[MERGE] forward port of branch 8.0 up to 780dd98
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / web / static / src / css / base.css
1 @charset "utf-8";
2 @font-face {
3   font-family: "mnmliconsRegular";
4   src: url("/web/static/src/font/mnmliconsv21-webfont.eot") format("eot");
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20   font-style: normal;
21 }
23 #oe_main_menu_navbar {
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27 }
28 #oe_main_menu_navbar li a, #oe_main_menu_navbar li button {
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32 }
33 #oe_main_menu_navbar .oe_topbar_avatar {
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36 }
38 #oe_main_menu_navbar.navbar {
39   margin-bottom: 0px;
40 }
42 .oe_systray {
43   margin-right: 0px !important;
44 }
46 .oe_notification {
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48 }
50 .oe_webclient_timezone_notification a {
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52   text-decoration: underline;
53 }
54 .oe_webclient_timezone_notification p {
55   margin-top: 1em;
56 }
57 .oe_webclient_timezone_notification dt {
58   font-weight: bold;
59 }
61 .oe_timezone_systray span {
62   margin-top: 1px;
63   background-color: #f6cf3b;
64 }
66 .navbar .oe_topbar_name {
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79   color: #4c4c4c;
80   font-size: 13px;
81   background: white;
82   /* http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/inputfile.html
83    * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2855589/replace-input-type-file-by-an-image
84    */
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86 .openerp.openerp_webclient_container {
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88 }
89 @media (max-width: 768px) {
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98 .openerp ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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100   font-style: italic !important;
101 }
102 .openerp :-ms-input-placeholder {
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105 }
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109 }
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113 }
114 .openerp thead {
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117 }
118 .openerp thead th {
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120 }
121 .openerp thead th:first-child {
122   border-left: none;
123 }
124 .openerp thead th.null {
125   border-left: none;
126 }
127 .openerp th, .openerp td {
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130 }
131 .openerp th {
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134 }
135 .openerp td {
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137 }
138 .openerp .oe_title {
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140 }
141 .openerp .oe_title:after {
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147 }
148 .openerp .oe_form_group {
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150 }
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157   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0fa, #eeeef6);
158   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f0f0fa, #eeeef6);
159   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f0f0fa, #eeeef6);
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161 .openerp .zebra tbody tr:hover td {
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164   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee, #dedede);
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166   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee, #dedede);
167   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee, #dedede);
168   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eeeeee, #dedede);
169 }
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175   border-radius: 3px;
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177 }
178 .openerp img {
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180 }
181 .openerp h4 {
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185 }
186 .openerp a.button:link, .openerp a.button:visited, .openerp button, .openerp .oe_button, .openerp input[type='submit'] {
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200   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #efefef, #d8d8d8);
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207   text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
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211 .openerp a.button:hover, .openerp button:hover, .openerp .oe_button:hover, .openerp input[type='submit']:hover {
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214   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
215   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
216   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
217   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
218   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
219   cursor: pointer;
220   background-position: 0;
221 }
222 .openerp a.button:focus, .openerp button:focus, .openerp .oe_button:focus, .openerp input[type='submit']:focus {
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224   background-position: 0;
225   background-color: #ececec;
226   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#f6f6f6), to(#e3e3e3));
227   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
228   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
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231   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3);
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233   -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) inset;
234   box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) inset;
235 }
236 .openerp a.button:active, .openerp a.button.active, .openerp button:active, .openerp .oe_button:active, .openerp .oe_button.active, .openerp input[type='submit']:active, .openerp input[type='submit'].active {
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239   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6);
240   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6);
241   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6);
242   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6);
243   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6);
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245   -webkit-box-shadow: none;
246   box-shadow: none;
247 }
248 .openerp a.button.disabled, .openerp button:disabled, .openerp .oe_button:disabled, .openerp input[type='submit']:disabled {
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252   -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
253   box-shadow: none !important;
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255   cursor: default;
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257 }
258 .openerp .ui-widget-content a {
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260 }
261 .openerp .oe_bounce_container {
262   display: inline-block;
263 }
264 .openerp .text-tag .text-button {
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266   min-height: 16px;
267 }
268 .openerp .ui-tabs {
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270 }
271 .openerp .oe_i {
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273   font-size: 21px;
274   font-weight: 300 !important;
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276 .openerp .oe_e {
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279   font-weight: 300 !important;
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281 }
282 .openerp .oe_left {
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284   margin-right: 8px;
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286 }
287 .openerp .oe_right {
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289   margin-left: 8px;
290 }
291 .openerp .oe_text_center {
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293 }
294 .openerp .oe_text_left {
295   text-align: left;
296 }
297 .openerp .oe_text_right {
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299 }
300 .openerp .oe_clear {
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302 }
303 .openerp .oe_wait {
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305 }
306 .openerp .oe_fade {
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308   font-weight: normal;
309 }
310 .openerp .oe_bold {
311   font-weight: bold;
312 }
313 .openerp .oe_inline {
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315 }
316 .openerp .oe_highlight {
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319 }
320 .openerp button.oe_highlight {
321   background-color: #c02c2c;
322   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#df3f3f), to(#a21a1a));
323   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #df3f3f, #a21a1a);
324   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #df3f3f, #a21a1a);
325   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #df3f3f, #a21a1a);
326   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #df3f3f, #a21a1a);
327   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #df3f3f, #a21a1a);
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330   box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba(155, 155, 155, 0.4) inset;
331 }
332 .openerp button.oe_highlight:hover {
333   background-color: #c63939;
334   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e25858), to(#ab1b1b));
335   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e25858, #ab1b1b);
336   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e25858, #ab1b1b);
337   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #e25858, #ab1b1b);
338   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #e25858, #ab1b1b);
339   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e25858, #ab1b1b);
340 }
341 .openerp button.oe_highlight:active {
342   background-color: #cb2121;
343   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#c52020), to(#d22323));
344   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c52020, #d22323);
345   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #c52020, #d22323);
346   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #c52020, #d22323);
347   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #c52020, #d22323);
348   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #c52020, #d22323);
349 }
350 .openerp .oe_background_grey {
351   background: #eeeeee !important;
352 }
353 .openerp .oe_form_dirty .oe_highlight_on_dirty {
354   color: white;
355   background: #dc5f59;
356   font-weight: bold;
357 }
358 .openerp .oe_form_dirty button.oe_highlight_on_dirty {
359   background-color: #c74a44;
360   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#dc5f59), to(#b33630));
361   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dc5f59, #b33630);
362   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #dc5f59, #b33630);
363   background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dc5f59, #b33630);
364   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dc5f59, #b33630);
365   background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #dc5f59, #b33630);
366   -moz-box-shadow: none;
367   -webkit-box-shadow: none;
368   box-shadow: none;
369 }
370 .openerp .oe_form_dirty button.oe_highlight_on_dirty:hover {
371   background: #ed6f6a;
372 }
373 .openerp .oe_warning_redirect {
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375   padding: 0 !important;
376   margin-left: 20px !important;
377   background: #f5f7f9 !important;
378   box-shadow: none !important;
379 }
380 .openerp .oe_warning_redirect:hover {
381   text-decoration: underline !important;
382 }
383 .openerp .oe_stat_button {
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385   width: 132px !important;
386   height: 40px;
387   color: #666666;
388   margin: 0px -1px -1px 0px;
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393   background: white;
394 }
395 .openerp .oe_stat_button > div {
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398   text-align: left;
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401 }
402 .openerp .oe_stat_button .stat_button_icon {
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405   padding: 0px 3px;
406   width: 37px;
407   text-align: center;
408 }
409 .openerp .oe_stat_button .oe_form_field_percent_pie {
410   width: 42px;
411 }
412 .openerp .oe_stat_button .oe_form_field_bar_chart {
413   width: 42px;
414 }
415 .openerp .oe_stat_button svg {
416   width: 38px;
417   height: 38px;
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420 }
421 .openerp .oe_stat_button:hover {
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423   color: white;
424 }
425 .openerp .oe_stat_button:hover .fa {
426   color: white;
427 }
428 .openerp .oe_button_box {
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431 }
432 .openerp .oe_button_box .oe_stat_button {
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434 }
435 .openerp .oe_avatar > img {
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443   box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
444   border: none;
445   margin-bottom: 10px;
446 }
447 .openerp .oe_avatar + div {
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449 }
450 .openerp .oe_image_small > img {
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453 }
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467   -webkit-box-shadow: none;
468   box-shadow: none;
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472 }
473 .openerp .oe_button.oe_link span {
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1975 .openerp .oe_form .oe_subtotal_footer label:after {
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2002 .openerp .oe_form .oe_form_box_warning > p {
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2012 .openerp .oe_form td.oe_form_group_cell_label label {
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3383 /* ---- EDITOR TOUR ---- {{{ */
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