modified files of process
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / crm_configuration /
1 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
2 {
3     "name" : "Customer Relationship Management",
4     "version" : "1.0",
5     "author" : "Tiny",
6     "website" : "",
7     "category" : "Generic Modules/CRM & SRM",
8     "description": """ The Tiny ERP case and request tracker enables a group of
9                    people to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues,
10                    and requests. It manages key tasks such as communication, 
11                    identification, prioritization, assignment, resolution and notification.""",
12     "depends" : ["crm","report_crm", "process", "account"],
13     "init_xml" : [
14                     "crm_config_view.xml",
15                     "crm_bugs_view.xml",
16                     "crm_jobs_view.xml",
17                     "crm_lead_view.xml",
18                     "crm_meeting_view.xml",
19                     "crm_opportunity_view.xml",
20                     "crm_fund_view.xml",
21                     "crm_report_view.xml"
22                  ],
23     "demo_xml" : [
24                     "crm_bugs_demo.xml",
25                     "crm_fund_demo.xml",
26                     "crm_jobs_demo.xml",
27                     "crm_meeting_demo.xml",
28                     "crm_lead_demo.xml",
29                     "crm_opportunity_demo.xml",                    
30                   ],
31     "update_xml" : [
32                     "crm_bugs_data.xml",  
33                     "crm_fund_data.xml",                  
34                     "crm_jobs_data.xml",
35                     "crm_meeting_data.xml",
36                     "crm_lead_data.xml",
37                     "crm_opportunity_data.xml",
38                     "crm_bugs_menu.xml", "crm_fund_menu.xml",
39                     "crm_jobs_menu.xml", "crm_opportunity_menu.xml",
40                     "crm_helpdesk_menu.xml", "crm_lead_menu.xml",
41                     "crm_meeting_menu.xml",
42                     "security/ir.model.access.csv",
43                     "process/crm_configuration_process.xml",
44                     ],
45     "active": False,
46     "installable": True
47 }
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