[FIX] pos_restaurant: Issue 614981: product renaming from name to display_name was...
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / pos_restaurant / static / src / xml / splitbill.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
4     <t t-name="SplitbillButton">
5         <span class="control-button order-split">
6             <i class="fa fa-copy"></i>
7             Split
8         </span>
9     </t>
11     <t t-name="SplitOrderline">
13         <li t-attf-class="orderline #{ selected ? 'selected' : ''} #{ quantity !== line.get_quantity() ? 'partially' : '' }"
14             t-att-data-id="id">
15             <span class="product-name">
16                 <t t-esc="line.get_product().display_name"/>
17             </span>
18             <span class="price">
19                 <t t-esc="widget.format_currency(line.get_display_price())"/>
20             </span>
21             <ul class="info-list">
22                 <t t-if="line.get_quantity_str() !== '1'">
23                     <li class="info">
24                         <t t-if='selected and line.get_unit().groupable'>
25                             <em class='big'>
26                                 <t t-esc='quantity' />
27                             </em>
28                             /
29                             <t t-esc="line.get_quantity_str()" />
30                         </t>
31                         <t t-if='!(selected and line.get_unit().groupable)'>
32                             <em>
33                                 <t t-esc="line.get_quantity_str()" />
34                             </em>
35                         </t>
36                         <t t-esc="line.get_unit().name" />
37                         at
38                         <t t-esc="widget.format_currency(line.get_unit_price())" />
39                         /
40                         <t t-esc="line.get_unit().name" />
41                     </li>
42                 </t>
43                 <t t-if="line.get_discount_str() !== '0'">
44                     <li class="info">
45                         With a 
46                         <em>
47                             <t t-esc="line.get_discount_str()" />%
48                         </em>
49                         discount
50                     </li>
51                 </t>
52             </ul>
53         </li>
54     </t>
56     <t t-name="SplitbillScreenWidget">
57         <div class='splitbill-screen screen'>
58             <div class='screen-content'>
59                 <div class='top-content'>
60                     <span class='button back'>
61                         <i class='fa fa-angle-double-left'></i>
62                         Back
63                     </span>
64                     <h1>Bill Splitting</h1>
65                 </div>
66                 <div class='left-content touch-scrollable scrollable-y'>
67                     <div class='order'>
68                         <ul class='orderlines'>
69                         </ul>
70                     </div>
71                 </div>
72                 <div class='right-content touch-scrollable scrollable-y'>
73                     <div class='order-info'>
74                         <span class='subtotal'><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(0.0)'/></span>
75                     </div>
76                     <div class='paymentmethods'>
77                         <t t-foreach="widget.pos.cashregisters" t-as="cashregister">
78                             <div class='button paymentmethod' t-att-data-id="cashregister.id">
79                                 <t t-esc='cashregister.journal.name' />
80                             </div>
81                         </t>
82                     </div>
83                 </div>
84             </div>
85         </div>
86     </t>
88 </templates>