[IMP] account:improved view of dashboard and remove unnecessary code
[odoo/odoo.git] / addons / account / report / account_invoice_report.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 ##############################################################################
3 #
4 #    OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
5 #    Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
6 #
7 #    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 #    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
9 #    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
10 #    License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 #
12 #    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 #    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 #    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
16 #
17 #    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
18 #    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 #
20 ##############################################################################
22 import tools
23 from osv import fields,osv
25 class account_invoice_report(osv.osv):
26     _name = "account.invoice.report"
27     _description = "Invoices Statistics"
28     _auto = False
29     _rec_name = 'date'
30     _columns = {
31         'date': fields.date('Date', readonly=True),
32         'year': fields.char('Year', size=4, readonly=True),
33         'day': fields.char('Day', size=128, readonly=True),
34         'month': fields.selection([('01','January'), ('02','February'), ('03','March'), ('04','April'),
35             ('05','May'), ('06','June'), ('07','July'), ('08','August'), ('09','September'),
36             ('10','October'), ('11','November'), ('12','December')], 'Month', readonly=True),
37         'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', readonly=True),
38         'product_qty':fields.float('Qty', readonly=True),
39         'uom_name': fields.char('Reference Unit of Measure', size=128, readonly=True),
40         'payment_term': fields.many2one('account.payment.term', 'Payment Term', readonly=True),
41         'period_id': fields.many2one('account.period', 'Force Period', domain=[('state','<>','done')], readonly=True),
42         'fiscal_position': fields.many2one('account.fiscal.position', 'Fiscal Position', readonly=True),
43         'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', readonly=True),
44         'categ_id': fields.many2one('product.category','Category of Product', readonly=True),
45         'journal_id': fields.many2one('account.journal', 'Journal', readonly=True),
46         'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', readonly=True),
47         'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', readonly=True),
48         'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Salesperson', readonly=True),
49         'price_total': fields.float('Total Without Tax', readonly=True),
50         'price_average': fields.float('Average Price', readonly=True, group_operator="avg"),
51         'currency_rate': fields.float('Currency Rate', readonly=True),
52         'nbr':fields.integer('# of Lines', readonly=True),
53         'type': fields.selection([
54             ('out_invoice','Customer Invoice'),
55             ('in_invoice','Supplier Invoice'),
56             ('out_refund','Customer Refund'),
57             ('in_refund','Supplier Refund'),
58             ],'Type', readonly=True),
59         'state': fields.selection([
60             ('draft','Draft'),
61             ('proforma','Pro-forma'),
62             ('proforma2','Pro-forma'),
63             ('open','Open'),
64             ('paid','Done'),
65             ('cancel','Cancelled')
66             ], 'Invoice State', readonly=True),
67         'date_due': fields.date('Due Date', readonly=True),
68         'account_id': fields.many2one('account.account', 'Account',readonly=True),
69         'account_line_id': fields.many2one('account.account', 'Account Line',readonly=True),
70         'partner_bank_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.bank', 'Bank Account',readonly=True),
71         'residual': fields.float('Total Residual', readonly=True),
72         'delay_to_pay': fields.float('Avg. Delay To Pay', readonly=True, group_operator="avg"),
73         'due_delay': fields.float('Avg. Due Delay', readonly=True, group_operator="avg"),
74     }
75     _order = 'date desc'
76     def init(self, cr):
77         tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'account_invoice_report')
78         cr.execute("""
79             create or replace view account_invoice_report as (
80                  select min(ail.id) as id,
81                     ai.date_invoice as date,
82                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'YYYY') as year,
83                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'MM') as month,
84                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as day,
85                     ail.product_id,
86                     ai.partner_id as partner_id,
87                     ai.payment_term as payment_term,
88                     ai.period_id as period_id,
89                     (case when u.uom_type not in ('reference') then
90                         (select name from product_uom where uom_type='reference' and active and category_id=u.category_id LIMIT 1)
91                     else
92                         u.name
93                     end) as uom_name,
94                     ai.currency_id as currency_id,
95                     ai.journal_id as journal_id,
96                     ai.fiscal_position as fiscal_position,
97                     ai.user_id as user_id,
98                     ai.company_id as company_id,
99                     count(ail.*) as nbr,
100                     ai.type as type,
101                     ai.state,
102                     pt.categ_id,
103                     ai.date_due as date_due,
104                     ai.account_id as account_id,
105                     ail.account_id as account_line_id,
106                     ai.partner_bank_id as partner_bank_id,
107                     sum(case when ai.type in ('out_refund','in_invoice') then
108                          -ail.quantity / u.factor
109                         else
110                          ail.quantity / u.factor
111                         end) as product_qty,
113                     sum(case when ai.type in ('out_refund','in_invoice') then
114                          -ail.price_subtotal
115                         else
116                           ail.price_subtotal
117                         end) / cr.rate as price_total,
119                     (case when ai.type in ('out_refund','in_invoice') then
120                       sum(-ail.price_subtotal)
121                     else
122                       sum(ail.price_subtotal)
123                     end) / (CASE WHEN sum(ail.quantity/u.factor) <> 0
124                        THEN
125                          (case when ai.type in ('out_refund','in_invoice')
126                           then sum(-ail.quantity/u.factor)
127                           else sum(ail.quantity/u.factor) end)
128                        ELSE 1
129                        END)
130                      / cr.rate as price_average,
132                     cr.rate as currency_rate,
133                     sum((select extract(epoch from avg(date_trunc('day',aml.date_created)-date_trunc('day',l.create_date)))/(24*60*60)::decimal(16,2)
134                         from account_move_line as aml
135                         left join account_invoice as a ON (a.move_id=aml.move_id)
136                         left join account_invoice_line as l ON (a.id=l.invoice_id)
137                         where a.id=ai.id)) as delay_to_pay,
138                     sum((select extract(epoch from avg(date_trunc('day',a.date_due)-date_trunc('day',a.date_invoice)))/(24*60*60)::decimal(16,2)
139                         from account_move_line as aml
140                         left join account_invoice as a ON (a.move_id=aml.move_id)
141                         left join account_invoice_line as l ON (a.id=l.invoice_id)
142                         where a.id=ai.id)) as due_delay,
143                     (case when ai.type in ('out_refund','in_invoice') then
144                       -ai.residual
145                     else
146                       ai.residual
147                     end)/ (CASE WHEN
148                         (select count(l.id) from account_invoice_line as l
149                          left join account_invoice as a ON (a.id=l.invoice_id)
150                          where a.id=ai.id) <> 0
151                        THEN
152                         (select count(l.id) from account_invoice_line as l
153                          left join account_invoice as a ON (a.id=l.invoice_id)
154                          where a.id=ai.id)
155                        ELSE 1
156                        END) / cr.rate as residual
157                 from account_invoice_line as ail
158                 left join account_invoice as ai ON (ai.id=ail.invoice_id)
159                 left join product_product pr on (pr.id=ail.product_id)
160                 left join product_template pt on (pt.id=pr.product_tmpl_id)
161                 left join product_uom u on (u.id=ail.uos_id),
162                 res_currency_rate cr
163                 where cr.id in (select id from res_currency_rate cr2  where (cr2.currency_id = ai.currency_id)
164                 and ((ai.date_invoice is not null and cr.name <= ai.date_invoice) or (ai.date_invoice is null and cr.name <= NOW())) limit 1)
165                 group by ail.product_id,
166                     ai.date_invoice,
167                     ai.id,
168                     cr.rate,
169                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'YYYY'),
170                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'MM'),
171                     to_char(ai.date_invoice, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
172                     ai.partner_id,
173                     ai.payment_term,
174                     ai.period_id,
175                     u.name,
176                     ai.currency_id,
177                     ai.journal_id,
178                     ai.fiscal_position,
179                     ai.user_id,
180                     ai.company_id,
181                     ai.type,
182                     ai.state,
183                     pt.categ_id,
184                     ai.date_due,
185                     ai.account_id,
186                     ail.account_id,
187                     ai.partner_bank_id,
188                     ai.residual,
189                     ai.amount_total,
190                     u.uom_type,
191                     u.category_id
192             )
193         """)
195 account_invoice_report()
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