[IMP] hr: Improved yaml. Added tests for some onchange methods.
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / hr / test / test_hr.yml
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2   In order to test hr module in OpenERP, I will create new Employee , Department and Job Position.
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4   I create "R&D Department" in Department form.
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6   !record {model: hr.department, id: hr_department_rd0}:
7     manager_id: base.user_root
8     name: 'R & D'
9 -
10   Now, I create a new employee “Mark Johnson”, and select department as "R&D Department".
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12   !record {model: hr.employee, id: hr_employee_mark}:
13     address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_1
14     company_id: base.main_company
15     gender: male
16     marital: 'single'
17     name: Mark Johnson
18     user_id: base.user_root
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20   I assign department for employee 'Mark Johnson'
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22   !python {model: hr.employee}: |
23     res = self.onchange_department_id(cr, uid, ref('hr_employee_mark'), ref('hr_department_rd0'), None)
24     assert res['value']['parent_id']
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26   In order to check the wizard “Employee Hierarchy” , I will create new employee “Phil Graves ” and select "Mark Johnson" as
27   Manager.
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29   !record {model: hr.employee, id: hr_employee_phil}:
30     address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_3000
31     company_id: base.main_company
32     gender: male
33     name: Phil Graves
34     user_id: base.user_demo
35     parent_id: 'hr_employee_mark'
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37   I fill the Working address for Employee
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39   !python {model: hr.employee}: |
40     res = self.onchange_address_id(cr, uid, ref('hr_employee_phil'), ref('base.res_partner_address_3000'), None)
41     assert res['value']
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43   I will open up form view of  “Mark Johnson” and test the wizard “Employee Hierarchy” so it display the employee
44   hierarchy starting from “Mark Johnson”.
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47   I will create new Job Position. I will check successfull creation of new Job Position by adding the information.
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49   !record {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}:
50     department_id: 'hr_department_rd0'
51     description: 'Position of Junior Application Engineer'
52     expected_employees: 5
53     name: 'JAE'
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55   I check that Employee form is in "Open" state.
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57   !assert {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}:
58     - state == 'open'
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61   I create Employee for job position.
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63   !record {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}:
64     employee_ids:
65       - address_home_id: base.res_partner_address_1
66         name: Manuel Lehba
67         department_id: 'hr_department_rd0'
68         gender: male
69         parent_id: 'hr_employee_mark'
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71   I check that "Number of Employees" field have some value.
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73   !assert {model: hr.job, id: hr_job_jea0}:
74     - no_of_employee != False