[BUG-FIX] lp:689284
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / crm / crm_opportunity_view.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
5     <record id="crm_opportunity_stage_act" model="ir.actions.act_window">
6         <field name="name">Stages</field>
7         <field name="res_model">crm.case.stage</field>
8         <field name="view_type">form</field>
9         <field name="view_id" ref="crm.crm_case_stage_tree"/>
10         <field name="domain">[('type', '=', 'opportunity')]</field>
11         <field name="context">{'type':'opportunity'}</field>
12         <field name="help">Create specific stages that will help your sales better organise their sales pipeline by maintaining them to their sales opportunities. It will allow them to easily track how is positioned a specific opportunity in the sales cycle.</field>
13     </record>
15      <menuitem action="crm_opportunity_stage_act" id="menu_crm_opportunity_stage_act" name="Stages"
16         groups="base.group_extended" sequence="0"
17         parent="base.menu_crm_config_opportunity" />
19         <!-- Opportunities Form View -->
20             <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_form_view_oppor">
21                 <field name="name">Opportunities</field>
22                 <field name="model">crm.lead</field>
23                 <field name="type">form</field>
24                 <field name="priority">10</field>
25                 <field name="arch" type="xml">
26                     <form string="Opportunities">
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28                             <field name="name"  required="1" string="Opportunity"/>
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31                                 <field name="stage_id" nolabel="1"
32                                     on_change="onchange_stage_id(stage_id)"
33                                     domain="[('type','=','opportunity'),('section_ids', '=', section_id)]"/>
34                                 <button name="stage_previous"
35                                     states="draft,open,pending" type="object"
36                                     icon="gtk-go-back" string="" />
37                                 <button name="stage_next" states="draft,open,pending"
38                                     type="object" icon="gtk-go-forward" string="" context="{'stage_type': 'opportunity'}"/>
39                             </group>
40                             <field name="user_id"/>
42                             <button string="Schedule/Log Call"
43                             name="%(opportunity2phonecall_act)d" icon="terp-call-start" type="action" groups="base.group_extended"/>
45                             <field name="planned_revenue"/>
46                             <field name="probability"/>
47                             <field name="date_deadline"/>
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50                             string="Schedule Meeting" icon="gtk-redo" />
51                             <newline/>
52                             <field name="date_action"/>
53                             <field name="title_action"/>
54                             <field name="priority" string="Priority"/>
55                             <newline/>
56                             <field name="type" invisible="1"/>
57                         </group>
58                         <notebook colspan="4">
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63                                     <field name="partner_id" select="1"
64                                         on_change="onchange_partner_id(partner_id, email_from)" string="Customer"
65                                         colspan="2" />
66                                     <button name="%(action_crm_lead2partner)d"
67                                         icon="terp-partner" type="action"
68                                         string="Create"
69                                         attrs="{'invisible':[('partner_id','!=',False)]}"/>
70                                 </group>
71                                 <field name="partner_address_id"
72                                     string="Contact"
73                                     on_change="onchange_partner_address_id(partner_address_id, email_from)"
74                                     colspan="1" />
75                                 <field name="email_from" string="Email" />
76                                 <field name="phone"/>
77                             </group>
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81                                 <field name="categ_id" select="1"
82                                 string="Category" widget="selection"
83                                 domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.lead')]" />
84                             </group>
86                             <separator colspan="4" string="Details"/>
87                             <field name="description" nolabel="1" colspan="4"/>
89                             <separator colspan="4"/>
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92                                 <button name="case_cancel" string="Cancel"
93                                     states="draft" type="object"
94                                     icon="gtk-cancel" />
95                                 <button name="case_mark_lost" string="Mark Lost"
96                                     states="open,pending" type="object"
97                                     icon="gtk-cancel" />
98                                 <button name="case_reset" string="Reset to Draft"
99                                     states="done,cancel" type="object"
100                                     icon="gtk-convert" />
101                                 <button name="case_open" string="Open"
102                                     states="draft,pending" type="object"
103                                     icon="gtk-go-forward" />
104                                 <button name="case_pending" string="Pending"
105                                     states="draft,open" type="object"
106                                     icon="gtk-media-pause" />
107                                 <button name="case_escalate" string="Escalate"
108                                     states="open,pending" type="object"
109                                     groups="base.group_extended"
110                                     icon="gtk-go-up" />
111                                 <button name="case_close" string="Mark Won"
112                                     states="open,pending" type="object"
113                                     icon="gtk-apply" />
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120                                 <newline/>
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122                                 <field name="function" />
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124                                 <field name="street2" colspan="4"/>
125                                 <field name="zip"/>
126                                 <field name="city"/>
127                                 <field name="country_id"/>
128                                 <field name="state_id"/>
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130                             <group colspan="2" col="2">
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133                                 <field name="mobile"/>
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135                             <group colspan="2" col="2">
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138                                 <field name="channel_id" widget="selection"/>
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140                             <group colspan="2" col="2">
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143                                 <field name="optout"/>
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153                                     <field name="display_text" string="History Information"/>
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155                                     <button
156                                         string="Reply" attrs="{'invisible': [('history', '!=', True)]}"
157                                         name="%(crm.action_crm_send_mail)d"
158                                         context="{'mail':'reply', 'model': 'crm.lead', 'include_original' : True}"
159                                         icon="terp-mail-replied" type="action" />
160                                 </tree>
161                                 <form string="History">
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164                                         <field name="date"/>
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166                                         <field name="email_cc" size="512"/>
167                                         <field name="name" colspan="4"/>
168                                         <field name="history" invisible="1"/>
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170                                     <notebook colspan="4">
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173                                                 <field name="description" colspan="4" nolabel="1" height="250"/>
174                                                 <button colspan="4"
175                                                     string="Reply"
176                                                     name="%(crm.action_crm_send_mail)d"
177                                                     context="{'mail':'reply', 'model': 'crm.lead', 'include_original' : True}"
178                                                     icon="terp-mail-replied" type="action" />
179                                             </group>
180                                             <group attrs="{'invisible': [('history', '=', True)]}">
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186                                         </page>
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189                             </field>
190                             <button string="Add Internal Note"
191                                 name="%(crm.action_crm_add_note)d"
192                                 context="{'model': 'crm.lead' }"
193                                 icon="terp-document-new" type="action" />
194                             <button string="Send New Email"
195                                 name="%(crm.action_crm_send_mail)d"
196                                 context="{'mail':'new', 'model': 'crm.lead'}"
197                                 icon="terp-mail-message-new" type="action" />
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202                                 <field name="create_date"/>
203                                 <field name="write_date"/>
204                                 <field name="date_closed"/>
205                                 <field name="date_open"/>
206                             </group>
207                             <group col="2" colspan="2">
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211                                 <field name="day_close"/>
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220                 </field>
221             </record>
223         <!-- Opportunities Tree View -->
225             <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_tree_view_oppor">
226                 <field name="name">Opportunities Tree</field>
227                 <field name="model">crm.lead</field>
228                 <field name="type">tree</field>
229                 <field name="arch" type="xml">
230                     <tree string="Opportunities" colors="blue:state=='pending' and not(date_deadline and (date_deadline &lt; current_date));gray:state in ('cancel', 'done');red:date_deadline and (date_deadline &lt; current_date)">
231                         <field name="date_deadline" invisible="1"/>
232                         <field name="create_date"/>
233                         <field name="name" string="Opportunity"/>
234                         <field name="partner_id" string="Customer"/>
235                         <field name="country_id" invisible="context.get('invisible_country', True)" />
236                         <field name="date_action"/>
237                         <field name="title_action" />
238                         <field name="stage_id"/>
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240                         <field name="type_id" invisible="1"/>
241                         <button name="stage_previous" string="Previous Stage"
242                             states="open,pending" type="object" icon="gtk-go-back" />
243                         <button name="stage_next" string="Next Stage"
244                             states="open,pending" type="object"
245                             icon="gtk-go-forward" />
246                         <field name="planned_revenue" sum="Expected Revenues"/>
247                         <field name="probability" widget="progressbar" avg="Avg. of Probability"/>
248                         <field name="section_id"
249                             invisible="context.get('invisible_section', True)" />
250                         <field name="user_id"/>
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252                         <field name="categ_id" invisible="1"/>
253                         <field name="state"/>
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255                             states="draft,pending" type="object"
256                             icon="gtk-go-forward" />
257                         <button name="case_pending" string="Pending"
258                             states="open,draft" type="object"
259                             icon="gtk-media-pause" />
260                         <button name="case_close" string="Won"
261                             states="open,draft,pending" type="object"
262                             icon="gtk-apply" />
263                     </tree>
264                 </field>
265             </record>
267         <!-- Opportunities Graph View -->
269             <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_graph_view_opportunity">
270                 <field name="name">CRM - Opportunity Graph</field>
271                 <field name="model">crm.lead</field>
272                 <field name="type">graph</field>
273                 <field name="arch" type="xml">
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277                         <field name="state" group="True"/>
278                     </graph>
279                 </field>
280             </record>
282         <!-- Opportunities Search View -->
284             <record id="view_crm_case_opportunities_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
285                 <field name="name">CRM - Opportunities Search</field>
286                 <field name="model">crm.lead</field>
287                 <field name="type">search</field>
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291                             string="Current"  help="Draft and Open Opportunities"
292                             name="current"
293                             domain="[('state','in',('draft','open'))]"/>
294                         <filter icon="terp-camera_test"
295                             string="Open"  help="Open Opportunities"
296                             domain="[('state','=','open')]"/>
297                         <filter icon="terp-gtk-media-pause"
298                             string="Pending"  help="Pending Opportunities"
299                             domain="[('state','=','pending')]"/>
300                         <separator orientation="vertical"/>
301                         <field name="name" string="Opportunity"/>
302                         <field name="partner_id" string="Customer"/>
303                         <field name="user_id">
304                             <filter icon="terp-personal-"
305                                 domain="[('user_id','=', False)]"
306                                 help="Unassigned Opportunities" />
307                         </field>
308                         <field name="section_id"
309                             context="{'invisible_section': False}"
310                             widget="selection">
311                             <filter icon="terp-personal+" groups="base.group_extended"
312                                 domain="['|', ('section_id', '=', context.get('section_id')), '|', ('section_id.user_id','=',uid), ('section_id.member_ids', 'in', [uid])]"
313                                 context="{'invisible_section': False}"
314                                 help="My Sales Team(s)" />
315                             <filter icon="terp-personal+" groups="base.group_extended"
316                                 context="{'invisible_section': False}"
317                                 domain="[]"
318                                 help="Show Sales Team"/>
319                         </field>
320                         <newline/>
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322                               <field name="stage_id" widget="selection" domain="[('type', '=', 'opportunity')]"/>
323                               <field name="categ_id" widget="selection" domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.lead')]"/>
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326                                   <filter icon="terp-personal+" context="{'invisible_country': False}" help="Show countries"/>
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333                               <field name="create_date" string="Creation Date"/>
334                               <field name="date_closed"/>
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336                         <newline/>
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339                                 domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'user_id'}" />
340                             <filter string="Team" help="Sales Team" icon="terp-personal+" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'section_id'}"/>
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343                                 context="{'group_by':'stage_id'}" />
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345                                 context="{'group_by':'priority'}" />
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347                                 domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'categ_id'}" />
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351                                 domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'channel_id'}" />
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356                             <filter string="Exp.Closing"
357                                 icon="terp-go-month"
358                                 help="Expected Closing" domain="[]"
359                                 context="{'group_by':'date_deadline'}" />
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361                     </search>
362                 </field>
363             </record>
366         <!-- Opportunities Graph View -->
368             <record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_graph_view_opportunity">
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378                 </field>
379             </record>
381 </data>
382 </openerp>