[FIX] base_action_rule: prevent recursive rule trigger also when processing time...
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / project_long_term / test / phase_process.yml
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2   In order to test process of Phases,
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4   I create a record to schedule the phase of project.
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6   !record {model: project.compute.phases, id: project_compute_phases01}:
7     target_project: 'one'
8     project_id: project.project_project_1
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10   I schedule the phases.
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12   !python {model: project.compute.phases}: |
13     self.check_selection(cr, uid, [ref("project_compute_phases01")])
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15   I check the starting date and ending date on the phases after scheduling.
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17   !python {model: project.project}: |
18      project = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("project.project_project_1"), context=context)
19      def _convert(date):
20         import time
21         return time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
22      def _check(phase, _convert, _check): #TOFIX: why need to pass function ?
23         for next_phase in phase.next_phase_ids:
24             assert _convert(next_phase.date_start) >= _convert(phase.date_end), "Phase does not start in proper date."
25             _check(next_phase, _convert, _check)
26         return True
28      for phase in project.phase_ids:
30         assert phase.date_start, "Start date should be computed."
31         assert phase.date_end, "End date should be computed." 
32         if not phase.previous_phase_ids and phase.constraint_date_start:
33             assert  _convert(phase.date_start) >= _convert(phase.constraint_date_start), "Phase does not start in proper date."
34             _check(phase, _convert, _check)
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36   I open phase.
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38   !python {model: project.phase}: |
39     self.set_open(cr, uid, [ref("project_phase_1")])
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41   I check state of phase after opened.
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43   !assert {model: project.phase, id: project_phase_1, severity: error, string: Phase should be in open state}:
44     - state == "open"
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46   I put phase in pending state.
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48   !python {model: project.phase}: |
49     self.set_pending(cr, uid, [ref("project_phase_1")])
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51   I check state of phase after put in pending.
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53   !assert {model: project.phase, id: project_phase_1, severity: error, string: Phase should be in pending state}:
54     - state == "pending"
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56   I make Phase in cancel state.
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58   !python {model: project.phase}: |
59     self.set_cancel(cr, uid, [ref("project_phase_1")])
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61   I check state of phase after cancelled.
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63   !assert {model: project.phase, id: project_phase_1, severity: error, string: Phase should be in cancel state}:
64     - state == "cancelled"
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66   I put again in draft phase.
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68   !python {model: project.phase}: |
69     self.set_draft(cr, uid, [ref("project_phase_1")])
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71   I close phase.
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73   !python {model: project.phase}: |
74     self.set_done(cr, uid, [ref("project_phase_1")])
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76   I check state of phase after closed.
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78   !assert {model: project.phase, id: project_phase_1, severity: error, string: Phase should be in done state}:
79     - state == "done"