[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / point_of_sale / static / src / xml / pos.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- vim:fdl=1:
3 -->
4 <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
5     <t t-name="PointOfSale">
6     <div class="point-of-sale">
7         <div id="topheader">
8             <div id="branding">
9                 <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/logo.png" />
10             </div>
11             <div id="steps">
12                 <input type="radio" id="products-step-button" class="step-button" data-step='products' name="radio" checked="checked" />
13                 <label for="products-step-button">Products</label>
14                 <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/steps-arrow.png" />
15                 <input type="radio" id="payment-step-button" class="step-button" data-step='payment' name="radio" />
16                 <label for="payment-step-button">Payment</label>
17                 <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/steps-arrow.png" />
18                 <input type="radio" id="receipt-step-button" class="step-button" data-step='receipt' name="radio" />
19                 <label for="receipt-step-button">Receipt</label>
20             </div>
21             <div id="loggedas">
22                 <span class="oe_pos_synch-notification"></span>
23                 <button>Close</button>
24             </div>
25             <div id="rightheader">
26                 <div id="order-selector">
27                     <button id="neworder-button">+</button>
28                     <ol id="orders"></ol>
29                 </div>
30             </div>
31         </div>
32         <div id="content">
34             <div id="leftpane">
35                 <div id="current-order">
36                     <table>
37                         <thead>
38                             <tr>
39                                 <td>Product</td>
40                                 <td>Price</td>
41                                 <td>Disc (%)</td>
42                                 <td>Qty</td>
43                                 <td>Total</td>
44                             </tr>
45                         </thead>
46                         <tbody id="current-order-content"></tbody>
47                     </table>
48                 </div>
49                 <footer>
50                     <ul id="amounts">
51                         <li>
52                             Subtotal:
53                             <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/> <span id="subtotal">0</span> <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
54                         </li>
55                         <li>
56                             Tax:
57                             <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/> <span id="tax">0</span> <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
58                         </li>
59                         <li>
60                             Total:
61                             <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/> <span id="total">0</span> <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
62                         </li>
63                     </ul>
64                     <div id="paypad"></div>
65                     <div id="numpad">
66                         <button class="input-button number-char">1</button>
67                         <button class="input-button number-char">2</button>
68                         <button class="input-button number-char">3</button>
69                         <button class="mode-button" data-mode='quantity'>Qty</button>
70                         <br />
71                         <button class="input-button number-char">4</button>
72                         <button class="input-button number-char">5</button>
73                         <button class="input-button number-char">6</button>
74                         <button class="mode-button" data-mode='discount'>Disc</button>
75                         <br />
76                         <button class="input-button number-char">7</button>
77                         <button class="input-button number-char">8</button>
78                         <button class="input-button number-char">9</button>
79                         <button class="mode-button" data-mode='list_price'>Price</button>
80                         <br />
81                         <button class="input-button" id="numpad-minus" >+/-</button>
82                         <button class="input-button number-char">0</button>
83                         <button class="input-button number-char">.</button>
84                         <button class="input-button" id="numpad-backspace">
85                             <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/backspace.png" width="24" height="21" />
86                         </button>
87                         <br />
88                     </div>
89                 </footer>
90             </div>
91             <div id="rightpane">
92                 <div id="products-screen" class="step-screen selected-step">
93                     <div id="products-screen-categories"/>
94                     <ol id="products-screen-ol" class="product-list"></ol>
95                 </div>
96                 <div id="payment-screen" class="step-screen" style="display:none">
97                     <header><h2>Payment</h2></header>
98                     <div class="pos-step-container">
99                         <div class="pos-payment-container">
100                             <br />
101                             <table>
102                                 <tr>
103                                     <td class="paymentline-type">Total:</td>
104                                     <td class="paymentline-amount pos-rigth-align">
105                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
106                                         <span id="payment-due-total"></span>
107                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
108                                     </td>
109                                 </tr>
110                             </table>
111                             <table id="paymentlines">
112                             </table>
113                             <table>
114                                 <tr>
115                                     <td class="paymentline-type">Paid:</td>
116                                     <td class="paymentline-amount pos-rigth-align">
117                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
118                                         <span id="payment-paid-total"></span>
119                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
120                                     </td>
121                                 </tr>
122                                 <tr>
123                                     <td class="paymentline-type">Change:</td>
124                                     <td class="paymentline-amount pos-rigth-align">
125                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'before'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
126                                         <span id="payment-remaining"></span>
127                                         <t t-if="currency.position == 'after'" t-esc="currency.symbol"/>
128                                     </td>
129                                 </tr>
130                             </table>
131                         </div>
132                         <div class="pos-payment-buttons">
133                             <button class="oe-back-to-products">
134                                 <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-go-back.png"></img>
135                                 Back to Products</button>
136                             <button id="validate-order">
137                                 <img src="/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-apply.png"></img>
138                                 Validate</button>
139                         </div>
140                     </div>
141                 </div>
142                 <span id="receipt-screen"></span>
143             </div>
144         </div>
145     </div>
146     </t>
147     <t t-name="pos-synch-notification">
148         <span>
149         <a t-if="widget.nbr_pending &gt; 0" href="javascript:void(0)" class="oe_pos_synch-notification-button">
150             <t t-esc="widget.nbr_pending"/> pending orders
151         </a>
152         </span>
153     </t>
154     <t t-name="pos-close-warning">
155         <div>There are pending operations that could not be saved into the database, are you sure you want to exit?</div>
156     </t>
157     <t t-name="pos-category-template">
158         <header>
159             <ol class="breadcrumb">
160                 <li class="oe-pos-categories-list">
161                     <a href="javascript:void(0)">
162                         <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/home.png" class="homeimg" />
163                     </a>
164                 </li>
165                 <t t-foreach="breadcrumb" t-as="category">
166                     <li class="oe-pos-categories-list">
167                         <img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/bc-arrow.png" class="bc-arrow" />
168                         <a href="javascript:void(0)" t-att-data-category-id="category.id">
169                             <t t-esc="category.name"/>
170                         </a>
171                     </li>
172                 </t>
173             </ol>
174             <div class="searchbox">
175                 <input placeholder="Search Products" />
176                 <img class="search-clear" src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/search_reset.gif" />
177             </div>
178         </header>
179         <div id="categories">
180             <ol>
181                 <t t-foreach="categories" t-as="category">
182                     <li class="oe-pos-categories-list">
183                         <a href="javascript:void(0)" t-att-data-category-id="category.id" class="button">
184                             <t t-esc="category.name"/>
185                         </a>
186                     </li>
187                 </t>
188             </ol>
189         </div>
190     </t>
191     <t t-name="pos-product-template">
192         <a href="#">
193             <div class="product-img">
194                 <img t-att-src="'data:image/gif;base64,'+ product_image" />
195                 <span class="price-tag">
196                     <t t-esc="format_amount(list_price)"/>
197                 </span>
198             </div>
199             <div class="product-name">
200                 <t t-esc="name"/>
201             </div>
202         </a>
203     </t>
204     <t t-name="pos-orderline-template">
205         <td>
206             <t t-esc="name"/>
207         </td>
208         <td>
209             <t t-esc="format_amount(list_price.toFixed(2))"/>
210         </td>
211         <td>
212             <t t-esc="discount.toFixed(2)"/>
213         </td>
214         <td>
215             <t t-esc="quantity.toFixed(0)"/>
216         </td>
217         <td>
218             <t t-esc="format_amount((list_price * (1 - discount/100) * quantity).toFixed(2))"/>
219         </td>
220     </t>
221     <t t-name="pos-paymentline-template">
222         <td class="paymentline-type">
223             <t t-esc="name"/>
224         </td>
225         <td class="paymentline-amount pos-rigth-align">
226             <input type="text" t-att-value="amount.toFixed(2)" />
227             <a href='javascript:void(0)' class='delete-payment-line'><img src="/point_of_sale/static/src/img/search_reset.gif" /></a>
228         </td>
229     </t>
230     <t t-name="pos-payment-button-template">
231         <button class="payment-button" t-att-cash-register-id="id">
232             <t t-esc="name"/>
233         </button>
234         <br />
235     </t>
236     <t t-name="pos-order-selector-button-template">
237         <button class="select-order"><t t-esc="widget.order.get('creationDate').toString('t')"/></button>
238     </t>
239     <t t-name="pos-receipt-view">
240         <div id="receipt-screen" class="step-screen" style="display:none">
241             <header><h2>Receipt</h2></header>
242             <div class="pos-step-container">
243                 <div class="pos-receipt-container">
244                 </div>
245                 <div class='receipt-buttons'>
246                         <button id="print-the-ticket">
247                             Print</button>
248                         <button id="pos-finish-order">Next Order</button>
249                 </div>
250             </div>
251         </div>
252     </t>
253     <t t-name="pos-ticket">
254         <div class="pos-sale-ticket">
255             <div class="pos-rigth-align"><t t-esc="new Date().toString(Date.CultureInfo.formatPatterns.shortDate + ' ' +
256                 Date.CultureInfo.formatPatterns.longTime)"/></div>
257             <br />
258             <t t-esc="widget.company.name"/><br />
259             Phone: <t t-esc="widget.company.phone || ''"/><br />
260             User: <t t-esc="widget.user.name"/><br />
261             Shop: <t t-esc="widget.shop_obj.name"/><br />
262             <br />
263             <table>
264                 <tr t-foreach="widget.currentOrderLines.toArray()" t-as="order">
265                     <td>
266                         <t t-esc="order.get('name')"/>
267                     </td>
268                     <td class="pos-rigth-align">
269                         <t t-esc="order.get('quantity').toFixed(0)"/>
270                     </td>
271                     <td class="pos-rigth-align">
272                         <t t-esc="format_amount((order.get('list_price') * (1 - order.get('discount')/100) * order.get('quantity')).toFixed(2))"/>
273                     </td>
274                 </tr>
275             </table>
276             <br />
277             <table>
278                 <tr><td>Tax:</td><td class="pos-rigth-align">
279                     <t t-esc="format_amount(widget.currentOrder.getTax().toFixed(2))"/>
280                     </td></tr>
281                 <tr><td>Total:</td><td class="pos-rigth-align">
282                     <t t-esc="format_amount(widget.currentOrder.getTotal().toFixed(2))"/>
283                     </td></tr>
284             </table>
285             <br />
286             <table>
287                 <tr t-foreach="widget.currentPaymentLines.toArray()" t-as="pline">
288                     <td>
289                         <t t-esc="pline.get('journal_id')[1]"/>
290                     </td>
291                     <td class="pos-rigth-align">
292                         <t t-esc="format_amount((pline.getAmount()).toFixed(2))"/>
293                     </td>
294                 </tr>
295             </table>
296             <br />
297             <table>
298                 <tr><td>Change:</td><td class="pos-rigth-align">
299                     <t t-esc="format_amount((widget.currentOrder.getPaidTotal() - widget.currentOrder.getTotal()).toFixed(2))"/>
300                     </td></tr>
301             </table>
302         </div>
303     </t>
304 </templates>