[ADD] base_action_rule: new module to define diffrent actions for any objects
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / base_action_rule / base_action_rule_view.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <openerp>
3     <data>
4         <menuitem id="menu_base_action_rule" name="Action Rule" parent="base.menu_base_config" sequence="0"/>
6                 <!-- 
7                         Action Rule 
8                 -->
9                 <record id="view_base_action_rule_form" model="ir.ui.view">
10                         <field name="name">base.action.rule.form</field>
11             <field name="model">base.action.rule</field>
12             <field name="type">form</field>
13             <field name="arch" type="xml">
14                 <form string="Action Rule">
15                         <field name="name"/>
16                     <field name="active"/>
17                         <field name="max_level" />
18                     <separator colspan="4" string="Rule lines"/>
19                         <field name="rule_lines" colspan="4" nolabel="1"/>                      
20                 </form>
21             </field>
22                 </record>
24                 <record id="view_base_action_rule_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
25                         <field name="name">base.action.rule.tree</field>
26             <field name="model">base.action.rule</field>
27             <field name="type">tree</field>
28             <field name="arch" type="xml">
29                 <tree string="Action Rule">
30                         <field name="name"/>
31                         <field name="max_level"/>                       
32                 </tree>
33             </field>
34                 </record>
36                 <record id="base_action_rule_act" model="ir.actions.act_window">
37             <field name="name">Action Rules</field>
38             <field name="res_model">base.action.rule</field>
39             <field name="view_type">form</field>
40             <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
41             <field name="view_id" ref="view_base_action_rule_tree"/>
42         </record>
43         <menuitem id="menu_base_action_rule_form" parent="menu_base_action_rule" action="base_action_rule_act"/>
45         <!-- 
46                 Action Rule Lines 
47         -->
48         <record id="view_base_action_rule_line_form" model="ir.ui.view">
49             <field name="name">base.action.rule.line.form</field>
50             <field name="model">base.action.rule.line</field>
51             <field name="type">form</field>
52             <field name="arch" type="xml">
53                 <form string="Action Rule Line">
54                     <field name="name" select="1"/>
55                     <field name="active" select="2"/>
56                     <notebook colspan="4">
57                         <page string="Conditions">                            
58                             <separator colspan="4" string="Conditions on Model Fields"/>
59                             <field name="regex_name" string="Regex on Model Name" colspan="2"/>
60                             <field name="trg_user_id" select="2"/>
61                             <separator colspan="4" string="Conditions on Model Partner"/>
62                             <field name="trg_partner_id"/>
63                             <field name="trg_partner_categ_id"/>
64                             <separator colspan="4" string="Conditions on States"/>
65                             <field name="trg_state_from" select="2"/>
66                             <field name="trg_state_to" select="2"/>
67                             <separator colspan="4" string="Conditions on Priority Range"/>
68                             <field name="trg_priority_from"/>
69                             <field name="trg_priority_to"/>
70                             <separator colspan="4" string="Conditions on Timing"/>
71                             <field name="trg_date_type"/>
72                             <label align="1.0" string="Delay After Trigger Date:"/>
73                             <group col="2" colspan="1">
74                                 <field name="trg_date_range" nolabel="1"/>
75                                 <field name="trg_date_range_type" nolabel="1"/>
76                             </group>
77                             <separator colspan="4" string="Note"/>
78                             <label align="0.0" string="The rule use a AND operator. The model must match all non empty fields so that the rule execute the action described in the 'Actions' tab." colspan="4"/>
79                         </page>
80                         <page string="Actions">
81                             <separator colspan="4" string="Fields to Change"/>
82                             <field name="act_user_id"/>  
83                             <field name="act_state"/>
84                             <field name="act_priority"/>                          
85                             <separator colspan="4" string="E-Mail Reminders (includes the content of the object)"/>
86                             <field name="act_remind_partner"/>
87                             <field name="act_remind_attach"/>
88                             <field name="act_remind_user"/>
89                             <group col="2" colspan="2" attrs="{'invisible': [('act_remind_user','=',False)]}">
90                                 <field name="act_reply_to" attrs="{'required':[('act_remind_user','=',True)]}"/>
91                             </group>
92                             <field colspan="4" name="act_email_cc"/>
93                             <separator colspan="4" string="Server Action to be Triggered"/>
94                             <field name="server_action_id"/>
95                         </page>
96                         <page string="E-Mail Actions">
97                             <separator colspan="4" string="Template of Email to Send"/>
98                             <field name="act_mail_to_user"/>                            
99                             <field name="act_mail_to_watchers"/>
100                             <field colspan="4" name="act_mail_to_email"/>
101                             <field colspan="4" name="act_mail_body" attrs="{'required':[('act_remind_user','=',True)]}"/>
102                             <separator colspan="4" string="Special Keywords to Be Used in The Body"/>
103                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_id)s = Object ID" colspan="2"/>
104                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_subject)s = Object subject" colspan="2"/>
105                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_description)s = Object description" colspan="2"/>
106                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_date)s = Creation date" colspan="2"/>                            
107                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(partner)s = Partner name" colspan="2"/>
108                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(partner_email)s = Partner email" colspan="2"/>
109                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_user)s = Responsible name" colspan="2"/>
110                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_user_email)s = Responsible email" colspan="2"/>
111                             <label align="0.0" string="%%(object_user_phone)s = Responsible phone" colspan="2"/>
112                             <label align="0.0" string="%% = The &apos;%%&apos; Character" colspan="2"/>
113                         </page>
114                     </notebook>
115                 </form>
116             </field>
117         </record>
118         <record id="view_base_action_rule_line_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
119             <field name="name">base.action.rule.line.tree</field>
120             <field name="model">base.action.rule.line</field>
121             <field name="type">tree</field>
122             <field name="arch" type="xml">
123                 <tree string="Action Rule Lines">
124                     <field name="name"/>
125                     <field name="active"/>
126                 </tree>
127             </field>
128         </record>      
129     </data>
130 </openerp>