.attrs.name])" />
577         </span>
579         <t t-set="class" t-value="'treeview-td'"/>
580         <t t-set="rank" t-value="''"/>
581         <t t-set="style" t-value="''"/>
582     </td>
583 </tr>
585 <t t-name="ViewPager">
586     <button class="oe_button oe_button_pager" type="button" data-pager-action="first">
587         <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/pager_first.png"'/>
588     </button>
589     <button class="oe_button oe_button_pager" type="button" data-pager-action="previous">
590         <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/pager_previous.png"'/>
591     </button>
593     <t t-raw="__content__"/>
595     <button class="oe_button oe_button_pager" type="button" data-pager-action="next">
596         <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/pager_next.png"'/>
597     </button>
598     <button class="oe_button oe_button_pager" type="button" data-pager-action="last">
599         <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/pager_last.png"'/>
600     </button>
601 </t>
603 <table t-name="ListView" class="oe-listview-content">
604     <t t-set="columns_count" t-value="visible_columns.length + (options.selectable ? 1 : 0) + (options.deletable ? 1 : 0) + (options.isClarkGable ? 1 : 0)"/>
605     <thead class="ui-widget-header">
606         <tr t-if="options.action_buttons !== false or options.pager !== false">
607             <th t-att-colspan="columns_count">
608                 <table>
609                     <tr>
610                         <td t-if="!no_leaf and options.action_buttons !== false" class="oe-actions">
611                             <button type="button" class="oe_button oe-list-add"
612                                     t-if="options.addable">
613                                 <t t-esc="options.addable"/>
614                             </button>
615                             <button type="button" class="oe_button oe-list-delete"
616                                     t-if="options.selectable and options.deletable">
617                                 Delete
618                             </button>
619                         </td>
620                         <t t-call="Listview.navigation.button"/>
621                     </tr>
622                 </table>
623             </th>
624         </tr>
625         <tr t-if="options.header" class="oe-listview-header-columns">
626             <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">
627                 <th t-if="column.meta">
628                     <t t-esc="column.string"/>
629                 </th>
630             </t>
631             <th t-if="options.selectable" width="1"  >
632                 <input type="checkbox" class="all-record-selector"/> </th>
633             <th t-if="options.isClarkGable" width="1"> </th>
634             <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">
635                 <th t-if="!column.meta and column.invisible !== '1'" t-att-data-id="column.id"
636                     t-att-class="((options.sortable and column.tag !== 'button') ? 'oe-sortable' : null)">
637                     <t t-if="column.tag !== 'button'"
638                         ><t t-esc="column.string"/></t>
639                 </th>
640             </t>
641             <th t-if="options.deletable" width="1"/>
642         </tr>
643     </thead>
644     <tfoot class="ui-widget-header">
645         <tr>
646             <td t-if="options.selectable"/>
647             <td t-if="options.isClarkGable"/>
648             <td t-foreach="aggregate_columns" t-as="column" class="oe-list-footer oe-number"
649                 t-att-data-field="column.id" t-att-title="column.label">
650             </td>
651             <td t-if="options.deletable"/>
652         </tr>
653         <tr>
654             <t t-call="Listview.navigation.button"/>
655         </tr>
656     </tfoot>
657 </table>
658 <t t-extend="ListView" t-name="One2Many.listview">
659     <t t-jquery="thead.ui-widget-header > tr:first">
660         this.removeAttr('t-if');
661     </t>
663     <t t-jquery="tfoot &gt; tr:last-child" t-operation="replace"/>
665     <t t-jquery="td.oe-actions">
666         this.removeAttr('t-if');
667     </t>
668     <t t-jquery="td.oe-actions" t-operation="prepend">
669         <h3 class="oe_view_title"><t t-esc="fields_view.arch.attrs.string"/></h3>
670     </t>
671 </t>
672 <th t-name="Listview.navigation.button" t-if="!no_leaf and options.pager !== false"
673         class="oe-list-pager" t-att-colspan="columns_count">
674     <t t-call="ViewPager">
675         <span class="oe-pager-state">
676         </span>
677     </t>
678 </th>
679 <t t-name="ListView.rows" t-foreach="records.length" t-as="index">
680     <t t-call="ListView.row">
681         <t t-set="record" t-value="records.at(index)"/>
682         <t t-set="row_parity" t-value="index_parity"/>
683     </t>
684 </t>
685 <tr t-name="ListView.row" t-att-class="row_parity"
686         t-att-data-id="record.get('id')"
687         t-att-style="view.color_for(record)">
688     <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">
689         <td t-if="column.meta">
691         </td>
692     </t>
693     <th t-if="options.selectable" class="oe-record-selector" width="1">
694         <t t-set="checked" t-value="options.select_view_id == record.get('id') ? 'checked' : null"/>
695         <input t-if="options.radio" type="radio" name="radiogroup" t-att-checked="checked"/>
696         <input t-if="!options.radio" type="checkbox" name="radiogroup" t-att-checked="checked"/>
697     </th>
698     <th t-if="options.isClarkGable" class="oe-record-edit-link" width="1">
699         <img src="/web/static/src/img/pencil.gif" width="12" height="12" class="oe-record-edit-link-img"/>
700     </th>
701     <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">
702         <t t-set="align" t-value="column.type === 'integer' or column.type == 'float'"/>
703         <td t-if="!column.meta and column.invisible !== '1'" t-att-title="column.help"
704             t-att-class="'oe-field-cell' + (align ? ' oe-number' : '')
705                          + (column.tag === 'button' ? ' oe-button' : '')"
706             t-att-data-field="column.id">
707             <t t-raw="render_cell(record, column)"/>
708         </td>
709     </t>
710     <td t-if="options.deletable" class='oe-record-delete' width="1">
711         <button type="button" name="delete"></button>
712     </td>
713 </tr>
714 <t t-name="ListView.row.form">
715     <th t-if="widget.editable_list.options.selectable"></th>
716     <th t-if="widget.editable_list.options.isClarkGable"></th>
717 </t>
719 <t t-name="FormView">
720     <div class="oe_formview">
721         <div class="oe_form_header">
722             <div class="oe_form_buttons" t-if="widget.options.action_buttons !== false">
723                 <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_save">Save</button>
724                 <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_cancel">Cancel</button>
725             </div>
726             <div class="oe_form_pager" t-if="widget.options.pager !== false">
727                 <t t-call="ViewPager">
728                     <span class="oe_pager_index">0</span><span class="oe_pager_separator"> / </span><span class="oe_pager_count">0</span>
729                 </t>
730             </div>
731         </div>
732         <div style="clear: both;"/>
733         <div class="oe_form_container"/>
734     </div>
735 </t>
736 <t t-name="One2Many.formview" t-extend="FormView">
737     <t t-jquery=".oe_form_buttons" t-operation="inner">
738         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_create">Add</button>
739     </t>
740 </t>
741 <t t-name="PageView" t-extend="FormView">
742     <t t-jquery=".oe_form_buttons" t-operation="inner">
743         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_edit">Edit</button>
744         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_create">Create</button>
745         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_duplicate">Duplicate</button>
746         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button_delete">Delete</button>
747     </t>
748 </t>
749 <t t-name="FormView.sidebar.attachments">
750     <div class="oe-sidebar-attachments-toolbar">
751         <div class="oe-binary-file-set" style="float: right">
752             <form class="oe-binary-form" t-attf-target="#{element_id}_iframe"
753                 method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/web/binary/upload_attachment">
754                 <input type="hidden" name="session_id" t-att-value="session.session_id"/>
755                 <input type="hidden" name="callback" t-attf-value="#{element_id}_iframe"/>
756                 <input type="hidden" name="model" t-att-value="view.dataset.model"/>
757                 <input type="hidden" name="id" t-att-value="view.datarecord.id"/>
758                 <button class="oe_button" type="button">
759                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/throbber.gif"' width="16" height="16" style="display: none"/>
760                     <span>Add</span>
761                 </button>
762                 <input type="file" class="oe-binary-file" name="ufile" title="Add attachment"
763                     t-att-onclick="view.datarecord.id ? null : 'alert(\'No record selected ! You can only attach to existing record.\'); return false;'"/>
764             </form>
765             <iframe t-attf-id="#{element_id}_iframe" t-attf-name="#{element_id}_iframe" style="display: none"/>
766         </div>
767     </div>
768     <br style="clear: both"/>
769     <ul class="oe-sidebar-attachments-items">
770         <li t-foreach="attachments" t-as="attachment">
771             <t t-if="attachment.type == 'binary'" t-set="attachment.url" t-value="_s + '/web/binary/saveas?session_id='
772                 + session.session_id + '&amp;model=ir.attachment&amp;id=' + attachment.id
773                 + '&amp;field=datas&amp;filename_field=name&amp;t=' + (new Date().getTime())"/>
774             <a class="oe-sidebar-attachments-link" t-att-href="attachment.url" target="_blank">
775                 <t t-esc="attachment.name"/>
776             </a>
777             <a href="#" class="oe-sidebar-attachment-delete" t-att-data-id="attachment.id" t-attf-title="Delete the attachment #{attachment.name}">
778                 <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/attachments-close.png"' width="15" height="15" border="0"/>
779             </a>
780         </li>
781     </ul>
782 </t>
783 <form t-name="FormView.set_default" class="oe_forms oe_frame">
784     <t t-set="args" t-value="widget.dialog_options.args"/>
785     <table style="width: 100%">
786         <tr>
787             <td>
788                 <label for="formview_default_fields"
789                        class="oe_label oe_align_right">
790                     Default:
791                 </label>
792             </td>
793             <td class="required">
794                 <select id="formview_default_fields">
795                     <option value=""/>
796                     <option t-foreach="args.fields" t-as="field"
797                             t-att-value="field.name">
798                         <t t-esc="field.string"/> = <t t-esc="field.displayed"/>
799                     </option>
800                 </select>
801             </td>
802         </tr>
803         <tr t-if="args.conditions.length">
804             <td>
805                 <label for="formview_default_conditions"
806                        class="oe_label oe_align_right">
807                     Condition:
808                 </label>
809             </td>
810             <td>
811                 <select id="formview_default_conditions">
812                     <option value=""/>
813                     <option t-foreach="args.conditions" t-as="cond"
814                             t-att-value="cond.name + '=' + cond.value">
815                         <t t-esc="cond.string"/>=<t t-esc="cond.displayed"/>
816                     </option>
817                 </select>
818             </td>
819         </tr>
820         <tr>
821             <td colspan="2">
822                 <input type="radio" id="formview_default_self"
823                        value="self" name="scope" checked="checked"/>
824                 <label for="formview_default_self" class="oe_label"
825                        style="display: inline;">
826                     Only you
827                 </label>
828                 <br/>
829                 <input type="radio" id="formview_default_all"
830                        value="all" name="scope"/>
831                 <label for="formview_default_all" class="oe_label"
832                        style="display: inline;">
833                     All users
834                 </label>
835             </td>
836         </tr>
837     </table>
838 </form>
840 <t t-name="FormRenderingForm">
841     <div class="oe_form">
842         <group t-if="legacy_mode" col="4"/>
843     </div>
844 </t>
845 <t t-name="FormRenderingGroup">
846     <t t-set="table">
847         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"/>
848     </t>
849     <t t-if="string">
850         <fieldset class="oe_group_box">
851             <legend><t t-esc="string"/></legend>
852             <t t-raw="table"/>
853         </fieldset>
854     </t>
855     <t t-if="!string">
856         <t t-raw="table"/>
857     </t>
858 </t>
859 <t t-name="FormRenderingNotebook">
860     <div class="oe_form_notebook">
861         <ul>
862             <li t-foreach="pages" t-as="page">
863                 <a t-attf-href="##{page.id}">
864                     <t t-esc="page.string"/>
865                 </a>
866             </li>
867         </ul>
868     </div>
869 </t>
870 <t t-name="FormRenderingNotebookPage">
871     <div class="oe_form_notebook_page" t-att-id="id">
872         <group t-if="legacy_mode" col="4"/>
873     </div>
874 </t>
875 <t t-name="FormRenderingSeparator">
876     <div class="oe_horizontal_separator">
877         <t t-esc="string"/>
878     </div>
879 </t>
880 <t t-name="FormRenderingLabel">
881     <label  t-att-for="for"
882             t-att-title="help"
883             t-attf-class="oe_form_label#{help ? '_help' : ''} oe_align_#{align}">
884         <t t-esc="string"/>
885         <span t-if="help">?</span>
886         :
887     </label>
888 </t>
890 <t t-name="Widget">
891     Unhandled widget
892     <t t-js="dict">console.warn('Unhandled widget', dict.widget);</t>
893 </t>
894 <t t-name="WidgetLabel.tooltip">
895     <div class="oe_tooltip_string" t-if="widget.string">
896         <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.string"/> <t t-if="debug and widget.nolabel">(nolabel)</t>
897     </div>
898     <p t-if="widget.help" class="oe_tooltip_help"><t t-esc="widget.help"/></p>
899     <ul t-if="debug" class="oe_tooltip_technical">
900         <li data-item="field" t-if="widget.name">
901             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Field:</span>
902             <t t-esc="widget.name"/>
903         </li>
904         <li data-item="object" t-if="widget.view and widget.view.fields_view">
905             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Object:</span>
906             <t t-esc="widget.view.fields_view.model"/>
907         </li>
908         <li data-item="type" t-if="widget.field">
909             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Type:</span>
910             <t t-esc="widget.field.type"/>
911         </li>
912         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.widget" data-item="widget">
913             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Widget:</span>
914             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.widget"/>
915         </li>
916         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.size || (widget.field and widget.field.size)" data-item="size">
917             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Size:</span>
918             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.size || widget.field.size"/>
919         </li>
920         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.context" data-item="context">
921             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Context:</span>
922             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.context_string"/>
923         </li>
924         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.domain" data-item="domain">
925             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Domain:</span>
926             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.domain_string"/>
927         </li>
928         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.modifiers and widget.node.attrs.modifiers != '{}'" data-item="modifiers">
929             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Modifiers:</span>
930             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.modifiers"/>
931         </li>
932         <li t-if="widget.field and widget.field.change_default" data-item="change_default">
933             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Change default:</span>
934             Yes
935         </li>
936         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.on_change" data-item="on_change">
937             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">On change:</span>
938             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.on_change"/>
939         </li>
940         <li t-if="widget.field and widget.field.relation" data-item="relation">
941             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Relation:</span>
942             <t t-esc="widget.field.relation"/>
943         </li>
944         <li t-if="widget.field and widget.field.selection" data-item="selection">
945             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Selection:</span>
946             <ul>
947                 <li t-foreach="widget.field.selection" t-as="option">
948                     [<t t-esc="option[0]"/>]
949                     <t t-if="option[1]"> - </t>
950                     <t t-esc="option[1]"/>
951                 </li>
952             </ul>
953         </li>
954     </ul>
955 </t>
956 <t t-name="FieldChar">
957     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
958         <div t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}">
959             <input t-att-type="widget.password ? 'password' : 'text'"
960                 t-att-id="widget.id_for_label"
961                 t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type} #{_(['integer', 'float', 'float_time']).contains(widget.type) ? 'oe-number' : ''}"
962             /><img class="oe_field_translate oe_input_icon" t-if="widget.field.translate" t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/terp-translate.png"' width="16" height="16" border="0"/>
963         </div>
964     </t>
965     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
966         <div t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type} #{_(['integer', 'float', 'float_time']).contains(widget.type) ? 'oe-number' : ''}">
967         </div>
968     </t>
969 </t>
970 <t t-name="FieldEmail">
971     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
972         <table t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
973         <tr>
974             <td>
975                 <input type="text" t-att-id="widget.id_for_label"/>
976             </td>
977             <td width="16">
978                 <button class="oe_button oe_field_button" type="button" title="Send an e-mail with your default e-mail client">
979                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/terp-mail-message-new.png"'/>
980                 </button>
981             </td>
982         </tr>
983         </table>
984     </t>
985     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
986         <div>
987             <a href="#" class="oe_form_uri"/>
988         </div>
989     </t>
990 </t>
991 <t t-name="FieldUrl">
992     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
993         <table t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
994         <tr>
995             <td>
996                 <input type="text" t-att-id="widget.id_for_label"/>
997             </td>
998             <td width="16">
999                 <button class="oe_button oe_field_button" type="button" title="Open this resource">
1000                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-ok.png"'/>
1001                 </button>
1002             </td>
1003         </tr>
1004         </table>
1005     </t>
1006     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1007         <div>
1008             <a href="#" class="oe_form_uri"/>
1009         </div>
1010     </t>
1011 </t>
1012 <t t-name="FieldText">
1013     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1014         <div t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}">
1015             <textarea rows="6"
1016                 t-att-name="widget.name"
1017                 t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type}"
1018             ></textarea><img class="oe_field_translate oe_input_icon" t-if="widget.field.translate" t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/terp-translate.png"' width="16" height="16" border="0"/>
1019         </div>
1020     </t>
1021 </t>
1022 <t t-name="web.datetimepicker">
1023     <div class="oe_datepicker_root" t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}">
1024         <input type="text" class="oe_datepicker_container" disabled="disabled" style="display: none;"/>
1025         <input type="text"
1026             t-att-name="widget.name"
1027             t-attf-class="oe_datepicker_master field_#{widget.type_of_date}"
1028         /><img class="oe_input_icon oe_datepicker_trigger" t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/ui/field_calendar.png"'
1029              title="Select date" width="16" height="16" border="0"/>
1030     </div>
1031 </t>
1032 <t t-name="FieldSelection">
1033     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1034         <div t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}">
1035             <select
1036                 t-att-name="widget.name"
1037                 t-att-id="widget.id_for_label">
1038                     <t t-foreach="widget.values" t-as="option">
1039                         <option><t t-esc="option[1]"/></option>
1040                     </t>
1041             </select>
1042         </div>
1043     </t>
1044     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1045         <div t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type} #{_(['integer', 'float', 'float_time']).contains(widget.type) ? 'oe-number' : ''}">
1046         </div>
1047     </t>
1048 </t>
1049 <t t-name="FieldMany2One">
1050     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1051         <table t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
1052         <tr>
1053             <td valign="top">
1054                 <input type="text" t-att-id="widget.id_for_label"/>
1055                 <span class="oe-m2o-drop-down-button">
1056                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/down-arrow.png"' /></span>
1057             </td>
1058             <td width="16">
1059                 <button class="oe_button oe_field_button oe-m2o-cm-button" t-att-id="widget.name + '_open'">
1060                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_DIRECTORY_MENU.png"'/>
1061                 </button>
1062                 <div t-att-id="widget.cm_id" class="contextMenu" style="display:none">
1063                 </div>
1064             </td>
1065         </tr>
1066         </table>
1067         </t>
1068     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1069         <div>
1070             <a href="#" class="oe_form_uri"/>
1071         </div>
1072     </t>
1073 </t>
1074 <t t-name="FieldMany2One.context_menu">
1075     <ul>
1076         <li t-att-id="widget.cm_id + '_open'" style="color:grey" class="oe_m2o_menu_item_mandatory">Open...</li>
1077         <li t-att-id="widget.cm_id + '_create'" class="oe_m2o_menu_item_noreadonly">Create...</li>
1078         <li t-att-id="widget.cm_id + '_search'" class="oe_m2o_menu_item_noreadonly">Search...</li>
1079         <t t-set="i" t-value="0"/>
1080         <t t-foreach="widget.related_entries" t-as="entry">
1081             <li t-att-id="widget.cm_id + '_related_' + i" style="color:grey" class="oe_m2o_menu_item_mandatory">
1082                 ... <t t-esc="(entry[2] || {})['name'] || ''"/>
1083             </li>
1084             <t t-set="i" t-value="i+1"/>
1085         </t>
1086     </ul>
1087 </t>
1088 <t t-name="FieldReference">
1089     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1090         <table t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="oe_frame oe_forms">
1091         <tr>
1092             <td t-attf-class="oe_form_frame_cell oe_form_selection oe_form_view_reference_selection">
1093             </td>
1094             <td t-attf-class="oe_form_frame_cell oe_form_many2one oe_form_view_reference_m2o" nowrap="true" style="display: none">
1095             </td>
1096         </tr>
1097         </table>
1098     </t>
1099     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1100         <a href="#" class="oe_form_uri"/>
1101     </t>
1102 </t>
1103 <t t-name="FieldBoolean">
1104     <div t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}">
1105         <input type="checkbox"
1106             t-att-id="widget.id_for_label"
1107             t-att-name="widget.name"
1108             t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type}"/>
1109     </div>
1110 </t>
1111 <t t-name="FieldProgressBar">
1112     <div t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" t-opentag="true">
1113         <span></span>
1114     </div>
1115 </t>
1116 <t t-name="FieldBinaryImage">
1117     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
1118     <tr>
1119         <td class="oe_form_field-binary-image-placeholder" align="center">
1121         </td>
1122     </tr>
1123     <tr>
1124         <td align="center" valign="bottom" height="25">
1125             <div class="oe-binary">
1126                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1127                 <tr>
1128                     <td>
1129                         <div class="oe-binary-file-set" style="width: 40px; height:22px;">
1130                             <form class="oe-binary-form" t-att-target="widget.iframe"
1131                                 method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/web/binary/upload">
1132                                 <input type="hidden" name="session_id" value=""/>
1133                                 <input type="hidden" name="callback" t-att-value="widget.iframe"/>
1134                                 <button class="oe_button" type="button" title="Set Image">
1135                                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_DIRECTORY.png"'/>
1136                                 </button>
1137                                 <input type="file" class="oe-binary-file" name="ufile"/>
1138                             </form>
1139                         </div>
1140                     </td>
1141                     <td>
1142                         <button class="oe_button oe-binary-file-clear" type="button" title="Clear">
1143                             <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE.png"'/>
1144                         </button>
1145                     </td>
1146                 </tr>
1147                 </table>
1148             </div>
1149             <div class="oe-binary-progress" style="display: none">
1150                 <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/throbber.gif"' width="16" height="16"/>
1151                 <b>Uploading ...</b>
1152             </div>
1153             <iframe t-att-id="widget.iframe" t-att-name="widget.iframe" style="display: none"/>
1154         </td>
1155     </tr>
1156     </table>
1157 </t>
1158 <t t-name="FieldBinaryImage-img">
1159     <img t-att-src='url' class="oe-binary-image"
1160         t-att-border="widget.readonly ? 0 : 1"
1161         t-att-name="widget.name"
1162         t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type}"
1163         t-att-width="widget.node.attrs.img_width || widget.node.attrs.width"
1164         t-att-height="widget.node.attrs.img_height || widget.node.attrs.height"
1165         t-att-style="'max-width: ' + (widget.$element.width() > 60 ? widget.$element.width() : 60) + 'px'"
1166     />
1167 </t>
1168 <t t-name="FieldBinaryFile">
1169     <t t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1170         <table t-attf-class="oe_form_field_#{widget.type}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
1171         <tr>
1172             <td>
1173                 <input type="text" size="1" readonly="readonly"
1174                     t-att-name="widget.name"
1175                     t-attf-class="field_#{widget.type}"
1176                 />
1177             </td>
1178             <td class="oe-binary" nowrap="true">
1179                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
1180                 <tr>
1181                     <td>
1182                         <div class="oe-binary-file-set" style="width: 80px; height:22px;">
1183                             <form class="oe-binary-form" t-att-target="widget.iframe"
1184                                 method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/web/binary/upload">
1185                                 <input type="hidden" name="session_id" value=""/>
1186                                 <input type="hidden" name="callback" t-att-value="widget.iframe"/>
1187                                 <button class="oe_button oe_field_button" type="button" title="Set Image">
1188                                     <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_DIRECTORY.png"'/>
1189                                     <span>Select</span>
1190                                 </button>
1191                                 <input type="file" class="oe-binary-file" name="ufile"/>
1192                             </form>
1193                         </div>
1194                     </td>
1195                     <td>
1196                         <button class="oe_button oe-binary-file-save" type="button" title="Save As">
1197                             <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-save.png"'/>
1198                             <span>Save As</span>
1199                         </button>
1200                     </td>
1201                     <td>
1202                         <button class="oe_button oe-binary-file-clear" type="button" title="Clear">
1203                             <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/icons/STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE.png"'/>
1204                             <span>Clear</span>
1205                         </button>
1206                     </td>
1207                 </tr>
1208                 </table>
1209             </td>
1210             <td class="oe-binary-progress" style="display: none" nowrap="true">
1211                 <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/throbber.gif"' width="16" height="16"/>
1212                 <b>Uploading ...</b>
1213                 <iframe t-att-id="widget.iframe" t-att-name="widget.iframe" style="display: none"/>
1214             </td>
1215         </tr>
1216         </table>
1217     </t>
1218     <t t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')">
1219         <div>
1220             <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="oe_form_uri"/>
1221         </div>
1222     </t>
1223 </t>
1224 <t t-name="WidgetButton">
1225     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_form_button">
1226         <img t-if="widget.node.attrs.icon" t-att-src="_s + '/web/static/src/img/icons/' + widget.node.attrs.icon + '.png'" width="16" height="16"/>
1227         <span t-if="widget.string"><t t-esc="widget.string"/></span>
1228     </button>
1229 </t>
1230 <t t-name="WidgetButton.tooltip" t-extend="WidgetLabel.tooltip">
1231     <t t-jquery="div.oe_tooltip_string" t-operation="replace">
1232         <div class="oe_tooltip_string" t-if="debug || widget.string">
1233             <t t-if="debug">
1234                 Button
1235                 <t t-if="widget.string">: </t>
1236                 <t t-if="!widget.string"> (no string)</t>
1237             </t>
1238             <t t-esc="widget.string"/>
1239         </div>
1240     </t>
1241     <t t-jquery="ul.oe_tooltip_technical" t-operation="append">
1242         <li t-if="widget.node.attrs.special" data-item="special">
1243             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Special:</span>
1244             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.special"/>
1245         </li>
1246         <t t-set="button_type" t-value="widget.node.attrs.type"/>
1247         <li t-if="button_type" data-item="button_type">
1248             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Button Type:</span>
1249             <t t-esc="button_type"/>
1250         </li>
1251         <li t-if="button_type === 'object'" data-item="button_method">
1252             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Method:</span>
1253             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.name"/>
1254         </li>
1255         <li t-if="button_type === 'action'" data-item="button_action">
1256             <span class="oe_tooltip_technical_title">Action ID:</span>
1257             <t t-esc="widget.node.attrs.name"/>
1258         </li>
1259     </t>
1260 </t>
1262 <t t-name="SearchView">
1263     <form class="oe_forms">
1264         <t t-call="SearchView.render_lines"/>
1265         <div class="oe_search-view-buttons">
1266             <button class="oe_button">Search</button>
1267             <button class="oe_button" type="reset">Clear</button>
1268             <select class="oe_search-view-filters-management">
1269             </select>
1270         </div>
1271     </form>
1272 </t>
1273 <t t-name="SearchView.managed-filters">
1274     <option class="oe-filters-title" value="">Filters</option>
1275     <optgroup label="-- Filters --">
1276         <t t-foreach="filters" t-as="filter">
1277             <option t-attf-value="get:#{filter_index}"
1278                     t-att-disabled="filter.disabled and 'disabled'"
1279                     t-att-title="filter.disabled and disabled_filter_message">
1280                 <t t-esc="filter.name"/>
1281             </option>
1282         </t>
1283     </optgroup>
1284     <optgroup label="-- Actions --">
1285         <option value="advanced_filter">Add Advanced Filter</option>
1286         <option value="save_filter">Save Filter</option>
1287         <option value="add_to_dashboard">Add to Dashboard</option>
1288         <option value="manage_filters">Manage Filters</option>
1289     </optgroup>
1290 </t>
1291 <t t-name="SearchView.managed-filters.add">
1292     <div>
1293         <p>Filter Name:</p>
1294         <input type="text"/>
1295         <p>(Any existing filter with the same name will be replaced)</p>
1296     </div>
1297 </t>
1298 <t t-name="SearchView.add_to_dashboard">
1299     <div class="oe_forms">
1300         <p><b>Select Dashboard to add this filter to:</b></p>
1301         <select style="width: 100%; margin-right: 1em;">
1302             <option t-foreach="dashboards" t-as="menu" t-att-value="menu.id" t-att-selected="(menu.id == selected_menu_id) || undefined"><t t-esc="menu.name"/></option>
1303         </select>
1304         <p><b>Title of new Dashboard item:</b></p>
1305         <input type="text" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 1em;"/>
1306     </div>
1307 </t>
1308 <t t-name="SearchView.render_lines">
1309     <table class="oe-searchview-render-line" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
1310            t-foreach="lines" t-as="line">
1311         <tr>
1312             <td t-foreach="line" t-as="widget" class="oe_searchview_field">
1313                 <t t-raw="widget.render(defaults)"/>
1314             </td>
1315         </tr>
1316     </table>
1317 </t>
1318 <button t-name="SearchView.filter" type="button"
1319         t-att-id="element_id"
1320         t-att-title="attrs.help"
1321         t-att-class="classes.join(' ')"
1322         t-att-style="style"
1323         t-att-autofocus="attrs.default_focus === '1' ? 'autofocus' : undefined">
1324     <img t-att-src="_s + '/web/static/src/img/icons/' + (attrs.icon || 'gtk-home') + '.png'" width="16" height="16"/>
1325     <br t-if="attrs.string"/>
1326     <t t-esc="attrs.string"/>
1327 </button>
1328 <span t-name="SearchView.filters" class="filter_label_group"
1329     ><t t-foreach="filters" t-as="filter"
1330         ><t t-raw="filter.render(defaults)"/></t
1331 ></span>
1332 <t t-name="SearchView.field">
1333     <label t-att-class="'oe_label' + (attrs.help ? '_help' : '')"
1334            t-att-title="attrs.help"
1335            t-att-for="element_id"
1336            t-att-style="style">
1337         <t t-esc="attrs.string || attrs.name"/>
1338         <span t-if="attrs.help">?</span>
1339     </label>
1340     <div t-att-style="style">
1341         <input type="text" size="15" t-att-name="attrs.name"
1342                t-att-autofocus="attrs.default_focus === '1' ? 'autofocus' : undefined"
1343                t-att-id="element_id"
1344                t-att-value="defaults[attrs.name] || ''"/>
1345         <t t-if="filters.length" t-raw="filters.render(defaults)"/>
1346     </div>
1347 </t>
1348 <t t-name="SearchView.date">
1349     <label t-att-class="'oe_label' + (attrs.help ? '_help' : '')"
1350            t-att-title="attrs.help"
1351            t-att-for="element_id"
1352            t-att-style="style">
1353         <t t-esc="attrs.string || attrs.name"/>
1354         <span t-if="attrs.help">?</span>
1355     </label>
1356     <div t-att-style="style">
1357         <span t-att-id="element_id"/>
1358         <t t-if="filters.length" t-raw="filters.render(defaults)"/>
1359     </div>
1360 </t>
1361 <t t-name="SearchView.field.selection">
1362     <label t-att-title="attrs.help"
1363            t-att-class="'oe_label' + (attrs.help ? '_help' : '')"
1364            t-att-for="element_id"
1365            t-att-style="style">
1366         <t t-esc="attrs.string || attrs.name"/>
1367         <span t-if="attrs.help">?</span>
1368     </label>
1369     <div t-att-style="style">
1370         <select t-att-name="attrs.name" t-att-id="element_id"
1371                 t-att-autofocus="attrs.default_focus === '1' || undefined">
1372             <option t-if="prepend_empty"/>
1373             <t t-foreach="attrs.selection" t-as="option">
1374                 <t t-set="selected" t-value="defaults[attrs.name] === option[0]"/>
1375                 <option t-if="selected"
1376                         t-attf-selected="selected"
1377                         t-att-value="option_index">
1378                     <t t-esc="option[1]"/>
1379                 </option>
1380                 <option t-if="!selected" t-att-value="option_index">
1381                     <t t-esc="option[1]"/>
1382                 </option>
1383             </t>
1384         </select>
1385         <t t-if="filters.length" t-raw="filters.render(defaults)"/>
1386     </div>
1387 </t>
1388 <t t-name="SearchView.util.expand">
1389     <div t-att-class="'searchview_group ' + (expand == '0' ? 'folded' : 'expanded')"
1390          t-att-id="element_id">
1391         <a t-if="label" class="searchview_group_string" href="#">
1392             <t t-esc="label"/>
1393         </a>
1394         <div class="searchview_group_content">
1395             <t t-raw="content"/>
1396         </div>
1397     </div>
1398 </t>
1399 <t t-name="SearchView.group">
1400     <t t-call="SearchView.util.expand">
1401         <t t-set="expand" t-value="attrs.expand"/>
1402         <t t-set="label" t-value="attrs.string"/>
1403         <t t-set="content">
1404             <t t-call="SearchView.render_lines"/>
1405         </t>
1406     </t>
1407 </t>
1408 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search">
1409     <t t-call="SearchView.util.expand">
1410         <t t-set="expand" t-value="false"/>
1411         <t t-set="label">Advanced Filters</t>
1412         <t t-set="content">
1413             <div class="searchview_extended_groups_list">
1414             </div>
1415         </t>
1416     </t>
1417 </t>
1418 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.group">
1419     <div t-att-id="widget.element_id" class="searchview_extended_group">
1420         <select class="searchview_extended_group_choice">
1421             <option value="any">Any of the following conditions must match</option>
1422             <option value="all">All the following conditions must match</option>
1423             <option value="none">None of the following conditions must match</option>
1424         </select>
1425         <a class="searchview_extended_delete_group"
1426                 href="javascript:void(0)"><span></span></a>
1427         <div class="searchview_extended_propositions_list">
1428         </div>
1429         <a class="searchview_extended_add_proposition" href="javascript:void(0)">
1430             <span>Add condition</span></a>
1431         <div class="oe_adv_filters_and"><span>and</span></div>
1432     </div>
1433 </t>
1434 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition">
1435     <div t-att-id="widget.element_id">
1436         <select class="searchview_extended_prop_field">
1437             <t t-foreach="widget.attrs.fields" t-as="field">
1438                 <option t-if="typeof field.store === 'undefined' || field.store || field.fnct_search"
1439                         t-att="{'selected': field === widget.attrs.selected ? 'selected' : null}"
1440                         t-att-value="field.name">
1441                     <t t-esc="field.string"/>
1442                 </option>
1443             </t>
1444         </select>
1445         <select class="searchview_extended_prop_op"/>
1446         <span class="searchview_extended_prop_value"/>
1447         <a class="searchview_extended_delete_prop"
1448                 href="javascript:void(0)"><span> </span></a>
1449     </div>
1450 </t>
1451 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.char">
1452     <input t-att-id="widget.element_id" class="field_char"/>
1453 </t>
1454 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.empty">
1455     <span t-att-id="widget.element_id"></span>
1456 </t>
1457 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.integer">
1458     <input type="number" t-att-id="widget.element_id" class="field_integer" step="1"/>
1459 </t>
1460 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.float">
1461     <input type="number" t-att-id="widget.element_id" class="field_float" step="0.01"/>
1462 </t>
1463 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.boolean">
1464 </t>
1465 <t t-name="SearchView.extended_search.proposition.selection">
1466     <select t-att-id="widget.element_id">
1467         <t t-foreach="widget.field.selection" t-as="element">
1468         <option t-att-value="element[0]"><t t-esc="element[1]"/></option>
1469         </t>
1470     </select>
1471 </t>
1472 <t t-name="SelectCreatePopup">
1473     <div>
1474         <table style="width:100%">
1475             <tr style="width:100%">
1476                 <td style="width:100%">
1477                     <div class="oe-select-create-popup-view-search" style="width:100%"></div>
1478                 </td>
1479             </tr>
1480             <tr style="width:100%">
1481                 <td style="width:100%">
1482                     <div class="oe-select-create-popup-view-list" style="width:100%"></div>
1483                 </td>
1484             </tr>
1485         </table>
1486         <div class="oe-select-create-popup-view-form" style="width:100%"></div>
1487     </div>
1488 </t>
1489 <t t-name="SelectCreatePopup.search.buttons">
1490     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-search-select" disabled="disabled">Select</button>
1491     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-search-close">Cancel</button>
1492 </t>
1493 <t t-name="SelectCreatePopup.form.buttons">
1494     <t t-if="widget.options.disable_multiple_selection">
1495         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-form-save">Save</button>
1496     </t>
1497     <t t-if="! widget.options.disable_multiple_selection">
1498         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-form-save-new">Save &amp; New</button>
1499         <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-form-save">Save &amp; Close</button>
1500     </t>
1501     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_selectcreatepopup-form-close">Cancel</button>
1502 </t>
1503 <t t-name="FormOpenPopup">
1504     <div>
1505         <div class="oe-form-open-popup-form-view" style="width:100%"></div>
1506     </div>
1507 </t>
1508 <t t-name="FormOpenPopup.form.buttons">
1509     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_formopenpopup-form-save">Save</button>
1510     <button type="button" class="oe_button oe_formopenpopup-form-close">Cancel</button>
1511 </t>
1512 <t t-extend="ListView.row">
1513     <!-- adds back padding to row being rendered after edition, if necessary
1514          (if not deletable add back padding), otherwise the row being added is
1515          missing columns
1516      -->
1517     <t t-jquery="&gt; :last" t-operation="after">
1518         <td t-if="edited and !options.deletable" class="oe-listview-padding"/>
1519     </t>
1520 </t>
1521 <t t-name="ListView.row.frame">
1522     <t t-foreach="widget.table" t-as="row">
1523         <t t-foreach="row" t-as="td">
1524             <td t-att-colspan="td.colspan gt 1 ? td.colspan : undefined"
1525                 t-att-valign="td.table ? 'top' : undefined"
1526                 t-attf-class="oe_form_frame_cell #{td.classname} #{td.element_class} oe-field-cell"
1527             >
1528                 <t t-raw="td.render()"/>
1529             </td>
1530         </t>
1531     </t>
1532     <td>
1533         <button class="oe-edit-row-save" type="button"> </button>
1534     </td>
1535 </t>
1536 <t t-name="view_editor">
1537     <table class="oe_view_editor">
1538         <t t-call="view_editor.row"/>
1539     </table>
1540 </t>
1541 <t t-name="view_editor.row">
1542     <tr  t-att-id="'viewedit-' + rec.id"  t-att-level="rec.level" t-foreach="data" t-as="rec">
1543         <td width="90%">
1544             <table class="oe_view_editor_field">
1545                 <tr>
1546                     <td width="16px" t-att-style="'background-position: ' + 20*rec.level + 'px; padding-left: ' + 20*rec.level + 'px'">
1547                         <img t-if="rec.child_id.length" t-att-id="'parentimg-' + rec.id"
1548                             src="/web/static/src/img/collapse.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"/>
1549                     </td>
1550                     <td style="cursor: pointer;">
1551                         <a style="text-decoration:none" href="javascript:void(0);">
1552                             <t t-esc="rec.name"/>
1553                         </a>
1554                     </td>
1555                 </tr>
1556             </table>
1557         </td>
1558         <td width="2%">
1559             <img t-if="rec.att_list.length"
1560                 id="side-add" src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-add.png" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
1561         </td>
1562         <td width="2%">
1563             <img  id="side-remove" src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-remove.png" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
1564         </td>
1565         <td width="2%">
1566             <img t-if="rec.att_list.length and !_.include(no_properties, rec.att_list[0])"
1567                 id="side-edit" src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-edit.png" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
1568         </td>
1569         <td width="2%">
1570             <img t-if="rec.att_list.length"
1571                 id="side-up" src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-go-up.png" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
1572         </td>
1573         <td width="2%">
1574             <img t-if="rec.att_list.length"
1575                 id="side-down" src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-go-down.png" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
1576         </td>
1577         <t t-if="rec.child_id.length">
1578             <t t-set="data" t-value="rec.child_id"/>
1579             <t t-call="view_editor.row"/>
1580         </t>
1581     </tr>
1582 </t>
1583 <t t-name="vieweditor_char">
1584     <input type="text" t-att-id="widget.name" class="field_char" size="50"/>
1585 </t>
1586 <t t-name="vieweditor_selection">
1587     <select t-att-id="widget.name" >
1588         <t t-if="widget.selection" t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="option">
1589             <option
1590                 t-att-value="typeof option === 'object' ? option[0] : option">
1591                 <t t-esc="typeof option === 'object' ? option[1] : option"/>
1592             </option>
1593         </t>
1594     </select>
1595 </t>
1596 <t t-name="vieweditor_boolean">
1597     <input type="checkbox" t-att-id="widget.name"/>
1598 </t>
1599 <t t-name="ExportView">
1600     <a id="exportview" href="javascript: void(0)" style="text-decoration: none;color: #3D3D3D;">Export</a>
1601 </t>
1602 <table t-name="ExportTreeView" class="oe-export"
1603        style="background-color: #F3F3F3;">
1604     <tr>
1605         <td colspan="3">
1606             This wizard will export all data that matches the current search criteria to a CSV file.
1607             You can export all data or only the fields that can be reimported after modification.
1608         </td>
1609     </tr>
1610     <tr>
1611         <td colspan="3">
1612             <label for="import_compat">Export Type:</label>
1613             <select id="import_compat" name="import_compat">
1614                 <option value="yes">Import Compatible Export</option>
1615                 <option value="">Export all Data</option>
1616             </select>
1618             <label for="export_format">Export Formats</label>
1619             <select id="export_format" name="export_format"></select>
1620         </td>
1621     </tr>
1623     <tr>
1624         <th>Available fields</th>
1625         <th/>
1626         <th>
1627             Fields to export
1628             <a style="color: blue; text-decoration: none;" href="#" id="export_new_list">Save fields list</a>
1629             <div id="savenewlist"></div>
1630             <div id="ExistsExportList"></div>
1631         </th>
1632     </tr>
1633     <tr style="height: 400px;">
1634         <td class="oe_export_fields_selector_left">
1635             <div id="left_field_panel">
1636             </div>
1637         </td>
1638         <td class="oe_export_fields_selector_center">
1639             <!-- TODO: replace ids by 'oe_*' classes -->
1640             <button class="oe_button" id="add_field">Add</button>
1641             <button class="oe_button" id="remove_field">Remove</button>
1642             <button class="oe_button" id="remove_all_field">Remove All</button>
1643         </td>
1644         <td class="oe_export_fields_selector_right">
1645             <select name="fields_list" id="fields_list"
1646                     multiple="multiple"></select>
1647         </td>
1648     </tr>
1649 </table>
1651 <table t-name="ExportTreeView-Secondary"
1652        id="field-tree-structure" class="oe_export_fields_selector_export"
1653        cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1654     <tr><th class="oe_export_tree_header"> Name </th></tr>
1655     <t t-call="ExportTreeView-Secondary.children"/>
1656 </table>
1657 <tr t-name="ExportTreeView-Secondary.children"
1658     t-foreach="fields" t-as="field"
1659     t-att-id="'treerow-' + field.id" class="oe_export_row">
1660     <td>
1661         <table class="tree_grid" border="0">
1662             <tr class="oe_export_row">
1663                 <t t-foreach="(field.id).split('/')" t-as="level" >
1664                     <t t-if="(field.id).split('/')[0] != level">
1665                         <td width="18" t-translation="off">&amp;nbsp;</td>
1666                     </t>
1667                 </t>
1668                 <td valign="top" align="left" style="cursor: pointer;" width="18">
1669                     <t t-if="field.children">
1670                         <t t-if="(field.id).split('/').length != 3">
1671                             <img t-att-id="'parentimg-' + field.id" t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/expand.gif"' width="16" height="16" border="0"/>
1672                         </t>
1673                     </t>
1674                 </td>
1675                 <td id="tree-column" valign="middle" align="left" style="cursor: pointer;">
1676                     <a t-att-id="'export-' + field.id"  t-att-string="field.string" href="javascript: void(0);" style="text-decoration: none;">
1677                         <t t-esc="field.string"/>
1678                     </a>
1679                 </td>
1680             </tr>
1681         </table>
1682     </td>
1683 </tr>
1685 <t t-name="ExportNewList">
1686     <tr>
1687         <th><label>Save as:</label></th>
1688         <td><input size="10" type="text" id="savelist_name"/></td>
1689         <td><button class="oe_button oe_export_button_export" id="add_export_list">Ok</button></td>
1690     </tr>
1691 </t>
1693 <t t-name="Exists.ExportList">
1694     <label for="saved_export_list">Saved exports:</label>
1696     <select id="saved_export_list">
1697         <option></option>
1698         <t t-foreach="existing_exports" t-as="export">
1699             <option t-att-value="export.id"><t t-esc="export.name"/></option>
1700         </t>
1701     </select>
1702     <button class="oe_button oe_export_button_export" id="delete_export_list" type="button">Delete</button>
1703 </t>
1704 <t t-name="Change_Pwd">
1705     <form name="change_password_form" class="oe_forms" method="POST">
1706         <table align="center">
1707             <tr>
1708                 <td><label for="old_pwd">Old Password:</label></td>
1709                 <td><input type="password" name="old_pwd"
1710                            minlength="1" autofocus="autofocus"/></td>
1711             </tr>
1712             <tr>
1713             <td><label for="new_password">New Password:</label></td>
1714             <td><input type="password" name="new_password"
1715                        minlength="1" autofocus="autofocus"/></td>
1716             </tr>
1717             <tr>
1718                 <td><label for="confirm_pwd">Confirm Password:</label></td>
1719                 <td><input type="password" name="confirm_pwd"
1720                              minlength="1"/></td>
1721             </tr>
1722             <tr>
1723                 <td colspan="2" align="right"><button class="oe_button">Change Password</button></td>
1724             </tr>
1725         </table>
1726     </form>
1727 </t>
1729 <t t-name="ImportView">
1730     <a id="importview" href="javascript: void(0)" style="text-decoration: none;color: #3D3D3D;">Import</a>
1731 </t>
1732 <t t-name="ImportDataView">
1733 <form name="import_data" id="import_data" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
1734         class="oe-import oe-import-no-result">
1735     <input type="hidden" name="session_id" t-att-value="widget.session.session_id"/>
1736     <h2 class="separator horizontal">1. Import a .CSV file</h2>
1737     <p>Select a .CSV file to import. If you need a sample of file to import,
1738        you should use the export tool with the "Import Compatible" option.
1739     </p>
1740     <p>
1741         <label for="csvfile">CSV File:</label>
1742         <input type="file" id="csvfile" size="50" name="csvfile"/>
1743     </p>
1744     <h2 class="separator horizontal oe-import-result">2. Check your file format</h2>
1745     <div id="result" class="oe-import-result"></div>
1746     <fieldset class="oe-closed oe-import-result">
1747         <legend>Import Options</legend>
1748         <table>
1749             <tr>
1750                 <td colspan="4">
1751                     <label for="file_has_headers">Does your file have titles?</label>
1752                     <input type="checkbox" checked="checked"
1753                            id="file_has_headers"/>
1754                 </td>
1755             </tr>
1756             <tr>
1757                 <td><label for="csv_separator">Separator:</label></td>
1758                 <td><input type="text" name="csvsep" id="csv_separator" value=","/></td>
1759                 <td><label for="csv_delimiter">Delimiter:</label></td>
1760                 <td><input type="text" name="csvdel" id="csv_delimiter" value='"'/></td>
1761             </tr>
1762             <tr>
1763                 <td><label for="csv_encoding">Encoding:</label></td>
1764                 <td>
1765                     <select name="csvcode" id="csv_encoding">
1766                         <option value="utf-8">UTF-8</option>
1767                         <option value="latin1">Latin 1</option>
1768                     </select>
1769                 </td>
1770                 <td><label for="csv_skip" title="For use if CSV files have titles on multiple lines, skips more than a single line during import">
1771                     Lines to skip<sup>?</sup>:</label></td>
1772                 <td><input type="number" id="csv_skip" value="0" min="0"/></td>
1773             </tr>
1774         </table>
1775     </fieldset>
1776 </form>
1777 </t>
1778 <t t-name="ImportView.result">
1779     <table class="oe_import_grid" width="100%" style="margin: 5px 0;">
1780         <tr t-if="headers" class="oe_import_grid-header">
1781             <td t-foreach="headers" t-as="header" class="oe_import_grid-cell">
1782                 <t t-esc="header"/></td>
1783         </tr>
1784         <tr>
1785             <td t-foreach="records[0]" t-as="column">
1786                 <input class="sel_fields" placeholder="--- Don't Import ---"/><span class="oe-m2o-drop-down-button">
1787                         <img t-att-src='_s + "/web/static/src/img/down-arrow.png"' /></span>
1788             </td>
1789         </tr>
1790         <tr t-foreach="records" t-as="record" class="oe_import_grid-row">
1791             <td t-foreach="record" t-as="cell" class="oe_import_grid-cell">
1792                 <t t-esc="cell"/></td>
1793         </tr>
1794     </table>
1795 </t>
1796 <t t-name="ImportView.error">
1797     <p style="white-space:pre;">The import failed due to:<t t-esc="error.message"/></p>
1798     <t t-if="error.preview">
1799         <p>Here is a preview of the file we could not import:</p>
1800         <pre><t t-esc="error.preview"/></pre>
1801     </t>
1802 </t>
1804 <t t-name="About-Page">
1805     <div>
1806         <a class="oe_activate_debug_mode" href="?debug" style="float:right; font-size: 80%;">Activate the developper mode</a>
1807         <h1 style="margin:0;">OpenERP</h1>
1808         <h3 style="margin:15px 0;padding:0;">Version <t t-esc="version_info.version"/></h3>
1809         <p>
1810             Copyright © 2004-TODAY OpenERP SA. All Rights Reserved.<br />
1811             OpenERP is a trademark of the <a target="_blank" href="http://openerp.com/" style="text-decoration: underline;">OpenERP SA Company</a>.
1812         </p>
1813         <p>
1814             Licenced under the terms of <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html" style="text-decoration: underline;">GNU Affero General Public License</a>
1815         </p>
1816         <p>
1817             For more information visit <a target="_blank" href="http://openerp.com/" style="text-decoration: underline;">OpenERP.com</a>
1818         </p>
1819     </div>
1820 </t>
1821 <t t-name="FieldStatus.content">
1822     <ul class="oe-arrow-list">
1823         <t t-set="size" t-value="widget.to_show.length"/>
1824         <t t-foreach="_.range(size)" t-as="i">
1825             <li t-att-class="widget.to_show[i][0] === widget.selected_value ? 'oe-arrow-list-selected' : ''">
1826                 <span class="oe-arrow-list-before" t-if="i &gt; 0"></span><span><t t-esc="widget.to_show[i][1]"/></span><span class="oe-arrow-list-after" t-if="i &lt; size - 1"></span>
1827             </li>
1828         </t>
1829     </ul>
1830 </t>
1831 <t t-name="EmptyComponent">
1832     <div></div>
1833 </t>
1834 </templates>