[IMP] sale order line invisible type
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / mail / static / src / xml / mail.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <template>
4     <!-- 
5         wall main template
6         Template used to display the communication history in the wall.
7         -->
8     <div t-name="mail.wall" class="oe_view_manager oe_mail_wall oe_view_manager_current">
9         <table class="oe_view_manager_header">
10           <colgroup>
11             <col width="33%"/>
12             <col width="33%"/>
13             <col width="34%"/>
14           </colgroup>
15           <tbody>
16             <tr class="oe_header_row oe_header_row_top">
17                 <td colspan="2">
18                     <h2 class="oe_view_title">
19                         <span class="oe_view_title_text">
20                             <t t-if="! widget.params.res_model">News Feeds</t>
21                             <t t-if="widget.params.res_model" t-esc="widget.params.res_model"/>
22                         </span>
23                     </h2>
24                 </td>
25                 <td><div class="oe_view_manager_view_search" t-opentag="true"/></td>
26             </tr>
27           </tbody>
28         </table>
29         <div class="oe_mail_wall_main oe_semantic_html_override">
30             <div class="oe_mail_wall_action">
31                 <!-- call the composition form -->
32                 <t t-call ="mail.compose_message"/>
33             </div>
34             <div class="oe_clear"/>
35             <ul class="oe_mail_wall_threads">
36                 <!-- contains threads -->
37             </ul>
38             <div class="oe_mail_wall_more">
39                 <button class="oe_mail_wall_button_more" type="button">See more...</button>
40             </div>
41         </div>
42         <div class="oe_mail_wall_aside">
43                 <!-- contains currently nothing -->
44         </div>
45     </div>
47     <!--
48         wall_thread_container template for the wall
49         Each discussion thread is contained inside this template
50         -->
51     <t t-name="mail.wall_thread_container">
52     </t>
54     <!--
55         record_thread main template
56         Template used to display the communication history in documents
57         form view.
58         -->
59     <div t-name="mail.record_thread" class="oe_mail_recthread">
60         <!-- <h4>History and Comments</h4> -->
61         <div class="oe_mail_recthread_main">
62             <!-- contains the document thread -->
63         </div>
64         <div class="oe_mail_recthread_aside">
65             <div class="oe_mail_recthread_actions">
66                 <button type="button" class="oe_mail_button_follow">Follow</button>
67                 <button type="button" class="oe_mail_button_unfollow oe_mail_button_mouseout">Following</button>
68                 <button type="button" class="oe_mail_button_followers">Show followers</button>
69             </div>
70             <div class="oe_mail_recthread_followers">
71                 <h4>Followers</h4>
72                 <ul class="oe_mail_followers_display"></ul>
73             </div>
74         </div>
75     </div>
77     <!--
78         mail.compose_message template
79         This template holds the composition form to write a note or send
80         an e-mail. It contains by default a textarea, that will be replaced
81         by another composition form in the main wall composition form, or
82         for main thread composition form in document form view.
83         -->
84     <t t-name="mail.compose_message">
85         <div>
86             <img class="oe_mail_icon oe_mail_frame oe_left" alt="User img"/>
87             <div class="oe_mail_msg_content">
88                 <!-- contains the composition form -->
89                 <!-- default content: old basic textarea -->
90                 <textarea class="oe_mail_compose_textarea" placeholder="Add your comment here..." onfocus="this.value = '';"/>
91             </div>
92             <div class="oe_clear"/>
93         </div>
94     </t>
96     <!--
97         thread template
98         This template holds a thread of comments. It begins with an actions
99         container, holding the composition form. Then come the various
100         messages. Then comes the 'more' button.
101         -->
102     <ul t-name="mail.thread" class="oe_mail oe_mail_thread oe_semantic_html_override">
103         <div class="oe_mail_thread_action">
104             <!-- contains the composition box (form + image) -->
105             <t t-call="mail.compose_message"/>
106         </div>
107         <div class="oe_mail_thread_display">
108             <!-- contains the threads -->
109         </div>
110         <div class="oe_mail_thread_more">
111             <button class="oe_mail_button_more" type="button">Load more messages</button>
112         </div>
113     </ul>
115     <!-- default layout -->
116     <li t-name="mail.thread.message" class="oe_mail oe_mail_thread_msg">
117         <div t-attf-class="oe_mail_msg_#{record.type} oe_semantic_html_override">
118             <img class="oe_mail_icon oe_mail_frame oe_left" t-att-src="record.mini_url"/>
119             <div class="oe_mail_msg_content">
120                 <!-- dropdown menu with message options and actions -->
121                 <span class="oe_dropdown_toggle oe_dropdown_arrow">
122                     <ul class="oe_dropdown_menu">
123                         <t t-if="display['show_delete']">
124                                 <li t-if="record.is_author"><a href="#" class="oe_mail_msg_delete" t-attf-data-id='{record.id}'>Delete</a></li>
125                         </t>
126                         <li t-if="display['show_hide']"><a href="#" class="oe_mail_msg_hide" t-attf-data-id='{record.id}'>Hide</a></li>
127 <!--                    Uncomment when adding subtype hiding
128                         <li t-if="display['show_hide']">
129                             <a href="#" class="oe_mail_msg_hide_type" t-attf-data-subtype='{record.subtype}'>Hide '<t t-esc="record.subtype"/>' for this document</a>
130                         </li> -->
131                         <li><a href="#" t-attf-data-msg_id="{record.id}" t-attf-data-type="{record.type}" t-attf-data-formatting="{record.content_subtype}" class="oe_mail_msg_reply_by_email">Reply by email</a></li>
132                         <li t-if="record.type == 'email'"><a t-attf-href="#model=mail.message&amp;id=#{record.id}" class="oe_mail_msg_details">Details</a></li>
133                     </ul>
134                 </span>
135                 <!-- message itself -->
136                 <div class="oe_mail_msg">
137                     <h1 t-if="record.subject" class="oe_mail_msg_title">
138                         <t t-raw="record.subject"/>
139                     </h1>
140                     <div class="oe_mail_msg_body">
142                         <div class="oe_mail_msg_record_body">
143                             <a t-attf-href="#model=#{params.res_model}&amp;id=#{params.res_id}" t-if="(params.thread_level > 0) &amp; (!record.subject)"><t t-raw="record.record_name"/></a>
144                             <t t-raw="record.body"/>
145                         </div>
146                     </div>
147                     <div class="oe_clear"/>
148                     <ul class="oe_mail_msg_footer">
149                       <li t-if="record.subject &amp; params.thread_level > 0"><a t-attf-href="#model=#{params.res_model}&amp;id=#{params.res_id}"><t t-raw="record.record_name"/></a></li>
150                       <li><a t-attf-href="#model=res.users&amp;id=#{record.user_id[0]}"><t t-raw="record.user_id[1]"/></a></li>
151                       <li><span t-att-title="record.date"><t t-raw="record.timerelative"/></span></li>
152                       <li t-if="display['show_reply']"><a href="#" class="oe_mail_msg_reply">Reply</a></li>
153                       <!-- uncomment when merging vote
154                       <li><a href="#">Like</a></li>
155                       -->
156                       <li t-if="record.attachment_ids.length > 0">
157                           <a href="#" class="oe_mail_msg_view_attachments">
158                               <t t-if="record.attachment_ids.length == 1">1 Attachment</t>
159                               <t t-if="record.attachment_ids.length > 1"><t t-raw="record.attachment_ids.length"/> Attachments</t>
160                           </a>
161                       </li>
162                     </ul>
163                     <t t-if="record.attachment_ids.length > 0">
164                         <div class="oe_clear"></div>
165                         <ul class="oe_mail_msg_attachments">
166                             <t t-foreach="record.attachments" t-as="attachment">
167                                 <li> <a t-att-href="attachment.url"><t t-raw="attachment.name"/></a> </li>
168                             </t>
169                         </ul>
170                     </t>
171                 </div>
172             </div>
173         </div>
174     </li>
176 </template>