[ADD] QWeb2: add support for operation='attributes' in a t-extend
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / web / static / lib / qweb / qweb2.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2013, Fabien Meghazi
4 Released under the MIT license
6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
7 this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
8 the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
9 copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
10 Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
11 subject to the following conditions:
13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
14 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22 */
24 // TODO: trim support
25 // TODO: line number -> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=618650
26 // TODO: templates orverwritten could be called by t-call="__super__" ?
27 // TODO: t-set + t-value + children node == scoped variable ?
28 var QWeb2 = {
29     expressions_cache: { },
30     RESERVED_WORDS: 'true,false,NaN,null,undefined,debugger,console,window,in,instanceof,new,function,return,this,typeof,eval,void,Math,RegExp,Array,Object,Date'.split(','),
31     ACTIONS_PRECEDENCE: 'foreach,if,call,set,esc,raw,js,debug,log'.split(','),
33         'and': '&&',
34         'or': '||',
35         'gt': '>',
36         'gte': '>=',
37         'lt': '<',
38         'lte': '<='
39     },
40     VOID_ELEMENTS: 'area,base,br,col,embed,hr,img,input,keygen,link,menuitem,meta,param,source,track,wbr'.split(','),
41     tools: {
42         exception: function(message, context) {
43             context = context || {};
44             var prefix = 'QWeb2';
45             if (context.template) {
46                 prefix += " - template['" + context.template + "']";
47             }
48             throw new Error(prefix + ": " + message);
49         },
50         warning : function(message) {
51             if (typeof(window) !== 'undefined' && window.console) {
52                 window.console.warn(message);
53             }
54         },
55         trim: function(s, mode) {
56             switch (mode) {
57                 case "left":
58                     return s.replace(/^\s*/, "");
59                 case "right":
60                     return s.replace(/\s*$/, "");
61                 default:
62                     return s.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
63             }
64         },
65         js_escape: function(s, noquotes) {
66             return (noquotes ? '' : "'") + s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\\n").replace(/'/g, "\\'") + (noquotes ? '' : "'");
67         },
68         html_escape: function(s, attribute) {
69             if (s == null) {
70                 return '';
71             }
72             s = String(s).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
73             if (attribute) {
74                 s = s.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
75             }
76             return s;
77         },
78         gen_attribute: function(o) {
79             if (o !== null && o !== undefined) {
80                 if (o.constructor === Array) {
81                     if (o[1] !== null && o[1] !== undefined) {
82                         return this.format_attribute(o[0], o[1]);
83                     }
84                 } else if (typeof o === 'object') {
85                     var r = '';
86                     for (var k in o) {
87                         if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
88                             r += this.gen_attribute([k, o[k]]);
89                         }
90                     }
91                     return r;
92                 }
93             }
94             return '';
95         },
96         format_attribute: function(name, value) {
97             return ' ' + name + '="' + this.html_escape(value, true) + '"';
98         },
99         extend: function(dst, src, exclude) {
100             for (var p in src) {
101                 if (src.hasOwnProperty(p) && !(exclude && this.arrayIndexOf(exclude, p) !== -1)) {
102                     dst[p] = src[p];
103                 }
104             }
105             return dst;
106         },
107         arrayIndexOf : function(array, item) {
108             for (var i = 0, ilen = array.length; i < ilen; i++) {
109                 if (array[i] === item) {
110                     return i;
111                 }
112             }
113             return -1;
114         },
115         xml_node_to_string : function(node, childs_only) {
116             if (childs_only) {
117                 var childs = node.childNodes, r = [];
118                 for (var i = 0, ilen = childs.length; i < ilen; i++) {
119                     r.push(this.xml_node_to_string(childs[i]));
120                 }
121                 return r.join('');
122             } else {
123                 if (typeof XMLSerializer !== 'undefined') {
124                     return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node);
125                 } else {
126                     switch(node.nodeType) {
127                     case 1: return node.outerHTML;
128                     case 3: return node.data;
129                     case 4: return '<![CDATA[' + node.data + ']]>';
130                     case 8: return '<!-- ' + node.data + '-->';
131                     }
132                     throw new Error('Unknown node type ' + node.nodeType);
133                 }
134             }
135         },
136         call: function(context, template, old_dict, _import, callback) {
137             var new_dict = this.extend({}, old_dict);
138             new_dict['__caller__'] = old_dict['__template__'];
139             if (callback) {
140                 new_dict[0] = callback(context, new_dict);
141             }
142             return context.engine._render(template, new_dict);
143         },
144         foreach: function(context, enu, as, old_dict, callback) {
145             if (enu != null) {
146                 var index, jlen, cur;
147                 var size, new_dict = this.extend({}, old_dict);
148                 new_dict[as + "_all"] = enu;
149                 var as_value = as + "_value",
150                     as_index = as + "_index",
151                     as_first = as + "_first",
152                     as_last = as + "_last",
153                     as_parity = as + "_parity";
154                 if (size = enu.length) {
155                     new_dict[as + "_size"] = size;
156                     for (index = 0, jlen = enu.length; index < jlen; index++) {
157                         cur = enu[index];
158                         new_dict[as_value] = cur;
159                         new_dict[as_index] = index;
160                         new_dict[as_first] = index === 0;
161                         new_dict[as_last] = index + 1 === size;
162                         new_dict[as_parity] = (index % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even');
163                         if (cur.constructor === Object) {
164                             this.extend(new_dict, cur);
165                         }
166                         new_dict[as] = cur;
167                         callback(context, new_dict);
168                     }
169                 } else if (enu.constructor == Number) {
170                     var _enu = [];
171                     for (var i = 0; i < enu; i++) {
172                         _enu.push(i);
173                     }
174                     this.foreach(context, _enu, as, old_dict, callback);
175                 } else {
176                     index = 0;
177                     for (var k in enu) {
178                         if (enu.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
179                             cur = enu[k];
180                             new_dict[as_value] = cur;
181                             new_dict[as_index] = index;
182                             new_dict[as_first] = index === 0;
183                             new_dict[as_parity] = (index % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even');
184                             new_dict[as] = k;
185                             callback(context, new_dict);
186                             index += 1;
187                         }
188                       }
189                 }
190             } else {
191                 this.exception("No enumerator given to foreach", context);
192             }
193         }
194     }
195 };
197 QWeb2.Engine = (function() {
198     function Engine() {
199         // TODO: handle prefix at template level : t-prefix="x", don't forget to lowercase it
200         this.prefix = 't';
201         this.debug = false;
202         this.templates_resources = []; // TODO: implement this.reload()
203         this.templates = {};
204         this.compiled_templates = {};
205         this.extend_templates = {};
206         this.default_dict = {};
207         this.tools = QWeb2.tools;
208         this.jQuery = window.jQuery;
209         this.reserved_words = QWeb2.RESERVED_WORDS.slice(0);
210         this.actions_precedence = QWeb2.ACTIONS_PRECEDENCE.slice(0);
211         this.void_elements = QWeb2.VOID_ELEMENTS.slice(0);
212         this.word_replacement = QWeb2.tools.extend({}, QWeb2.WORD_REPLACEMENT);
213         this.preprocess_node = null;
214         for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
215             this.add_template(arguments[i]);
216         }
217     }
219     QWeb2.tools.extend(Engine.prototype, {
220         /**
221          * Add a template to the engine
222          *
223          * @param {String|Document} template Template as string or url or DOM Document
224          * @param {Function} [callback] Called when the template is loaded, force async request
225          */
226         add_template : function(template, callback) {
227             var self = this;
228             this.templates_resources.push(template);
229             if (template.constructor === String) {
230                 return this.load_xml(template, function (err, xDoc) {
231                     if (err) {
232                         if (callback) {
233                             return callback(err);
234                         } else {
235                             throw err;
236                         }
237                     }
238                     self.add_template(xDoc, callback);
239                 });
240             }
241             var ec = (template.documentElement && template.documentElement.childNodes) || template.childNodes || [];
242             for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) {
243                 var node = ec[i];
244                 if (node.nodeType === 1) {
245                     if (node.nodeName == 'parsererror') {
246                         return this.tools.exception(node.innerText);
247                     }
248                     var name = node.getAttribute(this.prefix + '-name');
249                     var extend = node.getAttribute(this.prefix + '-extend');
250                     if (name && extend) {
251                         // Clone template and extend it
252                         if (!this.templates[extend]) {
253                             return this.tools.exception("Can't clone undefined template " + extend);
254                         }
255                         this.templates[name] = this.templates[extend].cloneNode(true);
256                         extend = name;
257                         name = undefined;
258                     }
259                     if (name) {
260                         this.templates[name] = node;
261                         this.compiled_templates[name] = null;
262                     } else if (extend) {
263                         delete(this.compiled_templates[extend]);
264                         if (this.extend_templates[extend]) {
265                             this.extend_templates[extend].push(node);
266                         } else {
267                             this.extend_templates[extend] = [node];
268                         }
269                     }
270                 }
271             }
272             if (callback) {
273                 callback(null, template);
274             }
275             return true;
276         },
277         load_xml : function(s, callback) {
278             var self = this;
279             var async = !!callback;
280             s = this.tools.trim(s);
281             if (s.charAt(0) === '<') {
282                 var tpl = this.load_xml_string(s);
283                 if (callback) {
284                     callback(null, tpl);
285                 }
286                 return tpl;
287             } else {
288                 var req = this.get_xhr();
289                 if (this.debug) {
290                     s += '?debug=' + (new Date()).getTime(); // TODO fme: do it properly in case there's already url parameters
291                 }
292                 req.open('GET', s, async);
293                 if (async) {
294                     req.onreadystatechange = function() {
295                         if (req.readyState == 4) {
296                             if (req.status == 200) {
297                                 callback(null, self._parse_from_request(req));
298                             } else {
299                                 callback(new Error("Can't load template, http status " + req.status));
300                             }
301                         }
302                     };
303                 }
304                 req.send(null);
305                 if (!async) {
306                     return this._parse_from_request(req);
307                 }
308             }
309         },
310         _parse_from_request: function(req) {
311             var xDoc = req.responseXML;
312             if (xDoc) {
313                 if (!xDoc.documentElement) {
314                     throw new Error("QWeb2: This xml document has no root document : " + xDoc.responseText);
315                 }
316                 if (xDoc.documentElement.nodeName == "parsererror") {
317                     throw new Error("QWeb2: Could not parse document :" + xDoc.documentElement.childNodes[0].nodeValue);
318                 }
319                 return xDoc;
320             } else {
321                 return this.load_xml_string(req.responseText);
322             }
323         },
324         load_xml_string : function(s) {
325             if (window.DOMParser) {
326                 var dp = new DOMParser();
327                 var r = dp.parseFromString(s, "text/xml");
328                 if (r.body && r.body.firstChild && r.body.firstChild.nodeName == 'parsererror') {
329                     throw new Error("QWeb2: Could not parse document :" + r.body.innerText);
330                 }
331                 return r;
332             }
333             var xDoc;
334             try {
335                 xDoc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
336             } catch (e) {
337                 throw new Error("Could not find a DOM Parser: " + e.message);
338             }
339             xDoc.async = false;
340             xDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
341             xDoc.loadXML(s);
342             return xDoc;
343         },
344         has_template : function(template) {
345             return !!this.templates[template];
346         },
347         get_xhr : function() {
348             if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
349                 return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
350             }
351             try {
352                 return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
353             } catch (e) {
354                 throw new Error("Could not get XHR");
355             }
356         },
357         compile : function(node) {
358             var e = new QWeb2.Element(this, node);
359             var template = node.getAttribute(this.prefix + '-name');
360             return  "   /* 'this' refers to Qweb2.Engine instance */\n" +
361                     "   var context = { engine : this, template : " + (this.tools.js_escape(template)) + " };\n" +
362                     "   dict = dict || {};\n" +
363                     "   dict['__template__'] = '" + template + "';\n" +
364                     "   var r = [];\n" +
365                     "   /* START TEMPLATE */" +
366                     (this.debug ? "" : " try {\n") +
367                     (e.compile()) + "\n" +
368                     "   /* END OF TEMPLATE */" +
369                     (this.debug ? "" : " } catch(error) {\n" +
370                     "       if (console && console.exception) console.exception(error);\n" +
371                     "       context.engine.tools.exception('Runtime Error: ' + error, context);\n") +
372                     (this.debug ? "" : "   }\n") +
373                     "   return r.join('');";
374         },
375         render : function(template, dict) {
376             dict = dict || {};
377             QWeb2.tools.extend(dict, this.default_dict);
378             /*if (this.debug && window['console'] !== undefined) {
379                 console.time("QWeb render template " + template);
380             }*/
381             var r = this._render(template, dict);
382             /*if (this.debug && window['console'] !== undefined) {
383                 console.timeEnd("QWeb render template " + template);
384             }*/
385             return r;
386         },
387         _render : function(template, dict) {
388             if (this.compiled_templates[template]) {
389                 return this.compiled_templates[template].apply(this, [dict || {}]);
390             } else if (this.templates[template]) {
391                 var ext;
392                 if (ext = this.extend_templates[template]) {
393                     var extend_node;
394                     while (extend_node = ext.shift()) {
395                         this.extend(template, extend_node);
396                     }
397                 }
398                 var code = this.compile(this.templates[template]), tcompiled;
399                 try {
400                     tcompiled = new Function(['dict'], code);
401                 } catch (error) {
402                     if (this.debug && window.console) {
403                         console.log(code);
404                     }
405                     this.tools.exception("Error evaluating template: " + error, { template: name });
406                 }
407                 if (!tcompiled) {
408                     this.tools.exception("Error evaluating template: (IE?)" + error, { template: name });
409                 }
410                 this.compiled_templates[template] = tcompiled;
411                 return this.render(template, dict);
412             } else {
413                 return this.tools.exception("Template '" + template + "' not found");
414             }
415         },
416         extend : function(template, extend_node) {
417             var jQuery = this.jQuery;
418             if (!jQuery) {
419                 return this.tools.exception("Can't extend template " + template + " without jQuery");
420             }
421             var template_dest = this.templates[template];
422             for (var i = 0, ilen = extend_node.childNodes.length; i < ilen; i++) {
423                 var child = extend_node.childNodes[i];
424                 if (child.nodeType === 1) {
425                     var jquery = child.getAttribute(this.prefix + '-jquery'),
426                         operation = child.getAttribute(this.prefix + '-operation'),
427                         target,
428                         error_msg = "Error while extending template '" + template;
429                     if (jquery) {
430                         target = jQuery(jquery, template_dest);
431                     } else {
432                         this.tools.exception(error_msg + "No expression given");
433                     }
434                     error_msg += "' (expression='" + jquery + "') : ";
435                     if (operation) {
436                         var allowed_operations = "append,prepend,before,after,replace,inner,attributes".split(',');
437                         if (this.tools.arrayIndexOf(allowed_operations, operation) == -1) {
438                             this.tools.exception(error_msg + "Invalid operation : '" + operation + "'");
439                         }
440                         operation = {'replace' : 'replaceWith', 'inner' : 'html'}[operation] || operation;
441                         if (operation === 'attributes') {
442                             jQuery('attribute', child).each(function () {
443                                 var attrib = jQuery(this);
444                                 target.attr(attrib.attr('name'), attrib.text());
445                             });
446                         } else {
447                             target[operation](child.cloneNode(true).childNodes);
448                         }
449                     } else {
450                         try {
451                             var f = new Function(['$', 'document'], this.tools.xml_node_to_string(child, true));
452                         } catch(error) {
453                             return this.tools.exception("Parse " + error_msg + error);
454                         }
455                         try {
456                             f.apply(target, [jQuery, template_dest.ownerDocument]);
457                         } catch(error) {
458                             return this.tools.exception("Runtime " + error_msg + error);
459                         }
460                     }
461                 }
462             }
463         }
464     });
465     return Engine;
466 })();
468 QWeb2.Element = (function() {
469     function Element(engine, node) {
470         this.engine = engine;
471         this.node = node;
472         this.tag = node.tagName;
473         this.actions = {};
474         this.actions_done = [];
475         this.attributes = {};
476         this.children = [];
477         this._top = [];
478         this._bottom = [];
479         this._indent = 1;
480         this.process_children = true;
481         this.is_void_element = ~QWeb2.tools.arrayIndexOf(this.engine.void_elements, this.tag);
482         var childs = this.node.childNodes;
483         if (childs) {
484             for (var i = 0, ilen = childs.length; i < ilen; i++) {
485                 this.children.push(new QWeb2.Element(this.engine, childs[i]));
486             }
487         }
488         var attrs = this.node.attributes;
489         if (attrs) {
490             for (var j = 0, jlen = attrs.length; j < jlen; j++) {
491                 var attr = attrs[j];
492                 var name = attr.name;
493                 var m = name.match(new RegExp("^" + this.engine.prefix + "-(.+)"));
494                 if (m) {
495                     name = m[1];
496                     if (name === 'name') {
497                         continue;
498                     }
499                     this.actions[name] = attr.value;
500                 } else {
501                     this.attributes[name] = attr.value;
502                 }
503             }
504         }
505         if (this.engine.preprocess_node) {
506             this.engine.preprocess_node.call(this);
507         }
508     }
510     QWeb2.tools.extend(Element.prototype, {
511         compile : function() {
512             var r = [],
513                 instring = false,
514                 lines = this._compile().split('\n');
515             for (var i = 0, ilen = lines.length; i < ilen; i++) {
516                 var m, line = lines[i];
517                 if (m = line.match(/^(\s*)\/\/@string=(.*)/)) {
518                     if (instring) {
519                         if (this.engine.debug) {
520                             // Split string lines in indented r.push arguments
521                             r.push((m[2].indexOf("\\n") != -1 ? "',\n\t" + m[1] + "'" : '') + m[2]);
522                         } else {
523                             r.push(m[2]);
524                         }
525                     } else {
526                         r.push(m[1] + "r.push('" + m[2]);
527                         instring = true;
528                     }
529                 } else {
530                     if (instring) {
531                         r.push("');\n");
532                     }
533                     instring = false;
534                     r.push(line + '\n');
535                 }
536             }
537             return r.join('');
538         },
539         _compile : function() {
540             switch (this.node.nodeType) {
541                 case 3:
542                 case 4:
543                     this.top_string(this.node.data);
544                 break;
545                 case 1:
546                     this.compile_element();
547             }
548             var r = this._top.join('');
549             if (this.process_children) {
550                 for (var i = 0, ilen = this.children.length; i < ilen; i++) {
551                     var child = this.children[i];
552                     child._indent = this._indent;
553                     r += child._compile();
554                 }
555             }
556             r += this._bottom.join('');
557             return r;
558         },
559         format_expression : function(e) {
560             /* Naive format expression builder. Replace reserved words and variables to dict[variable]
561              * Does not handle spaces before dot yet, and causes problems for anonymous functions. Use t-js="" for that */
562              if (QWeb2.expressions_cache[e]) {
563               return QWeb2.expressions_cache[e];
564             }
565             var chars = e.split(''),
566                 instring = '',
567                 invar = '',
568                 invar_pos = 0,
569                 r = '';
570             chars.push(' ');
571             for (var i = 0, ilen = chars.length; i < ilen; i++) {
572                 var c = chars[i];
573                 if (instring.length) {
574                     if (c === instring && chars[i - 1] !== "\\") {
575                         instring = '';
576                     }
577                 } else if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
578                     instring = c;
579                 } else if (c.match(/[a-zA-Z_\$]/) && !invar.length) {
580                     invar = c;
581                     invar_pos = i;
582                     continue;
583                 } else if (c.match(/\W/) && invar.length) {
584                     // TODO: Should check for possible spaces before dot
585                     if (chars[invar_pos - 1] !== '.' && QWeb2.tools.arrayIndexOf(this.engine.reserved_words, invar) < 0) {
586                         invar = this.engine.word_replacement[invar] || ("dict['" + invar + "']");
587                     }
588                     r += invar;
589                     invar = '';
590                 } else if (invar.length) {
591                     invar += c;
592                     continue;
593                 }
594                 r += c;
595             }
596             r = r.slice(0, -1);
597             QWeb2.expressions_cache[e] = r;
598             return r;
599         },
600         format_str: function (e) {
601             if (e == '0') {
602                 return 'dict[0]';
603             }
604             return this.format_expression(e);
605         },
606         string_interpolation : function(s) {
607             var _this = this;
608             if (!s) {
609               return "''";
610             }
611             function append_literal(s) {
612                 s && r.push(_this.engine.tools.js_escape(s));
613             }
615             var re = /(?:#{(.+?)}|{{(.+?)}})/g, start = 0, r = [], m;
616             while (m = re.exec(s)) {
617                 // extract literal string between previous and current match
618                 append_literal(s.slice(start, re.lastIndex - m[0].length));
619                 // extract matched expression
620                 r.push('(' + this.format_str(m[2] || m[1]) + ')');
621                 // update position of new matching
622                 start = re.lastIndex;
623             }
624             // remaining text after last expression
625             append_literal(s.slice(start));
627             return r.join(' + ');
628         },
629         indent : function() {
630             return this._indent++;
631         },
632         dedent : function() {
633             if (this._indent !== 0) {
634                 return this._indent--;
635             }
636         },
637         get_indent : function() {
638             return new Array(this._indent + 1).join("\t");
639         },
640         top : function(s) {
641             return this._top.push(this.get_indent() + s + '\n');
642         },
643         top_string : function(s) {
644             return this._top.push(this.get_indent() + "//@string=" + this.engine.tools.js_escape(s, true) + '\n');
645         },
646         bottom : function(s) {
647             return this._bottom.unshift(this.get_indent() + s + '\n');
648         },
649         bottom_string : function(s) {
650             return this._bottom.unshift(this.get_indent() + "//@string=" + this.engine.tools.js_escape(s, true) + '\n');
651         },
652         compile_element : function() {
653             for (var i = 0, ilen = this.engine.actions_precedence.length; i < ilen; i++) {
654                 var a = this.engine.actions_precedence[i];
655                 if (a in this.actions) {
656                     var value = this.actions[a];
657                     var key = 'compile_action_' + a;
658                     if (this[key]) {
659                         this[key](value);
660                     } else if (this.engine[key]) {
661                         this.engine[key].call(this, value);
662                     } else {
663                         this.engine.tools.exception("No handler method for action '" + a + "'");
664                     }
665                 }
666             }
667             if (this.tag.toLowerCase() !== this.engine.prefix) {
668                 var tag = "<" + this.tag;
669                 for (var a in this.attributes) {
670                     tag += this.engine.tools.gen_attribute([a, this.attributes[a]]);
671                 }
672                 this.top_string(tag);
673                 if (this.actions.att) {
674                     this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.gen_attribute(" + (this.format_expression(this.actions.att)) + "));");
675                 }
676                 for (var a in this.actions) {
677                     var v = this.actions[a];
678                     var m = a.match(/att-(.+)/);
679                     if (m) {
680                         this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.gen_attribute(['" + m[1] + "', (" + (this.format_expression(v)) + ")]));");
681                     }
682                     var m = a.match(/attf-(.+)/);
683                     if (m) {
684                         this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.gen_attribute(['" + m[1] + "', (" + (this.string_interpolation(v)) + ")]));");
685                     }
686                 }
687                 if (this.actions.opentag === 'true' || (!this.children.length && this.is_void_element)) {
688                     // We do not enforce empty content on void elements
689                     // because QWeb rendering is not necessarily html.
690                     this.top_string("/>");
691                 } else {
692                     this.top_string(">");
693                     this.bottom_string("</" + this.tag + ">");
694                 }
695             }
696         },
697         compile_action_if : function(value) {
698             this.top("if (" + (this.format_expression(value)) + ") {");
699             this.bottom("}");
700             this.indent();
701         },
702         compile_action_foreach : function(value) {
703             var as = this.actions['as'] || value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_');
704             //TODO: exception if t-as not valid
705             this.top("context.engine.tools.foreach(context, " + (this.format_expression(value)) + ", " + (this.engine.tools.js_escape(as)) + ", dict, function(context, dict) {");
706             this.bottom("});");
707             this.indent();
708         },
709         compile_action_call : function(value) {
710             if (this.children.length === 0) {
711                 return this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.call(context, " + (this.engine.tools.js_escape(value)) + ", dict));");
712             } else {
713                 this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.call(context, " + (this.engine.tools.js_escape(value)) + ", dict, null, function(context, dict) {");
714                 this.bottom("}));");
715                 this.indent();
716                 this.top("var r = [];");
717                 return this.bottom("return r.join('');");
718             }
719         },
720         compile_action_set : function(value) {
721             var variable = this.format_expression(value);
722             if (this.actions['value']) {
723                 if (this.children.length) {
724                     this.engine.tools.warning("@set with @value plus node chidren found. Children are ignored.");
725                 }
726                 this.top(variable + " = (" + (this.format_expression(this.actions['value'])) + ");");
727                 this.process_children = false;
728             } else {
729                 if (this.children.length === 0) {
730                     this.top(variable + " = '';");
731                 } else if (this.children.length === 1 && this.children[0].node.nodeType === 3) {
732                     this.top(variable + " = " + (this.engine.tools.js_escape(this.children[0].node.data)) + ";");
733                     this.process_children = false;
734                 } else {
735                     this.top(variable + " = (function(dict) {");
736                     this.bottom("})(dict);");
737                     this.indent();
738                     this.top("var r = [];");
739                     this.bottom("return r.join('');");
740                 }
741             }
742         },
743         compile_action_esc : function(value) {
744             this.top("r.push(context.engine.tools.html_escape("
745                     + this.format_expression(value)
746                     + "));");
747         },
748         compile_action_raw : function(value) {
749             this.top("r.push(" + (this.format_str(value)) + ");");
750         },
751         compile_action_js : function(value) {
752             this.top("(function(" + value + ") {");
753             this.bottom("})(dict);");
754             this.indent();
755             var lines = this.engine.tools.xml_node_to_string(this.node, true).split(/\r?\n/);
756             for (var i = 0, ilen = lines.length; i < ilen; i++) {
757                 this.top(lines[i]);
758             }
759             this.process_children = false;
760         },
761         compile_action_debug : function(value) {
762             this.top("debugger;");
763         },
764         compile_action_log : function(value) {
765             this.top("console.log(" + this.format_expression(value) + ");");
766         }
767     });
768     return Element;
769 })();