[FIX] website_sale: mycart when the user haven't sale order
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / base_setup / res_config_view.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
5         <record id="view_general_configuration" model="ir.ui.view">
6             <field name="name">General Settings</field>
7             <field name="model">base.config.settings</field>
8             <field name="arch" type="xml">
9                 <form string="General Settings" version="7.0" class="oe_form_configuration">
10                     <header>
11                         <button string="Apply" type="object" name="execute" class="oe_highlight"/>
12                         or
13                         <button string="Cancel" type="object" name="cancel" class="oe_link"/>
14                     </header>
15                     <separator string="General Settings"/>
16                     <div>
17                         <p>
18                             <label string="You will find more options in your company details: address for the header and footer, overdue payments texts, etc."/>
19                             <button type="object" name="open_company" string="Configure your company data" icon="gtk-execute" class="oe_inline oe_link"/>
20                         </p>
21                     </div>
22                     <group>
23                         <label for="id" string="Options"/>
24                         <div>
25                             <div name="multi_company">
26                                 <field name="module_multi_company" class="oe_inline"/>
27                                 <label for="module_multi_company"/>
28                             </div>
29                         </div>
30                     </group>
31                     <group>
32                         <label for="id" string="Email"/>
33                         <div name="email">
34                             <div name="email.outgoing_server">
35                                 <button type="action"
36                                     name="%(base.action_ir_mail_server_list)d"
37                                     string="Configure outgoing email servers" class="oe_link"/>
38                             </div>
39                         </div>
40                     </group>
41                     <group>
42                         <label for="id" string="Portal access"/>
43                         <div>
44                             <div>
45                                 <field name="module_portal" class="oe_inline"/>
46                                 <label for="module_portal"/>
47                                 <p attrs="{'invisible': [('module_portal_anonymous','=',False)]}">
48                                     When you send a document to a customer
49                                     (quotation, invoice), your customer will be
50                                     able to signup to get all his documents,
51                                     read your company news, check his projects,
52                                     etc.
53                                 </p>
54                             </div>
55                             <div>
56                                 <field name="module_portal_anonymous" class="oe_inline"/>
57                                 <label for="module_portal_anonymous"/> <span class="oe_grey">(company news, jobs, contact form, etc.)</span>
58                                 <p attrs="{'invisible': [('module_portal_anonymous','=',False)]}">
59                                     The public portal is accessible only if you are in a single database mode. You can
60                                     launch the OpenERP Server with the option <b>--db-filter=YOUR_DATABAE</b> to do so.
61                                     Once activated, the login page will be replaced by the public website.
62                                 </p>
63                             </div>
64                         </div>
65                     </group>
66                     <group>
67                         <label for="id" string="Authentication"/>
68                         <div>
69                             <div>
70                                 <field name="module_auth_oauth" class="oe_inline"/>
71                                 <label for="module_auth_oauth"/>
72                             </div>
73                         </div>
74                     </group>
75                     <group>
76                         <label for="id" string="Import / Export"/>
77                         <div>
78                             <div>
79                                 <field name="module_base_import" class="oe_inline"/>
80                                 <label for="module_base_import"/>
81                             </div>
82                         </div>
83                     </group>
84                     <group>
85                         <label for="id" string="Google Drive"/>
86                         <div name="google_drive">
87                             <div name="module_google_drive">
88                                 <field name="module_google_drive" class="oe_inline"/>
89                                 <label for="module_google_drive"/>
90                             </div>
91                         </div>
92                     </group>
93                     <group>
94                         <label for="font" />
95                         <div>
96                             <div>
97                                 <field name="font" class="oe_inline"/>
98                                 <button string="(reload fonts)" name="act_discover_fonts" type="object" class="oe_link"/>
99                             </div>
100                         </div>
101                     </group>
102                 </form>
103             </field>
104         </record>
106         <record id="action_general_configuration" model="ir.actions.act_window">
107             <field name="name">General Settings</field>
108             <field name="res_model">base.config.settings</field>
109             <field name="view_mode">form</field>
110             <field name="target">inline</field>
111         </record>
112         <menuitem id="menu_general_configuration" parent="base.menu_config"
113             sequence="100" action="action_general_configuration"/>
115         <!-- Sale config wizard -->
116         <record id="view_sale_config_settings" model="ir.ui.view">
117             <field name="name">sale settings</field>
118             <field name="model">sale.config.settings</field>
119             <field name="arch" type="xml">
120                 <form string="Configure Sales" version="7.0" class="oe_form_configuration">
121                     <header>
122                         <button string="Apply" type="object" name="execute" class="oe_highlight"/>
123                         or
124                         <button string="Cancel" type="object" name="cancel" class="oe_link"/>
125                     </header>
126                     <div name="linkedin">
127                         <separator string="Social Network Integration"/>
128                         <group name="LinkedIn">
129                             <label for="id" string="Contacts"/>
130                             <div name="LinkedIn">
131                                 <div name="module_web_linkedin" class="oe_inline">
132                                     <field name="module_web_linkedin"/>
133                                     <label for="module_web_linkedin"/>
134                                 </div>
135                                 <div>
136                                     <field name="module_mass_mailing" class="oe_inline"/>
137                                     <label for="module_mass_mailing"/>
138                                 </div>
139                             </div>
140                         </group>
141                     </div>
142                     <div name="customer feature" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_sale','=',False)]}">
143                         <field name="module_sale" invisible="1"/>
144                         <separator string="Quotations and Sales Orders"/>
145                         <group name="Customer">
146                             <label for="id" string="Customer Features"/>
147                             <div name="Customer Features"/>
148                         </group>
149                         <group name="Sale">
150                             <label for="id" string="Sale Features"/>
151                             <div name="Sale Features"/>
152                         </group>
153                     </div>
154                     <div name="config_sale">
155                         <field name="module_crm" invisible="1"/>
156                         <separator string="Emails Integration" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_crm','=',False)]}"/>
157                         <p attrs="{'invisible': [('module_crm','=',False)]}">
158                             OpenERP allows to automatically create leads (or others documents)
159                             from incoming emails. You can automatically synchronize emails with OpenERP
160                             using regular POP/IMAP accounts, using a direct email integration script for your
161                             email server, or by manually pushing emails to OpenERP using specific
162                             plugins for your preferred email application.
163                         </p>
164                         <group name="On Mail Client" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_crm','=',False)]}">
165                             <label for="id" string="On Mail Client"/>
166                             <div>
167                                 <div name="module_plugin_thunderbird" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_crm','=',False)]}" class="oe_inline">
168                                     <field name="module_plugin_thunderbird"/>
169                                     <label for="module_plugin_thunderbird"/>
170                                 </div>
171                                 <div name="module_plugin_outlook" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_crm','=',False)]}">
172                                     <field name="module_plugin_outlook" class="oe_inline"/>
173                                     <label for="module_plugin_outlook"/>
174                                 </div>
175                             </div>
176                         </group>
177                     </div>
178                     <div name="config_other"/>
179                 </form>
180             </field>
181         </record>
183         <record id="action_sale_config" model="ir.actions.act_window">
184             <field name="name">Configure Sales</field>
185             <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
186             <field name="res_model">sale.config.settings</field>
187             <field name="view_id" ref="view_sale_config_settings"/>
188             <field name="view_mode">form</field>
189             <field name="target">inline</field>
190         </record>
192     </data>
193 </openerp>