[IMP] sale,purchase,invoice: make `Send by mail` action more robust to template/view...
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / process / static / src / xml / process.xml
1 <template>
2 <!-- vim:fdl=1:
3 -->
4 <t t-extend="ViewManagerAction">
5     <t t-jquery="h2.oe_view_title" t-operation="after">
6         <t t-if="widget.session.debug &amp;&amp; widget.flags.display_title !== false">
7             <a class="oe_process" title="Process View" href="javascript: void(0)"></a>
8         </t>
9     </t>
10 </t>
11 <t t-name="process.ProcessView">
12     <table class="view" border="0" width="auto" height="auto" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
13         <tr>
14             <td width="70%" valign="top" class="fields collapsed">
15                 <div class="oe_view_manager oe_view_manager_current">
16                    <div class="oe_view_manager_header" style="padding: 8px;">
17                        <div class="oe_header_row">
18                             <h2 class="oe_view_title">
19                                 <span class="oe_view_title_text oe_breadcrumb_title"><t t-esc="action.name"/> (<t t-esc="action.res_model"/>)</span>
20                             </h2>
21                        </div>
22                     </div>
23                 </div>
24             </td>
25         </tr>
26         <tr>
27             <td style="padding-left:10px;">
28                 <p><t t-esc="process_help"/></p>
29             </td>
30         </tr>
31         <tr>
32             <td style="padding-left:10px;">
33                 <h2> <t t-esc="process_title"/> Process </h2>
34                 <t t-if="process_notes">
35                     <p>
36                         <strong>Notes:</strong> <t t-esc="process_notes"/>
37                     </p>
38                     <p>
39                         <strong>Last modified by:</strong> N/A
40                     </p>
41                     <t t-if="process_subflows.length">
42                         <strong>Subflows:</strong>
43                         <t t-foreach="process_subflows" t-as="subflow">
44                             <t t-if="subflow.subflow[0] != process_id">
45                                 <p>
46                                     <a class="oe_bold process_subflow" t-att-id="subflow.subflow[0]" href="javascript: void(0)">
47                                         <t t-esc="subflow.subflow[1]"/>
48                                     </a>
49                                 </p>
50                             </t>
51                         </t>
52                     </t>
53                     <t t-if="process_related.length and process_related[0][0] != process_id">
54                         <strong>Related:</strong>
55                         <p>
56                             <a class="oe_bold process_subflow" t-att-id="process_related[0][0]" href="javascript: void(0)">
57                                 <t t-esc="process_related[0][1]"/>
58                             </a>
59                         </p>
60                     </t>
61                 </t>
62             </td>
63         </tr>
64         <tr t-if="process_selection">
65             <td style="padding-left:10px;">
66                 <fieldset>
67                     <legend>
68                         Select Process
69                         </legend>
70                     <select id="select_process">
71                         <t t-foreach="process_selection" t-as="prc">
72                             <option t-att-value="prc[0]">
73                                 <t t-esc="prc[1]"/>
74                             </option>
75                         </t>
76                     </select>
77                     <button class="oe_button oe_highlight" id="change_process">Select</button>
78                 </fieldset>
79             </td>
80         </tr>
81         <tr t-if="process_id">
82             <td>
83                 <div class="process_canvas"></div>
84             </td>
85         </tr>
86         <tr t-if="process_id">
87             <td style="padding-left:10px;">
88                 <button class="oe_button oe_highlight" id="edit_process">Edit Process</button>
89             </td>
90         </tr>
91     </table>
92 </t>
93 </template>